Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2724: Pressurizing the sun

Fortunately, Sun Hao soon discovered that there are so many free and free soul flames around him.

After exhausting all efforts, Sun Hao barely grasped a soul flame and began to swallow.

Like the long drought and the nectar, Sun Hao quickly absorbed the fire of this soul, and the spirit was a vibration.

Since it is useful, then continue, Sun Hao greedily began to capture, do not know how long it has been, until after catching about a dozen soul fires, I feel that I have not wanted to sleep.

Until this time, Sun Hao had the energy to observe his own situation.

Without a body, it is completely a flame, but with its own thoughts and memories, Sun Hao has perceived that his present form of existence is a strange one.

Even, Sun Hao does not know whether his will to awaken will be his own distraction, and whether his main will is already sleeping, and whether his own deity is floating in an unknown place.

At present, although Sun Hao thinks more, it seems that there is no use for rice. The situation is not clear, the ability is not good, and everything is empty talk.

After perceiving half a ring, Sun Hao began to think. At present, his own state is just like a pure Yin state, but his pure Yin is still very weak, so there is not much strength.

The easiest way to figure out your situation is to improve your strength first.

One of the greatest benefits of the awakening of the will is that Sun Hao remembers many powerful application methods. In this case, Sun Hao is the most useful, even if the technique of swallowing that Miha passed down, there is a combination of yin and yang.

These two powerful techniques can greatly enhance Sun Hao's ability to make Sun Hao live better in this situation.

Soon after, Sun Hao began to try to drive the yin and yang combination law.

Different places drive different spells and can produce different effects.

After Sun Hao drove the yin and yang to merge the Dafa, he suddenly discovered that his flame seemed to become a huge whirlpool, and he could continue to attract the fire of the surrounding souls to himself.

And the soul sorcerer that Sun Hao has practiced in his memory, Michal's swallowing technique can help Sun Hao to digest the flames of nearby souls very quickly.

Sun Hao doesn't know where he is. Anyway, he keeps sucking, constantly digesting, constantly growing himself, and knowing how long it has been. Sun Hao’s induction is within a large area of ​​his side. There is no one soul flame exists.

After such a long period of absorption and digestion, Sun Hao perceives different general changes and basically clarifies his own state.

Accurately speaking, Sun Hao is still the body of the sinister state. However, in the process of being attracted by the black hole, his own body of the ghost is severely wounded and seriously injured.

In the normal world, the body of the ghost is hard to be hit hard. The attraction of the black hole is too strong. At the moment when you shuttle the black hole, the body is highly compressed, so small that it can't be small, and the body of the ghost is suppressed into a small point. .

The ignited fire that is now ignited is the change that has taken place after thousands of years of development and self-recovery.

Inspired by this change, Sun Hao’s heart was so lucky that his strength was strong enough, the body of the ghost was suppressed to the extreme, and he did not completely collapse, and he was able to wake up quickly and maintain his will. That is also the foundation of his own cultivation.

After feeling his own state, Sun Hao’s mood gradually stabilized.

This space in front of the eyes is already in the death star field, and the completely different laws of existence have created this state of the present.

The current ability seems to be very weak, but as long as the body of the ghost is restored to a certain extent, then all of its own repairs should be able to recover, even if it is now, if it does not count the loss, it can instantly be a normal monk. The state appears in the Death Star.

Moreover, what makes Sun Hao heart-warming is that the condensate tower is still hidden in its own body, following the characteristics of the sacred magic weapon. Before the lord did not rush, the magic weapon was not fatally damaged.

In other words, other creatures in the tower may be greatly affected and shaken, but the powerful monks should be able to survive in the catastrophe.

Sun Hao’s current ability is still weak. For the time being, he will not be able to contact the monks in the condensate tower. I don’t know what will happen after he forcibly recovers. Moreover, at present, Sun Hao discovers that his own soul is suppressed. After the extreme, re-ignite the fire of the generated soul, it is likely to be the true pure Yin body.

Since this is pure Yin, then Sun Hao really does not need to recover immediately and run around.

Simply walk the death star field with this form of soul fire, and continue to practice your pure Yin.

Sun Hao calmed down and began his own true cultivation. He sensed the changes around him. Sun Hao was careful and slowly floated out of his own, seemingly dark caves and began to explore the surrounding area.

The Death Star is a huge difference from the normal continent, that is, there is no sun, that is, no fireball. The whole sky is like the undead domain that was covered by the black mist of death in the past. It is ashamed and cannot see the end.

Not long after coming out of his own waking place, Sun Hao perceives the coldness of the bones, feeling that this pure yin fire can be extinguished at any time, and he may fall into a deep sleep at any time.

Carefully aware of the area where he is located, Sun Hao discovered that the place where he had just born the fire of the soul is exactly the same as a leeward cave. From the cave, the outside winds are everywhere, and Sun Hao suddenly feels that he is difficult to adapt. The feeling of living.

Suddenly, Sun Hao did not immediately return to the cave, carefully attached to the ground, driving the yin and yang to merge Dafa, began to absorb the surrounding yin, and practice his pure Yin.

In the yin and yang combination method, the pure Yin body practice requires extremely pure yin. Sun Hao does not know whether this kind of yin wind in the death star field is. At this time, only the dead horse can be regarded as a living horse doctor. Give it a try.

The effect of practice is beyond the expectation of Sun Hao.

The yin wind has a strong moisturizing effect on Sun Hao's soul fire, and it is really pure yin that other continents cannot imagine.

Also, yang, mainly refers to the heat of the sun, this place has not seen the sun all the year round, billions of years, is not pure yin?

Sun Hao carefully drives his own yin and yang to merge Dafa, and the fire of the whole soul continues to grow.

Feeling the current state of practice, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but feel the feeling of luck.

Fortunately, there is no forcible transformation of the body of the If it is not for his own practice, it will not be so smooth.

The reason is that when passing through the black hole, the ghosts and ghosts are suppressed to the limit, as if they were suppressed into a point.

At that time, he was in a state of sorrow, and all his bodies were suppressed like this. Other exercises of practice and the body of his own deity were suppressed to the limit, especially the body of pure yang, which was suppressed to the extreme. .

In other words, such a state actually helps Sun Hao solve a big problem and interfere with yang.

The reason why the pure yin and pure yang of the yin and yang combination method is difficult to cultivate. The reason why this method is called yin and yang is the same as the sin and yang, and the latter two stages are automatically omitted. Actually, the difficulty of this level is too great.

If you think about it, you know that a monk who has become a pure yang has to cultivate pure yin. It is not a contradiction. In many cases, the pure yang will come out of chaos, you have to destroy the pure yang, pure yin, pure yang Gone.

This is actually a refutation.

Sun Hao did not begin to practice pure Yin before, but the feeling is not deep. However, after practicing now, I feel myself, and I am surprised. Sun Hao discovered that other monks practiced the difficulties and problems encountered by pure Yin Yang. It doesn't exist here anymore.

The yang is suppressed to the extreme by the black hole. As long as you don't break out, you can't get out. This is the status quo.

In other words, unless Sun Hao himself is willing, then Sun Hao’s pure yang body will never overflow even if it is a yang.

In other words, this is an unexpected harvest that Sun Hao himself did not think of. The body of pure yang is only suppressed to a limit. It does not mean that it does not exist. In the future, Sun Hao’s pure Yin body is cultivated, as long as he shakes his spirit and breaks himself. The state of suppression, the state is comprehensive, the pure yin pure yang is instantly opposite and reaches equilibrium, and the fourth layer of yin and yang is combined with the instant.

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