Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2670: Mahayana

According to legend, the new ancestral sorcerer especially took the yak leather drum, the war of the Yellow Emperor, after the defeat, retreat from the void, the great wrath of the sky and anger to kill the void, the war of the Yellow Emperor, was broken, still fighting, and finally forced the Yellow Emperor to retreat It has won valuable living space for the witches.

Among the literary classics of the past dynasties, the criminal days of fighting the earth and breaking the head are the real gods of the witches.

Even in ancient times, the powerful fighting ability of the Great Witch Day is enough to rival the Terran Emperor. They are all powerful witch warriors. In the legend, even the Terran monks have a sense of fighting spirit, and they will be sealed. For the Terran God of War.

This is the symbol of the day of punishment, the symbol of the brave soldiers of the later generations, and the **** of battle that never fails.

Originally, I was shocked by the vision of the Wu Temple and the pillar of God of War. Now I see the ancestors of the ancestors coming to the world. Suddenly, the Witch monks who are full of enthusiasm are enthusiastic, bow down to the ground and shout loudly: "Zhu Wu, Zu Wu Witch, witch... oh, hey, hey..."

A wave of sound waves spread from the Wu Temple to the distance.

In the Xianshan where the Wu Temple is located, more witch monks perceive the strange weather of the temple, and see the ancestral witches in the distance, seeing the golden light, not knowing what happened, and not screaming loudly. It’s up.

Above the Wu Temple, several witches with a wand, and a high-level wizard, looked at it and faced Sun Hao’s direction. He succumbed to his body and said in his mouth: “Welcome to the return of the witches, long live the ancestors... ”

Driven by the big wizards, the lower witch warriors shouted loudly: "Long live the ancestors, long live the ancestors..."

The voice of Zu Wu Hong Liang blew on Tianyu: "Everyone, Lang, the return of the witches today is the great joy of my witches. Regarding the status and position of the witches, the Wumiao will be announced on the day of the election. Now, why should you do it yourself? Let's go."

The witches are simple and direct.

After the ancestors said, the witches of the Witches should be arrogant, and they should continue to worship the pillars of God of War in accordance with their respective procedures.

Zu Wu smiled and said to Sun Hao: "Go, war witch, and advanced my Witch ancestral temple."

The temple of the ancestors, as always, reflects the architectural style of the witches.

Rough and atmospheric, simple and magnificent. Through some rows of sorcerer's temples, we come to a row of granite steps that are more than ten feet wide and extend upwards. Each step has a height of three or four feet, and there are thousands of floors, which are always high. The top of the mountain extends.

Ascend to the top of the mountain, the entrance is more than a hundred huge stone pillars rising from the inside, from the inside to the outside, divided into five layers, propped up the roof, on the tall roof, inlaid with huge gemstones, as if there are sun, moon and stars in circulation.

Zu Wu’s body has shrunk a lot, striding forward, striding into the temple of the ancestral temple, taking a few steps, striding across a span, and falling in the middle of the ancestral temple, a tall seat, In the face of Sun Hao sitting, the big finger pointed to the seat on the right side of the side: "War, you can sit down."

Sun Hao smiled and sat down, his body swayed and turned into a human body. Suddenly, in front of the tall ancestors, sitting on a huge throne, Sun Hao became a small point.

Zu Wu said with a smile: "There are several incarnations of the ancestors. Different people will call their different identities. You will return now, but you can call me a cold witch."

Sun Hao said slightly, and said in his mouth: "Okay, the great witch, the adults, I don't dare to neglect, not far away, from the human continent, I have finally seen the adults again, I don't know adults. I am coming, what advice?"

Zu Wu’s big head was a little bit, and his face showed a satisfied expression. He said in his mouth: “Call you over, the reason is that you are the blood of my war witch, you should return to my witches; second, if you get my witch The beliefs and recognition of the monks are not good for you. There are no disadvantages for you. Third, you and I are both Mahayana, and it is rare to have the same family. It is also possible to communicate with each other."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his mouth said: “Thank you for your ancestors’ ancestors, but I’m here to visit the Witch’s Holy Land and worship the Witch Temple and the Temple of the Ancestral Temple. However, there are also a few small goals to be realized. Adults pity one or two."

Zu Wuhaha laughed and said: "When we are talking about the witches, we have always been one, two, two. There are not so many gimmicks, no need for a set of ideas, what are the ideas and pursuits, you directly say, I can do When you arrive, you can’t blink, you can’t do it, and we can’t get a swollen face and fat.”

Sun Hao also laughed and said in his mouth: "If this is the case, then I will be welcome. Adults, I am coming here. I want to find a former friend. She is called Gerland, tens of thousands of years ago. From the imaginary, I don’t know if I can find it in the virtual witches. Second, I want to practice a kind of avenue in the Wolverine domain, and also ask the ancestors to complete."

The ancestral witch frowned deeply, and said in his mouth: "It may be quite troublesome to find someone. Our witches are doing things, and they are used to it. The things recorded are not completely complete, and you are at this time. It's not necessarily accurate, because the middle and the virtual, as well as when you cross the void, will cause a lot of time errors, and it's really hard to find the monk you said."

For a long time, Sun Hao really did not know whether Gellan was still alive. After the Witch Temple, Sun Hao had begun to feel, but unfortunately there was no income, that is to say, Gerland was not nearby.

Then, with the vastness of the Witchland, to find Gerland, it feels like a needle in a haystack.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao said: "In any case, give it a try. The adults can help me issue an order for the next one to try."

The witches are doing things very simply. The ancestors listened to Sun Hao and said something like this. "Oh, well, according to you, you both come over."

Inside the temple of the ancestors, the big sorcerer stood side by side, and glanced at the throne. He saw Sun Hao as a little bit, sitting on the first throne of his right hand, and the two great witches glanced at each other. .

The ancestors said loudly: "Hey, the witches came back this time, and they are looking for a friend named Gerlan. From the emptiness, the time is about 20,000 years. You send someone to look for it."

He stayed for a while, and said in his mouth: "Boss, a little problem, we will bring a group of monks from China in the next few years. For tens of thousands of years, I don’t know how many, and, adults. You know, apart from the Wu Temple, at least tens of thousands of tribes in our Witchland can recruit Zhongxu monks, and, for so long, fear..."

Zu Wu looks at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart was filled with helplessness, and his mouth said: “Try to find it, can you find it, look at luck, find it, it’s better than not looking.”

He nodded and said: "Oh, then I will give it a try."

Looking at the expression of this big wizard who disapproves, Sun Hao has already understood that he can't expect too much from this big wizard.

It seems that I have a little time in the future. I need to go to the various branches of the Wu people to see if I can sense the spirit of Gellan.

Geerlan’s body is always covered with layers of fog, and, for some reason, the closer he is to the witches, the more he feels instinct in Sun Hao’s heart. It is very important to find Gerland, but why is this? Feeling, Sun Hao can't say it.

Anyway, I have already arrived at the Witchland, and the Witch has no more ways, so I can only wait for the opportunity.

Think about the style of the virtual barbarian Sun Hao really feels that only to find it, only to rely on some.

After confessing to the ear, Zu Wu said aloud: "Accordingly, you are the great wizard who is in charge of the witch ceremony. Later, the status of the witch is the first witch under the ancestral witch. You can also call it the second ancestor. His sorting, that is, the first hand of the right hand, you remembered me, and announced the wizards of the witch temple."

According to the strange face on his face, he said loudly in his mouth: "Okay, follow the instructions of the adults. I will pass on the news and let every big wizard know the status of the witch. I will not sit in the future." Wrong position."

Sun Hao sat quietly on the throne, but his heart was a bit clear. Maybe in the future, there may be some stories in this sort.

After experiencing the sorting of the two races of the Terran and the Wuzu, Sun Hao’s heart has already vaguely raised a speculation that the Mahayana’s mind is afraid of being somewhat motivated.

They are very much looking forward to their return, hoping to be able to win over themselves as a powerful younger generation of races, but at the same time, they also give themselves some trials, either intentionally or unintentionally, or consciously or unintentionally suppress themselves, so that they can not stand up for the time being.

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