Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2742: Virtual crystal

I did not expect that I would see the statue of Zhao Yumo here.

I did not expect that Zhao Yumo would become the ghost king of the ghost domain.

Standing in the vast square, Sun Hao’s body is arrogant, and the entire Pluto Temple is instantly enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere.

Really unexpected, but soon, Sun Hao understood it again. If it was really Zhao Mo, it was unexpected and reasonable.

I used to push people. I was in the Halloween Palace. I once entered the six-way reincarnation. The six reincarnations set by Luo Pengfei were so difficult, but I still walked out of it.

The eighteen layers of **** were also forcibly penetrated by themselves.

Since he can break through the eighteen layers of hell, why can't Zhao Zhaomo be? After all, the eighteen layers of **** in the Temple of Pluto are just the dojo.

Moreover, according to their own experience, the existence of any dojo is actually to cultivate disciples.

The 18-story **** is extremely dangerous, but there is no doubt that once it passes, the income will definitely benefit a lot.

In his own year, he forced Zhao Zhaomo into the 18th floor of Hell. It was a great help to help him, and he laid the foundation for him.

The Temple of Pluto in front of you should not be the temple of the Pluto in the heavens of the heavens. However, it should be inextricably linked with the Temple of the Glory in the heavens.

Zhao Wei, who is in front of him, is likely to be the real Zhao Xiaomo.

In any case, Zhao Yumo is a thorn in Sun Hao’s heart. Even after so many years, I think of Zhao Wei’s demon, Sun Hao’s heart is vaguely uncomfortable; I found that Zhao Yumo may still be alive, Sun Hao’s this is not Comfort is even more into a suffocating, straight into the sky.

The movement in the square alerted the monks in the temple of Pluto.

In the calm and tranquil place of the ghostland, suddenly a whistling bell sounded, and the light and shadow quickly flew toward the square.

Sun Hao stood still and stood around his body, forming a huge gas field. Any monk who was remotely aware of the gas field was thrilled and did not dare to approach it. He could only stay far away and wait and see, not knowing what happened.

In the middle of the square, the tall and mighty sculpture suddenly seemed to live alive, and a pair of eyes smashed and looked at Sun Hao.

The entire statue, with the blink of an eye, turned into a monk with a broad sword, Zhao Xiaomo.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly glimpsed, and the gods swept away from Zhao’s body. In an instant, the sly expression of the silk drifted away from Sun Hao’s face.

Zhao Wei, who is in front of him, is afraid that it is not Zhao’s demon in the heavenly mainland.

The body is very similar, the difference in spirit is too great, and there is no comparability in the difference.

Sun Hao looked at Zhao Yumo this time, the tall and mighty Zhao Yumo, with a more surprised expression on his face, holding his sword in his hands, and screaming at Sun Hao, his mouth said: "Daoyou, I don’t know what to kill. Where? Please also tell me that the king of death has not been walking the world for a long time, and there are still friends who have killed the door. Is this the bullying of my death?

Sun Hao’s hands were carried, and his mouth slowly said: “You and I are old friends. Don’t you remember this seat at all?”

The king of death stared at Sun Hao. After half a ring, he shook his head and said: "Sorry, the first time I saw a friend, I didn't have the slightest impression. In the words of the world, when did the Taoist friends come out? I really feel incredible."

The king of death in front of you should indeed not be Zhao Yumo.

The standard judged by Sun Hao is that the cultivation of the monk in front of him is beyond the scope of any possible development of Zhao Yumo.

The king of death in front of him is also a great monk who is not weaker than Sun Hao. The statue is really the body of his sleep.

No matter how much opportunity Zhao Hao has, no matter how fast the practice is, it is impossible to practice the height of the Mahayana Master. Sun Hao does not feel that there are any monks in this world who can keep up with their own steps.

Moreover, Sun Hao’s heart shows that the monk in front of him is truly not knowing himself. When he sees himself, the strangeness and surprise are not allowed to be faked.

The king of death is not Zhao Yumo.

Of course, the king of death is as much as the Zhao Yumo, or the model of Zhao Yumo is basically the king of death, which shows that Zhao Yumo has many connections with the king of death.

The biggest possibility is that the old man of Luo Lao Mo’s incarnation was worth hundreds of billions of tricks.

With a faint smile on his face, the anger in Sun Hao’s heart weakened a little, and his mouth slowly said: “The king of death may not have much grievances with this seat. However, your body has some things with this seat. Relationship, when I saw it, I thought it was an enemy."

The brow of the king of death is slightly wrinkled. Everyone is a great monk. When you speak, you can understand the meaning of the other party.

Sun Hao said that it should be one of his incarnations. He once had some grievances with this powerful monk in front of him.

If Sun Hao is just an ordinary monk, a little bit of grievances, the king of death is really not in the eye.

But now, Sun Hao’s arrogance, the artistic conception of Sun Hao’s body has already shocked the king of death. This is the real Mahayana monk, the great Mahayana monk who cultivated and accomplished, and has a grudge with such a monk. That is not something to be happy about.

Taking a deep breath, the King of Death hugged his hands and said in a humble mouth: "Understood, it is just one of the experiences of the billions of incarnations. If the Taoist friends are hard to end with me, Just let go of the horse, I will continue."

Sun Hao Yang Tian haha ​​laughed: "The vast world is vast, the monks are like a sea of ​​smoke, it is rare to meet a repaired opponent. The meeting is a relationship. The descendants of this family, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiang, teach one or two, hahaha, pick me up a shield... ”

For a long time, I have not met the opponents with similar strengths. The two sides still have some grudges. They can use their excuses and try to test them, but it is a great opportunity.

Moreover, Sun Hao just came out of the dark world and refining a black crystal shield. I really want to try what effect this square shield will have in the virtual world.

In the laughter, Sun Hao’s right hand, the black crystal square shield appeared in the hands, a very weird feeling came to my heart, Sun Hao looked at his own hands and suddenly found that his hands seemed to be empty, as if nothing .

There is no black crystal shield at all.

However, it is clear that in the perception of his own sorrow, his hand has now grasped a side shield. What is clearer is that the black crystal shield is super heavy.

If Sun Hao’s refining is to be repaired, can he afford this shield?

The black crystal square shield can't be seen, and the gods can't perceive it, just like it doesn't exist at all.

However, Sun Hao knows that there is a magical shield in his own hands.

In the mouth, a tiger cub, Sun Hao regardless of the three seven twenty-one ~ ~ try the attack effect of the square shield, the right hand forward, pointing to the king of death, a shield shot down.

When Sun Hao was awkward, the eyes of the king of death suddenly shrank, and the heart produced a very bad feeling.

When Sun Hao shot it with one hand, the king of death could not see any movement in the air. In this way, it was like Sun Hao bluffing and made a slap action.

The heart is wondering, and in a moment, a strong sense of crisis rises, and the body flickers and flies backwards.

Just retired, the eyes of the king of death suddenly slammed and looked back. There was a horror in front of him, and his mouth blurted out: "There is no crystal, you have a magic weapon of nothingness, and how can it be?"

The place where he had just stood, at this moment, there was a huge dark black hole, so it was like a void that was taken down by Sun Hao, and placed in the middle of the square, where the Pluto sculpture was just placed. .

No crystal! Sun Hao finally knows the real name of the black crystal, laughing in the mouth, holding the square shield, Sun Hao single-handedly, throwing forward.

In the sense of the ghosts and ghosts, his own shield, turned into a flying saucer, quickly attacked the king of death.

The king of death flew back to the back, his body swayed, and he flew straight into the air, hung high in the air, and said loudly in his mouth: "Daoyou is slow, and no crystal has a strong destructive power to the surrounding space. Come again. In a few of these cases, I have nothing to do with myself, but my temple of the Pluto is completely destroyed by you. Are you sure that you will not die with my undead protoss for the sake of an incarnation?

Does virtual crystal have powerful attributes that destroy space? Sun Hao decided to look at it and suddenly found out that the space that his own shield had crossed. At this time, there was really a piece of void, like a space crack.

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