Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2736: 3 Daming Longli

The virtual world has its own rules of the virtual world.

The virtual world also has its own rules of the virtual world, a general principle, that is, the higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the ability, which is an irrefutable truth.

Sun Hao is a great monk who came to the world. Without understanding the black hole world, it is indeed a slap in the face, but after truly adapting to and understanding the black hole world, the power of the Mahayana monk is revealed, absolutely earth-shattering.

At this moment, standing in the foothills, holding a square shield, a golden silkworm in front of him, a Sun Hao of an ice butterfly, has truly become the great demon in the eyes of the Mo's monks, peerless, horrible, sultry demon king.

At the same time, the three young masters became the savior of the Mengla family, became the brand new banner of the rise of the family, and became a powerful benchmark for the family to be ZTE.

The black-soul monks who came over to watch were all shocked. The rise of this kid was incredible. The key point is that this kid has risen too fiercely.

It is able to defeat the big mountain of the racial congregation by the will of a race, and it can swallow the soul source bubble with arrogance.

After the devouring, there is still a look of incomprehensibility!

The black sects of the monks are a little guilty, and the Moss can't stop this kid. The black imaginary can't stop it. If this kid is really consuming the soul source and eating the taste, kill the black sacred place, then What? Who can stop his powerful shield?

Zhimo really realized the meaning of Sun Hao’s sentence.

Under absolute power, all resistance is in vain. Under absolute power, all hope will be lost.

All the monks of the Mo's family, at this moment, have completely lost their fighting spirit. Even the soul source that claims to be the absolute defense has been swallowed. Is there any way to resist it?

Zhi Mo sighed in the centrifuge, his legs slammed, and he fell into the air, and his mouth trembled and said: "The adults are merciless, I am not willing to become a slave race of adults, willing to follow adults, but also ask adults to be me. Mo's family left some souls."

At this moment, Sun Hao has already destroyed the source of the soul of half of the Mo Lizu, and really wants to continue to resist, and eventually it will be completely destroyed.

I want to play, Sun Hao’s square shield is really terrible, and won’t win.

Fighting and hitting, can't prevent it, can't you surrender? The whole Mo is above the holy mountain, and there is a dead silence. All the hearts of the monks and monks have a burst of sorrow and helplessness.

The pride of a race, which was completely shredded, trampled, and the glory of a race, became history. From then on, the Moss was nailed to the column of shame and smashed to the defeated slave.

It is not important to accept these slaves. For Sun Hao, these soul sources that can help them practice the pure Yin body are the real treasure.

Yang Tian laughed, and Sun Hao said: "It’s late. Before I broke your holy mountain, I gave you a chance. You don’t fall. Before I break your holy peak, I will give you another chance. You still don’t fall. Hahaha, do you think my slave is so easy to be? You don’t want to, I am not rare, hahaha..."

The Mo’s monks stayed together.

It’s very bad feeling in the centrifugation.

Sun Hao has laughed and said: "Now, give you the last chance of Mo's family, take your mother's womb, roll for me, how far is it, and the source of these souls belongs to me, hahaha. If you don’t look at the big supplements of this thing, I will definitely kill you.

Below, many of the monks of Mo’s family flocked to the blood, and the body began to flash, even if it was not in front of the big devil, but also swear to die, the holy mountain can not be lost, dignity to fill.

It was Zhi Mo, who immediately understood Sun Hao’s request and found the law of self-rescue in the first place.

The enemy is too strong, only the commission is full.

Zhi Mo is away from his knees, kneeling in the air, one hand and one raise, let all the Mo’s monks shut up, facing Sun Hao’s low head, his tone is very sincere, and he said: “Since adults need soul sources, I am a natural alien from the family, but can the adult temporarily rent me three or four soul sources, if you can, I will be the adult, the saddle, the other race, for adults Collect more information and more soul sources."

Rent three to four soul sources?

This is really okay, because at present, after Sun Hao has swallowed so many soul sources, he has already developed the feeling of indigestion. If you want to completely digest it, it will take a short time.

During this time, if the Mo Lizu is willing to work hard, it will really be able to earn enough rent.

The face looked a little better, and Sun Hao nodded slightly, and said in his mouth: "It is ok to rent. You are away from the family. If you can find a second source of soul within the time of the 20th fire festival, I can Leave you with four sources of soul."

Zhimo sighed with a long sigh of relief and squatted on the ground, whispering: "The adults are wise, in fact, adults do not know, the holy place of the black imaginary is a source of soul, there are at least 18 soul sources inside. bubble."

After Sun Hao, the black virgin monk was shocked and jumped. A monk jumped out and shouted in his mouth: "Zhi Mo is away, restless and arrogant, 勐拉里沙大人,我黑虚族是你的族族It is also the source of your soul for this resurrection. Your current strength is already the most powerful warrior of my black imaginary family. Please also raise the banner of my black imaginary warrior..."

The commander of the Mengla also called out: "Lisha."

Sun Hao’s eyes are golden, looking at the wisdom below, and his mouth says: “The black imaginary is not counted, and the rent you pay should be the exact location of the soul source. You need to mark the exact road map. Rather than it is now, you can make a difference with your mouth."

Zhi Mo said from the head: "Yes, I understand, the adults are assured, within the 20th fire festival, I will definitely draw a fine road map for the adults and give them to adults."

Sun Hao nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, now, take your people, take the soul source you rented, and the mother of Mo’s family, give me the holy mountain to stay, this The holy peak is here."

It is already the unexpected joy of Mo’s family to be able to reach this situation. Although it will be tied to Sun Hao’s chariot in the future, and he has to start serving for Sun Hao, he will work hard for his rent, which is better than being destroyed. .

Zhi Mo said from the voice: "Thank you for being an adult, so let's take the people to make a sacred peak."

Sun Hao turned and said to Mengla: "Father, the sacred mountain in front of you, and this holy peak, from today, it has become the residence of my family, from now on our Mengla family It is also independent from the black imaginary."

After staying in Mengla, look at Sun Hao, and then look at the black-sex monks, and whisper in his mouth: "Isn't that good?"

Sun Hao stood in the void, and the golden silkworm displayed in front of the show showed a big clip. The star-shaped ice butterfly flew a few wings again. In the hands of the big shield, he laughed and said: "Father, please see, the golden silkworm, the ice butterfly With my shield, the three heavens and the earth are invincible, Ming Longli, haha, whoever is dissatisfied with the Mengla family, can come to me to theory."

The monks of the black imaginary family face each other, and the highest position, the leader of the sacred sorrowful voice said: "The sacred family has three great masters such a peerless power, the emergence of three young masters, such as the three Minglong force monks, can completely stand The ethnic group, the chief of the Zhazi family, and the black imaginary people are willing to make good **** with the Zhala era, and they are willing to follow each other and follow the footsteps of the three young masters to fight any race that is disobedient."

The tragic experience of Mo's aliens was placed in front of him. The black emptiness was afraid that Sun Hao would kill their holy places and rob the soul source, and quickly stood up and expressed his position.

Mengla stayed for a while, completely ignorant that the former tyrannical high priest would be so good to talk, actually looked at himself with a look of hope, looking forward to fear that he is not independent.

Look at the Sun Hao, look at the shield in the hands of Sun Hao, the golden silkworm and the ice butterfly in front of him, but the wax is understood.

The high priest gave face to him, and it was scared by his three sons. The three great dragons of the three sons have already scared the black sin.

That being the case, then that's it.

Lala laughed and said in a loud voice: "The 勐拉族儿郎, I still don’t see the three young masters, celebrate my 勐ra people today, hahaha..."

Around, all the monks of the Zhazi squatted on one knee and fell down in the air. They shouted: "See the three young masters and meet the patriarchs..."

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