Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2691: Power is me

In the mountains, there is a looming log cabin, walking along the stone street of the log cabin, you can see a green lake with clear green water and clear water. A large green rock lies on the shore of the lake.

Sun Hao’s body was slightly embarrassed, and appeared silently from the air on the sky above Daqingyan. His eyes swept away, and the gods couldn’t help but stunned.

In the lake, there was a sweet and sweet song, and on the upper side of Daqingyan, a bunch of girls’ clothes were placed.

It may not be the time to come by yourself. Gerland is bathing.

Yes, this should be the secret of the witches. Under normal circumstances, there will be no male monks coming in. The witches will practice in them, and naturally they will be more casual.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao stood quietly on the green rock and looked at the small lake with his eyes.

There, I saw a little girl who was white and innocent, carrying her back to herself, gently washing her shoulders with water.

Her singing voice is crisp and twirling. It is very pleasant: "Why don't you forget when you look back; if you don't have a chance, why do you have to pledge? Today, all kinds of things are like water. On the bright night, the monarch is already strange."

Hearing this song in her mouth, thinking about the state that I have encountered now, there is no reason, Sun Hao’s heart is shaking.

I walked through the void and heard that "I don't want to go back, why don't you forget it; since there is no reason, why do you have to vow; today, there is no trace of water; there is no trace of water in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Jun has been stranger" is such a clear reminder?

Is this God suggesting that all efforts will not help?

This is the avenue to let yourself know and retreat, don't try to change your life and follow God's will?

There was no feeling of colic in my heart. I saw Gerland again, and once again saw the reincarnation of the purple smoke. In the heart of Sun Hao, there was a sudden surge of feeling that I could see each other again for hundreds of millions of years.

The witch’s secret opinion may be that the two really gathered together for the last time. Perhaps the final outcome is “Meng and Ming Xi, Jun has a strange road”. I saw Gerland this time, after separation, against Geer. Lan, it is a farewell, and I see her again, but it is already a fragrant jade.

Above the eyes, I could not help but cast a faint mist. Sun Hao stood on the top of Qingyan. The voice was slightly dry and full of sadness. He said with deep affection: "Ziyan, Xiaolan..."

In the lake, the body of Gellan was slightly stiff, and the song stopped abruptly. Immediately, he shrugged his shoulders and whispered in his mouth: "The evil door, there is an illusion, as if he heard the voice of the little brother, he is not going out. Help me find the elixir? I don’t look back..."

Sun Hao whispered again: "Ziyan, Xiaolan..."

When Gellan's body was once again stiff, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Sun Hao in amazement. On the pretty face, the expression of surprise and infinitely appeared, and the mouth cried: "Oh, brother, it is you, Wow, you actually went to the dense place to see me..."

Between talking, the body floated from the lake, and brought a white water splash, crystal clear and sprinkled in the air, the white body swung in the air, the arms of the chariot, the air waved, Gerland already Without heart and soul, he rushed over to Sun Hao.

Among the white flowers, the long hair flutters, and the jungle is looming.

Very beautiful, the whole body is still a little bit of water, has already plunged into Sun Hao’s arms, and said in a froth: "Oh, brother, you finally came, I thought I would not see you from now on." Hill brother, hill brother..."

Perhaps the air in the witch's secret is a bit cold, and Gerland hugged Sun Hao's arms and shivered slightly.

The jade people are in love, the tens of thousands of years of missing thoughts, and the sadness of Xiang Xiaoyu’s sorrows just recently rushed into the heart. Sun Hao’s heart glimpsed, and the jade people clung tightly in their arms. The head was buried deeply, buried between her towering twin peaks, and tears flowed involuntarily.

After meeting, Gellan discovered that his situation was a bit unreasonable, and he seemed to be hugged by the hill brother.

The face suddenly became red, and my hands didn't know where to put it.

The body was slightly stiff and ready to push away Sun Hao, but at this time, her heart suddenly felt the silent sorrow of Sun Hao and felt the warm tears of her chest.

Among the eyes, there is a cloud of fog and doubts. Is this a little brother? How could it be so sad?

The hands hesitated for a moment, and finally did not have the heart to push away Sun Hao, but gently embraced Sun Hao, softly said in his mouth: "Hill brother, how do you run into the witch's secret? This is a male refusal. I am dizzy, if I am discovered by a bridesmaid or my mother, I promise you to make you skinny..."

Sun Hao opened his mouth and wanted to tell her that she came from the future. This time, I came to tell her a crucial thing.

However, if you talk to your mouth, you can’t say it.

Sure enough, my own time and space avenues, coupled with the time and space of the sandbags, have made the shuttle through time and space, but after all, many of their behaviors have been bound by various avenues of the road, their own people are coming, But it must not last long, and you must not change a lot of things.

Sun Hao even feels that if he insists on forcibly changing the process, then in the next moment, his own time and space will lose its effect, and he will be bounced back to his original time and space, even if there are four spirits to help him stabilize the time and space. Channel, that's not the case.

This is the fact that I have come, and if there is no other means, in the end, nothing can change.

In the end, they can only watch the situation in a direction that they do not want, and slip deeply.

I don’t have much time, what can be said, what can’t be said, and it’s really necessary to make a clear distinction.

With a whimper, Sun Hao looked up and looked at the delicate, red-faced face. He said slowly: "Xiaolan, I am actually a personal monk, my name is Sun Hao."

In the bright eyes of Gerland, I flashed a smile and said softly in my mouth: "I guessed it too. When I was in the lower bound, I knew that you are a human being, but I am glad that you can confess, you have not Tell me how you got into the secrets of the witches, this densely guarded can be strict..."

Sun Hao opened his mouth and thought about the language. This said: "I am a humanist monk. I am not afraid of some rules of the witches. This is not coming in."

Gerlan’s small face was extremely shocked. He said, “No, the dense land of the witches has such a large loophole. It’s terrible. Fortunately, the brothers come in, if other people come in, 岂Not bad, let the hill brother look at it doesn't matter, it can be lost by others. I heard the crisp sound of Gerland, and I felt the sound of Gerlan's breathless blue, think about it. Tens of thousands of years of love, and then think about the last fragrance of Xiao Yu, Sun Hao heart can not help but move, arms tight, for fear that the treasure lost the general, her tightly into the arms, mouth together, find The cherry mouth was slammed and slammed up.

There was a flusteredness in Gellan's eyes. Then, he closed his eyes, and the whole body fell weakly into Sun Hao's arms, completely immersed in the squally kiss.

After a while, Sun Hao clung to Gelland and whispered: "Xiaolan, are you alright?"

Gerland whispered: "Small brother, you are really bad, actually take advantage of me, eat my tofu, no wonder you have to slip into the witches, know that I like to take a bath here? Hey, you are necrotic..."

Sun Hao hugged her hand and tightened it slightly.

Gerland chuckled and said softly in his mouth: "However, I didn't expect to talk to the little brother of the hill, it would be so comfortable, Hill brother, come again, come again..."

At this time, Sun Hao has vaguely judged the rules of many time-space tunnels. The most important point is that he cannot vent the open-air machine.

Gerland doesn't know that Sun Hao is from the future, so she has already approved all the actions of Sun Hao on her.

As long as Sun Hao does not tell her about the future, she will not tell her about the future. In theory, she will not commit the taboo and will not be expelled in this time and space.

Tightly clinging to Gerland, Sun Hao’s heart moved, loosening her little mouth and whispering, “In addition to the mouth, there is one thing that is more fun and more comfortable than this...”

Gerland's pretty blushing, big eyes, sparkling with anticipation of light, whispered: "Is it okay?" 21089

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