Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2701: Mid-term

Sun Hao carefully realized all the changes in his own. After half a ring, he was delighted and found a small flaw.

His own time and space fishing, this magical magic weapon from Tie Peng, after driving at his own expense, finally surpassed his own load, and there was a huge damage.

The fishing rod was broken, the hooks were broken, and the fish thread was broken into several pieces. It was no longer possible to use the powerful time-space fishing.

Observing the damage of time and space fishing, Sun Hao’s heart is a little pity, but not sad. This loss is not worth mentioning compared with the merits of saving the purple smoke.

Moreover, with the great completion of Sun Hao's space-time avenue, Sun Hao has been able to perceive the existence of wormholes and space-time tunnels, and has initially possessed a certain time and space shuttle capacity.

I don't know how far I can go back, but the shuttle should not be a problem.

I hope that the time will not be much worse than the effect of fishing in time and space. Also, watching the fishing in time and space, Sun Hao’s heart immediately thinks of a possibility. Can this magical magic weapon be repaired?

In order to practice the space-time avenue, Sun Hao drove more than a dozen sands of time and space, and finally consumed three time-space sandbags. These things, after being driven for the first time, did not lose their time and space ability. They are actually a kind of The time and space of the magic material, but slightly less than the drive, plus, Sun Hao still left a few undriven sands of time and space.

These time and space sands and time-space sand pockets may not be enough to refine a new time and space magic weapon, but it is very likely to be used to repair time and space fishing.

The problem now is that the magical magic weapon of time and space fishing may be the unique existence under the universal sky. It is very likely that it is still born by nature. Sun Hao estimates that it is difficult to find ready-made repairing techniques, how to repair it, and still have grandchildren. If you are thinking and perfecting with your heart, you can implement it.

The new changes within the body made Sun Hao’s heart overjoyed.

I saved the purple smoke and repaired it into a big move. Now, two of my beloved women are still happily snuggling around themselves, and life is full of happiness and passion.

In the heart, the feelings of tenderness and tenderness, Sun Hao once again launched a storm-like attack, Acacia for many years, and now meet, ask for nothing.

Geer Yun opened his jade arm and responded enthusiastically.

Xuanyuan red mouth 嘀咕: "The tyrant, really a tyrant..."

She and Sun Hao's heart and mind can deeply understand the infinite surprises, infinite tenderness, and the insatiable desire for emotions in Sun Hao's heart. The mouth is in the air, but the emotions are also mobilized and serve wholeheartedly. Your own man.

Inside the cave, it is relatively quiet.

It was not until the darkness that the witches still had no movements, nor did they summon any other monks, silently disappearing into the palace of the witch.

The little palace girl in Wudong’s observation was half-sounding, and she was not allowed to look at it. It seemed that the sky was getting dark. The witches still did not say that they could only declare it: “After the adults stayed in the witches today, other goddesses can rest on their own.”

Ming knows that this may be the result. After the palace girl announced, there are still many witches who are disappointed.

A thousand scorpions, adults do not know when they will remember themselves, will they bet their own?

With a hint of embarrassment, a look of hope, and a trace of resentment, more witches slowly sink into their own state of practice.

In fact, the blood marriage is a sacred sorcerer's sorrow, and it is given to Sun Hao according to the custom of the witch.

Sun Hao feels in his heart and feels that these witches have a relationship with themselves, but how to treat them requires serious thinking.

After all, after today, Sun Hao has a huge difference with the previous ones. The three avenues are perfect, representing that Sun Hao’s combat power has been upgraded.

Even if the ancestors were the top monks in the rankings, Sun Hao felt that he should be able to talk to him even after he advanced into the middle of the Mahayana. Do you need to continue to perform blood marriages?

At most, if you can, you and the children after Geer Yunxiao can be handed over to the Wu people to cultivate, which is also the completion of the blood of the great witch.

Of course, Sun Hao is just thinking about it. What should he do? Sun Hao has not yet reached a conclusion.

For the present, Sun Hao’s first thing to do is to accompany his two women. At the same time, he will advance his cultivation to the middle of the Mahayana.

Repairing is always a prerequisite for speaking.

It is a huge difference from other Mahayana monks. Sun Hao actually realized three kinds of avenues first, and the avenue was completed before he began to accumulate the real elements needed for advanced.

In the past, those great monks and monks were usually in the process of long-term enlightenment, and accumulated enough real elements in advance, and the road became clear and natural, and they naturally advanced.

Compared with other monks, the time of Sun Hao’s advanced Mahayana Master is actually relatively short. Even if there is a strong building, it still has not fully reached the real element of promotion.

Perceive the great achievements of Sun Hao, and with the vigorous growth of Jianmu, watching the posture of Jianmu Zhichong Tianyu, Tian Tianji and Luo Pengfei’s heart rise to the boundless sigh, this is the three great consummations, and will soon break through. Is it in the middle of the Mahayana? Perceive the process of Sun Hao's practice, the hearts of the two are so incredible.

How many years did Sun Hao advance the Mahayana, and actually broke through to the middle of the Mahayana, and arrived at the realm they had not been able to cultivate in the past?

Feeling the process of Sun Hao's practice, compared to his own painstaking pursuits, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei's heart actually rose up the feeling of fucking.

Compared with Sun Hao’s weightlifting, the two were simply inferior to death, and they could not match Sun Hao’s!

Luo Pengfei said: "It’s a ghost. I used to repair the reincarnation road, and I was struggling to find it. It’s difficult for Dacheng. Shenxiang actually has three big achievements in such a short time. This progress is said, who believes?”

Tao Tianji is watching Sun Hao step by step, and his heart feels the deepest. His mouth is long and said: "The first step of Xiaohao’s practice is to form a million-year-old Mudan in the body. That is now in his body. In the end, he can grow the foundation of building wood; he fills his own five elements and turns all five elements into the ultimate; he cultivated your murderous meditation, broke through the twelve-layered great perfect foundation; condensed the unparalleled sword bone, and built it into the six Golden body..."

Tao Tianji counts the road of Sun Hao one by one, every step is very solid, powerful three souls and six dragons, twelve purple gold thunder ring, until the final nine-in-one, the kind of peerless foundation of achievement, these things The ordinary monk can be the same, it is enough to support himself to go far and far.

However, Sun Hao has all been repaired.

After listening to the celestial plane, Luo Peng could not help but say: "This is really a step faster ~ ~ step by step, one step solid, step by step solid!"

Tian Tianji said: "I think that Xiaohao is always pursuing the best way of practice in the process of spiritual practice. He has been persevering step by step. He finally practiced to the present level and laid down his own boulevard practice. Good foundation."

At the same time as the two great energy discussions, the underside of the hand is also unambiguous, fully driving the building wood to absorb the aura between the heavens and the earth, complementing Sun Hao’s huge real yuan.

Sun Hao’s roots are very solid. Dantian has become a boundless sea. It is a miraculous existence that has nurtured the construction of wood. Don’t look at the ability of Jianmu to absorb the aura. But every time Sun Hao is promoted, Danhai only needs Can expand a few, that is the earth-shattering event, to build the wood, not a day or two can fill.

There are two deputy souls who help with hard work. Sun Hao has a lot of troubles and concentrates on accompanying his two wives.

After the two ladies experienced a few hidden dangers after the change of life, under the nourishment of Sun Hao’s powerful real yuan and soul, it was quickly eliminated. It took a few days and was already radiant.

At this time, Sun Hao still has a long way to go from the real advance to the middle of the Mahayana.

For the Mahayana monks, every practice requires a long period of accumulation. With the speed of Sun Hao’s practice, it is already very fast. The mid-term of the Mahayana is at your fingertips, but it is not in a hurry.

Today, after the return of Geer Yun and Xuan Hong, Sun Hao began to consider how to deal with the witches outside.

These witches have a relationship with Sun Hao, or they can't come together, but these witches, Sun Hao, don't have to accept it.

Just when Sun Hao thought about it, Xuanyuan Red turned his eyes and said to Sun Hao: "Sangong is in place, blood is yin and yang, don't you still understand?"

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