Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2667: Crossing the void

Both the Wu and the Terran are the most important families in the virtual world. Generally speaking, like the tigers in the mountains, the Wu and the Terrans also have their own ruling areas, which are relatively far apart.

Sun Hao, with four spirits and a small fire, in the innocent void, has no time, no space, and keeps jumping forward, not knowing how long it has passed.

Along the way, the team encountered a variety of breathtaking virtual scenes, and encountered more than one danger.

For example, the Netherstorm, once, the team broke down, and instantly fell into a large explosion, endless flames, endless thunder, endless meteorites, raging in the void, shuttle, collision, explosion, and A variety of bizarre, powerful ray waves.

If the end of the world.

This is the Netherstorm. In the thunderstorm, the four great arrays are faltering. Sun Hao is in the middle and has to go all out. This is to rely on the power of his great achievements to stabilize his position.

In the Netherstorm, all kinds of energy are overflowing, and all kinds of space are chaotic. The monks fall into it, and they can't find the direction at all. They can only follow the one-page boat of the big wave head and follow the tide.

Sun Hao took the team to a variety of tests. I don't know how long it took. This was slowly being blown to the border by the Netherstorm, but I still don't know how long it will take to find the next direction.

At this time, the small fire once again showed the power, a small mouth, and unreasonable, swallowed up the emptiness of the surrounding emptiness, and Sun Hao finally took the opportunity to find the void passage, breaking out from the endless storm. Get out of it.

I also encountered a void ochre layer. Once, Sun Hao took the team to the wall and smashed it into a piece of moving rock. Attributes.

Some meteorites, with flaming flames, extremely high temperatures, some meteorites, covered with ice, yin and forceful, and some meteorites, very fast, and with a golden awning... in this meteorite Among the belts, the four giant arrays have withstood a huge test. If they fail, there will be a huge meteorite that will come unexpectedly and crash into the battle.

The huge impact force makes the four spirits and Sun Hao uncomfortable. They are repaired into a slightly weaker Zhu Pang. Sometimes, they will be hit by blood and blood. Zhu Pang is also serving these crazy brothers and sisters. This kind of void crosses, if the brother and sister must insist, he ran back to accompany the woman and slept.

However, there is Zhu Ling’s violence. Although Zhu Pang complained of bitterness, he also had to fight hard and give up his life to accompany his brother.

In the meteorite belt, I don’t know how many years have been drifting, so I found a slightly comfortable place and re-destroyed.

When I broke down, I encountered many different general void traps on the road. Once, everyone broke down and slammed into a black hole. When I came back, I suddenly found myself and others. Already accidentally, I got into the giant mouth of a virtual monster.

This void behemoth lies in the void, open his mouth, swallowing the stars and stones in the past, and within the huge mouth, it is a void.

Everyone has gotten into it, and it has become a real little point. For the virtual behemoth, it is not enough.

In this huge and unrecognized monster, the four great arrays of Sun Hao and the Four Spirits have encountered different tests.

The hollow beast's digestive system is extremely powerful, and the powerful corrosive gas can grind off a piece of meteorite. After the four giants enter, they are immediately wrapped up and eroded and squeezed in all directions.

Four spirits fought and struggled. Finally, with the help of Sun Hao, they continued to fly forward along the digestive system of the Void Beast. I don’t know how long it flew, and it was like a hard wall of the mountain.

Sun Hao stood up with Shen Xiangjian, with four spirits, a sword smashed through the sky, broke through the flesh wall, and broke out from the tail of the Void Beast.

The huge behemoth is still lazily squatting in the air, and there is no concern for this little harm on the body.

After Sun Hao took everyone out, he seriously looked at the empty behemoth, and suddenly he couldn't help but find out that this is really a big pig, a hollow pig, and it looks like it is still a mother.

No wonder so lazy, I ate everyone, spit it out, still screaming and sleeping, it turned out to be a pig.

Zhang Wenmin, who rarely talked, said slowly: "Xiao Pang, this empty sky pig, just can deserve to be worthy of you, or else, take it back to be a wife?"

Zhu Pang was also eager to try, but after a long time, he sighed in his mouth: "Rely, if this big guy goes back, as long as one, I will have it, or else, we slaughtered it, take some baby?" ”

In the end, Sun Hao slowly shook his head and said in his mouth: "Forget it, the empty sky pig does not hurt us at all. From beginning to end, we are all dealing with him, and, according to the experience of the Buddha, a certain meaning. In the end, this empty sky pig is equivalent to our mother, go, don't hurt him."

After Sun Hao finished, several of his companions sighed together, and the small fire whispered: "Brother, how did the pig become a mother?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "In that year, the Buddha was trained to be a six-gold body and returned to Lingshan. On the road, he met a ferocious peacock. He was swallowed by a bite. The Buddha broke open the peacock's back and came out, ready to destroy the peacock. People persuaded that the peacock was equivalent to his mother. Later, the Buddha sealed the peacock as the Buddha and guarded the Lingshan."

The small fire sighed and said in the mouth: "Do we also seal this empty sky pig as a pig mother, and grab back to guard what?"

Sun Hao laughed happily: "This depends on Xiao Pang's need. If Xiao Pang needs it, grab it back and take it as a lady!"

Zhu Pang’s head shook like a rattle: “Don’t be too big, too big, I can’t get through the whole person, I don’t feel it at all, I’m gone...”

Zhu Ling swept his leg again, and everyone laughed and shook again.

Traveling in the void is really a very strange experience, and all kinds of traps are endless.

The four spirits are very sighed. If there is Sun Hao, the Mahayana master, personally guarding, the power of their four spirits has long been known how many times they have been destroyed by the void.

In this kind of ruin, the four spirits fully perceive the existence of the third layer of ruin. When the team reaches a certain level of emptiness, the difficulty of breaking the vain suddenly increases, and the team seems to be fixed in one. In the special space, even if Zhu Pang made the power to eat milk, he couldn't be beaten and smashed, and he couldn't break the void. The four spirits were greatly surprised, I don't know why. Sun Hao explained the existence of this phenomenon with a smile, saying: "Everyone continues to work hard. We should have arrived in a brand new area. You can think of the Terran and the Witch as two tigers, each with its own ruling area. The nature of each area is also different. Now, we should be at the critical point of the region, and the difficulty of breaking the gap is much larger."

The true strength of the four spirits is the power of the first level of emptiness, that is, the ability to break through the constraints of the mainland and rush to the level of the void.

With the help of Sun Hao, the Four Spirits sensed in advance and achieved the second level of breaking power of the fireball attraction.

Now, the power of the third level of ruin has finally surpassed the limits of the four spirits, and has worked hard for several times and is still being bounced back.

Sun Hao decisively shot, the stick of the sky, smashed the void, with the team, really rushed into the void of the witch.

After coming over, Sun Hao’s body suddenly felt a completely different feeling, like his own blood, looming up and rising into an infinite fighting spirit, belonging to the will of the sorcerer, and began to wake up.

I feel the blood of the Witch.

Moreover, almost at the same time, in the void, the inductive force in the blood began to appear, as if guiding itself in front, like a void mark, hanging a bright light in front of itself.

This is the symbolic role of the Witch's unique void travel, directly guided by blood.

As long as the Witch monk with a blood level reaches a certain height, he can sense this kind of void call.

In Sun Hao’s body, it is the blood of the great witches. According to the ancestral witch, the real combat power of the great witches in the ancient witch warriors can be as high as the top five, which is the real noble blood.

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