Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2708: Blood witch yin and yang (3)

What's more important is that after serving the adults, every witch feels that he has benefited a lot. He needs to hurry and practice the digestive income. In this way, he does not want the adult to pamper himself for the second time...

Under the conscious adjustment of Sun Hao, a thousand witches felt the surprise of becoming a woman. At the same time, they also automatically became the object of practice of Sun Hao's practice of yin and yang. Sun Hao's blood and yin and yang were officially launched.

The first practice of blood witch yin and yang is to use the feminine body of the witches to practice Sun Hao’s own pure yang.

Drive the yin and yang combination, drive the five elements of yin and yang, Sun Haohua, the sorcerer of the day, and raise the yang of his own to achieve the standard of gradual yang.

The literal meaning of pure yang is that there is only yang, no yin, so-called pure, meaning pure.

In the real practice of the practice, Sun Hao understands that the lonely yin is not long, the single yang is not born, the so-called pure yang, is not without yin.

There is a cloud between yin and yang: "What is yin and yang, it is relative, so-called pure yang, relative to yin, that is, not pure yang, is a pure yang..."

The purpose of practice is positive, negative, and positive is to further improve the control of the body's substances. It can be dispersed into gas, and it can be formed by gathering. Because of the possession, there is yin and yang, how can it be pure yang.

The so-called pure yang is also the cloud of the cultivator. Because of the lack of external factors, there are not many seven emotions. Because of the birth, the god’s innate vitality has not lost a little, not like an adult, seven emotions, six kinky, hunger and satiety. Body, traumatic.

Therefore, pure yang is relatively adult.

The practice of yin and yang combination actually reflects the meaning of pure yang. At present, the pure yang of Sun Hao’s practice is based on the fact that he has already cultivated the yin and yang.

The pure Yang that Sun Hao is practicing now is actually the one that is scattered and tempered, and the gathering is formed. The power of yin and yang for his whole body, his own physical control ability reaches a peak.

Seriously realized the performance of pure Yang and the practice of practice. During the practice, Sun Hao’s heart was unconscious, and there was a very strange feeling.

If Sun Hao did not guess wrong, there would be a pure yang body around him, and just before that he thought it was pure Yin.

There are two very strange existences around Sun Hao. These two existences are the ones that Sun Hao 带 闯 闯 天 天 天 天 天 天 , 闯 闯 闯 闯 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙It is completely invisible now.

The other is Luo charm, there are many monks around Sun Hao, no matter which monk, it is difficult to keep up with the pace of Sun Hao's practice, usually will be weak on Sun Hao.

The only exception is that each time Sun Hao is not advanced for a long time, he can follow the progress, that is, Luo charm, this is extremely strange, the shameless devil head as long as Sun Hao advances, not long, or even not too much practice, can Head-on catching up with Sun Hao's practice, and the combat effectiveness is not weak. In addition to occasionally not reliable, the combat power has always been quite strong, and it is a powerful general of Sun Hao.

This fast promotion method has been completed until the perfection of the fit, and this has met the real bottleneck, and has never been able to enter the Mahayana period.

If you can directly advance into the Mahayana period, then it is really a ghost.

After all, the Mahayana period requires the understanding of the avenue. It is a true monk between the heavens and the earth. It is impossible to achieve so easily.

However, completely different from other monks, this guy is not completely dissatisfied after the perfection of the fit, as if he is not at all concerned with his own cultivation, playing everywhere, especially like to bully Zhichi, nothing to give wisdom I’m so tired of wearing a hat.

In the past, Sun Hao has been very confused about the state of Luo Mei.

Now practicing the yin and yang combination, practicing to the third stage, practicing to the pure yang body, suddenly understand that the original Luo charm is born pure yang, the performance is outside, that is, the body of Luo charm can be turned into a little blood fog at any time. It can also be agglomerated at any time. It seems that it is immortal. As long as there is a little blood fog, it can be quickly restored.

In fact, this is the performance of pure Yang.

After understanding the secret of Luo Mei, several questions immediately got the answer. It is because of the pure yang of the natural world. The huge energy accumulated in the body of Luo Mei can be well hidden in every drop. In the blood, it can give her more room for improvement.

Moreover, the body of pure yang itself is one of the fastest practiced trajectories. The practice of Luo ming can be so fast, but it is reasonable.

Sun Hao also understands that it is because the appearance of Luo charm has become a woman, and he is naturally chasing yin, but just the body of pure yang, the demand in that aspect may be particularly strong, and it is impossible for Zhizhi to meet it. One eye closed her eyes and went with her.

Knowing that Luo is the body of pure yang, this is a huge help for Sun Hao.

This is equivalent to giving Sun Hao a model that clarifies an accurate goal that can be pursued and learned.

The blood witch yin and yang practiced yin and yang, and after Sun Hao opened his heart and accepted his own witch scorpion, the practice entered the first stage.

Different from the evil cultivation of Yin and Yang, these witches are the nephews of Sun Hao. When Sun Hao borrowed their feminine power to practice, they also gave them good feedback, with the help of powerful yin and yang. The scorpions around Sun Hao have benefited a lot, and many nephews have even made gratifying breakthroughs in a short period of time.

Twenty scorpions were served a day, and thousands of scorpions were completely rounded down. They also spent more than 50 days.

Since then, the mood has stabilized and the various scorpions have begun to enter the practice.

Under the powerful adjustment of Sun Hao, a thousand scorpions actually achieved a virtuous circle. As long as they are free and uncultivated, they can get a chance to sleep. Every day, the scorpion of the servant is almost the same. About ten people.

To be honest, the witches are left with the blood of the witches, which is also the promise that Sun Hao must fulfill. Sun Hao is really working hard for this. However, in the whole process, Sun Hao is letting it go, from beginning to end. Did not take any means to promote or evade the blood.

Even the practice of yin and yang combination has taken a very scientific approach that does not affect the spread of blood. Of course, the blood will be left to whom, when to stay, Sun Hao has no bottom.

Work hard to practice.

Occasionally, the ancestors once asked about the situation inside the Witch and the Witch Cave. They learned that the Witchcraft is working harder than it was in the past. Almost every night, they try their best to work hard. When they try to leave the blood of the witch, they will not continue to ask questions. It is.

The war witch is very hard, what can he say? He only hopes that among the witches of the Wu people, there will be more powerful blood vessels.

War witch is one of the most powerful witches of the Wu people. The fighting will be in the top and the strength will be incomparable. If such blood is passed down, there is no doubt that the strength of the witch will increase.

To Sun Hao's cultivation, the blood is quite expensive, the refining of the gods, the refining of the essence has reached its peak, and if it is not controlled, it is quite difficult to conceive.

Sun Hao devoted himself to practicing yin and yang, and fulfilled his promise to inherit the blood. He was busy for three or four years, and each of his nephews was glory, but he did not win a prize.

On this Hao said helpless, Zu Wu thinks normal, specifically ran to tell Sun Hao: "Witch, cheer, continue to work hard, right, do not cheat this matter, if it is not passed down The blood is less wild, less the struggle of the witches, and don't worry, I think that in the past, I dreamed of inheriting the blood of the witches for a thousand years, which is called an effort."

Sun Hao listened straight to his eyes. Busy for a thousand years, how much **** is this ancestor!

Sun Hao really didn't have the idea of ​​working hard for thousands of years. Is this really going to delay Sun Wu's **** yin and yang practice, or is it? Sun Hao is thinking, can his own blood witch yin and yang be able to change places to practice?

Can you find a place where you can inherit the blood of the great witch and collect the blood of the wild beast? While practicing the yin and yang, you can practice your body and promote your body to the true pure sun.

This really should be a try.

Resisting the temper, Sun Hao continued to concentrate on the yin and yang combination in the cave for thirty years. As a result, Sun Hao was crying and laughing. He has been busy for so long, and his nephews are very happy, but they are No one can leave a little blood, so it doesn't work. It seems that you have to think about other ways.

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