Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2749: Heavenly reincarnation

Under the ashes of the sky, the calm and awkward Pluto Temple suddenly trembled, and above the sky, suddenly it seemed to sound a burst of sound.

In the square, the mighty Zhao Zhao Mo statue suddenly opened his eyes again and looked at the sky with great sorrow.

After a while, the face showed amazed expression, and said in his mouth: "The ten good people, did not expect six rounds of reincarnation, there will be ten good people, heaven, if this can go in and grab out, there must be a huge Help, sorry..."

Once the six rounds of the track are opened, if they do not meet certain conditions, they will not be able to take the initiative. Even if they go strong, the results will not necessarily be good, and they must follow the rules of operation.

Even if you know that there are ten good people, after going in, wait for a few rounds to go down, the ten good people don't know where to go.

Looking into the sky, the king of death whispered in his mouth: "I didn't expect that the difficulty of humanity was reduced. Actually, there were ten good people. It seems that if I want to make progress on the understanding of the world, I should It’s hard to turn down...”

On the other hand, a woman looked at the sky with a strange look and muttered to herself: "I didn't expect that the most difficult kind of good deeds could actually create a good man of the tenth generation. Right, it wouldn't. Is this ten-generation good man a reincarnation of agarwood? It shouldn't be, this time can't be counted. In the legend, the ten good people need thousands of reincarnations. At this time, Shen Xiang should not be able to do it. Besides, Shen Xiang should go here, it should be a bad way to understand..."

At this time, the king of immortality also thought of this possibility, and whispered in his mouth: "It will not, is Sun Hao a good person of this age? If there is any accident in the six reincarnations, it should be Sun Hao!"

But immediately, the undead king smirked and shook his head, feeling that he wanted more. Sun Hao could not be a good talent of the world. It was a time account, but the time was too short to train Sun Hao into X. Good man; secondly, the character account is not counted. In the consciousness of Zhao Yumo, Sun Hao is actually a downright hypocrite, a big bad guy...

Even if Zhao’s cognition is slightly biased, Sun Hao is not so bad. However, the undead king will never think that Sun Hao is a good person. He can practice to the monks at the Mahayana Masters level. Which one is not full of blood, Which one is not carrying a huge cause and effect, which one is on the path of spiritual practice, and has not done some earth-shattering events of extermination?

This ten-year-old good man will never be Sun Hao.

After the two monks have taken different directions and observed for a long time, after drawing the same conclusions, they will no longer pay too much attention to what kind of results the ten good people will eventually end up, and each sinks into the state of practice.

Among the six reincarnations, Sun Hao floated in the air, but there were many different general feelings.

Ten good people, Sun Hao has automatically qualified to become a person of heaven, as long as Sun Hao is willing, as long as you loose your own suppression of the deity, you can enter the heavens.

However, before entering Tiandao, Sun Hao had a lot of new insights into the reincarnation, and it was floating in the air.

With the help of the 10th Good Man, Sun Hao has made a lot of cognition on the reincarnation road. This is another unexpected joy. These cognitions are based on the reincarnation of Xiaocheng. As long as the digestion is good, Sun Hao’s reincarnation road No doubt can go further.

According to Luo Pengfei's practice, Sun Hao had some understanding of the cycle. And there are some judgments on the generation of reincarnation.

Reincarnation, also known as circulation, rotation. The cycle of life and death means that all beings are dead and born, born and dead, life and death, and they are turning like a wheel, and the cycle is endless.

According to Luo Pengfei's reincarnation, the reason for reincarnation is that there is no ignorance of the original purpose of things, ignorance produces "rows", different kinds of "rows" produce different karma, and the existence of karma leads to reincarnation.

These things are the understanding of Luo Pengfei, to Sun Hao here, even if Luo Pengfei is the deputy soul of Sun Hao, Sun Hao can only eat a simmering, vague, understanding of the reincarnation is not very deep.

However, this is normal. After all, the sensation is different for different monks. Moreover, the avenue of Luo Pengfei’s savvy is only a small state, and it can be completely confusing.

The reincarnation avenue is the existence of the top ten in the world's three thousand avenues, which is as strong as the avenue of time and space.

Think about the ability of time and space to transform after the understanding of time and space, and then compare the possible combat power of the reincarnation, you can imagine the high end and the power of the reincarnation.

Of course, any practice of a boulevard will have some peculiar laws that can be pursued. However, Sun Hao found that he might have found a regular node in the reincarnation.

That is, once a monk is built into a good person of the tenth, then there will be a different general understanding of the reincarnation.

Sun Hao is now floating in the air, creating the first sentiment about reincarnation, that is, looking for.

People, why mortals want to reincarnation, the so-called karma, may be a kind of obsession, a spiritual pursuit, a memory engraved in the deepest mark of life, looking for what they need to find.

For example, oneself, the thousand worlds of reincarnation, always looking for, is two things, a love, Xiaoqiong; a wish, flying.

When he found two things, he was a good person and awakened his will.

At the same time, after the reincarnation of Sun Hao X, he also had a deep impression, and he reincarnation for a full time, looking for Xiaoqiong in the vast sea of ​​people.

However, Xiaoqiong was afraid that it was also a reincarnation. I didn’t know how many times. I really met myself, completed my own slogan, spent my life safely with myself, and raised myself safely.

This is a kind of obsession.

Usually, the fate of three life, three generations, the fate of self-sufficiency, but after the three generations of the three generations, Xiao Qiong has been reincarnation so many times, returned to his side, ending his life love.

What kind of affection is this?

What is the great power of reincarnation? How strong is the desire to find.

The pursuit in the cycle is not necessarily just friendship, but also a wish, a dream, and some of them are gradually realized in the reincarnation of the world, and gradually completed.

However, in the mortal reincarnation, different pursuits will occur in different life processes, which will lead to different search directions. Therefore, for the first time, the mortal will be reincarnation.

The fundamentals of reincarnation are actually the pursuit of the goal. In order to pursue a goal, people have the ability to reincarnate the world. This powerful driving force may be the basis for the reincarnation of all sentient beings.

Floating in the air, seriously feeling, after a long time, Sun Hao sighed.

Ten good people, deep feelings.

Good people are good, and they are praised by the public; good people are good, and they are comforted by the soul. In this process of goodness, bit by bit satisfaction, bit by bit happiness feels like a solution. Resolve many of the obsessions in my heart, and let the direction of many reincarnations gradually fall down in good deeds.

After I reached the height of the good man of the 10th, there was basically no such thing as no obsession, no goal to find, and no regrets.

It is also after reaching such a height that Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he had a feeling of being wide-minded and empty, and that he could break through the air and realize that Tiandao was going back.

Tiandao reincarnation is the last avenue of the six reincarnations Accurately speaking, this is a reincarnation process that is beyond the virtual world and is simulated by the monks.

The reincarnation with the eighteen layers of **** is conjecture. The reincarnation of heaven is actually a state of conjecture.

Among the different classics, the description of the reincarnation of the heavens is not the same, especially for different races, and the understanding of the reincarnation is actually quite different.

Sun Hao’s deity is a human race. The natural reincarnation of the practice is based on the classics of the human race, supplemented by the true demon books.

Among the classics of the Terran, the reincarnation of the heavens in the six lanes is actually divided into different stages that can be understood.

Among the tribes of the tribes, the heavens are all living, living in the three realms of desire, color and colorlessness. The three worlds have different heights and ranks. In general, the desire is the lowest, the color world is in the middle, and the colorless world is the true highest heaven.

The three realms are vast and wide, and they are divided into twenty-eight days. Among them, there are six desires in the world of desire, four meditations in the color world, and four days in the colorless world.

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