Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2753: Reincarnation big guess

The colorless world transcends the existence of the material world...

A grandchildren's imagination is quite magical, the ultimate heavenly world.

But after really entering the colorless world, Sun Hao suddenly felt that many things, without personal experience, you never know what will happen.

Colorless world, also known as colorless days. "Color" is the meaning of the disorder, colorless is no matter, that is, the free state obtained beyond the **** of the material world. There is no material phenomenon in the colorless world, leaving only four life characteristics of being, thinking, doing, and knowing.

After Sun Hao entered the colorless world, he felt a little bit of it. He understood that the so-called colorless world is actually the dark world that he just came out of.

Is the dark world not beyond the **** of the material world, the world without material phenomena?

The colorless world is also.

Sun Hao's body swayed slightly, and the whole body was turned into a state of 勐拉里沙. In an instant, Sun Hao was completely integrated into the colorless world.

The six reincarnations that the king of death opened to Sun Hao are the death star field, the dojo of the undead protoss, the six reincarnations they simulated, and the last colorless world, which is actually the dark world.

After entering here, Sun Hao thought about it for a moment and immediately understood the reason. Indeed, for the undead protoss, the dark world may really be the ancestral land of their birth, and the dark world can’t do the intention of the undead protoss. In the middle, that is the true highest sphere of heaven.

Perceived the colorless world that is very similar to the setting of the dark world. Sun Hao slowly floats in it, and gradually understands it in his heart. If it is not good, the color in front may be really a white hole world.

If it is true, then it is quite interesting. Maybe Sun Hao has already begun to come into contact with the real reincarnation system of the virtual world.

What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is a process of non-stop rotation and cycle.

According to the truth, like a line, winding into a circle, constitute a cycle in general, the process of reincarnation, will definitely be reflected in the virtual world.

When the repair is not possible, the monk’s sentiment about the reincarnation is faint and unknown, and the reincarnation is full of magic.

The generations of monks with the results of the exploration of the reincarnation, with a different understanding of the reincarnation, gradually formed a six-revolution theory, and with their own ideas, with a variety of magical dojo, the magic of the six reincarnations gradually revealed.

But what is the real reincarnation?

How do the monks in the virtual world cycle back and forth? For a long time, the monks are not known.

In the middle, the biggest problem lies in the individual strength of the monk. The monk’s perception and cognition of the world has been greatly restricted. Even the great monks of Sun Hao are still afraid to mess in the virtual world. Oh, many places are still full of danger.

That is to say, the starry sky is innocent, the vastness is boundless, the top monk's individual is limited, and it is really difficult to detect the end of the universe, it is difficult to detect the mystery of the starry sky.

There is also a common feature of the imaginary world, that is, they all attach great importance to their own inheritance. If they are not their own disciples, then it will be difficult to obtain and practice their own high-level cultivation practices.

That is to say, the virtual world is actually a variety of repairs, and there are few opportunities for communication. Sun Hao estimates that, like himself, he has entered the white hole, entered the black hole, and entered the true demon and the undead. The Mahayana monk in the reincarnation is also the only one in the virtual world.

Your own practice may not be copied.

These experiences, which I have experienced, may have the advantage that other monks cannot match for exploring the mysteries of the reincarnation of the virtual world.

The discovery of virtual crystals, the perception of dark matter, the practice of time and space, and so on, will greatly help Sun Hao to explore the reincarnation avenue.

The body is illusory, seemingly absent, and Sun Hao is slowly floating in the air, and his heart has already sunk into the conjecture of reincarnation.

People have always wondered what their soul is. This thing is not perceptible, but it is everywhere, attached to the human body, like a light, disappearing with the death of the human body. Of course, after the monk is strong, the soul of the monk can also rely on the monk. The **** is there, the **** is not destroyed, and the soul is not destroyed.

Then, can you imagine that the soul of a monk is actually a dark matter that transcends the ability of the monk to perceive.

The monk does not perceive it, it does not mean that he does not exist, just because he transcends the category of ordinary matter, so the monk feels that he does not exist.

The mystery of reincarnation is that after the death of the monk, the dark matter of the soul will be attracted by the void, as if it were ascending to heaven, constantly flying upwards.

After entering the void, the existence of black holes and white holes has a great attraction to the soul. The process of entering the black hole by the soul may be equivalent to the tempering of the eighteen layers of hell. It is completely broken up, reorganized, compressed...

In the end, the soul enters the dark world of the black hole, there is no material existence, and the soul is some virtual shadow.

Some powerful monks awakened the fire of the soul in the dark world, but more monks spurted out through the white hole world connected to the black hole and regained their new life.

In the middle, there may be one biggest difference. People who do good deeds may have greater influence on the white hole world. They can be directly attracted by the white hole world without being subjected to the cruel compression and polishing of the black hole world. ...

This is Sun Hao’s conjecture about the reincarnation of the virtual world.

It is also Sun Hao who has gone through so many places and experienced some insights and analysis after so many practice.

It is also an understanding and sublimation of the reincarnation.

To say whether this understanding and conjecture will be close to the fact of reincarnation, is it the truth of the reincarnation of the virtual world, and Sun Hao is actually not clear.

After all, the virtual world is vast and innocent. It is really difficult to judge what is the truth. The monks try to explore. Perhaps, for a lifetime, they can only be turned outside the door of truth.

If the reincarnation is really the case of his own guess, then the distribution of the six reincarnations should be like this. Hell Road should be a process, the cruel and extreme process of entering the black hole; the hungry ghost road is likely to enter the white hole. In the process, white holes use light as food, and unsuitable souls must have been difficult in the past...

The animal path should be the virtual world and various forms.

Asura Road, it should be the state of the virtual world and the mutual struggle, and the humanity is the human form that is most suitable for spiritual practice after the practice of the imaginary world.

Heaven is the strange, unimaginable starry sky, the color and the colorless world are white holes and black holes. What is the desire, Sun Hao is still unknown.

Six reincarnations, will it be such a guess, Sun Hao is not known.

Moreover, even if it is his current conjecture, Sun Hao is still full of many puzzles, and there are still many problems that he did not want to understand.

One of the biggest puzzles is how the soul reincarnate after the black hole and the white hole spurt out the soul.

The secret of the undead protoss, Sun Hao understands, the key to the birth of the undead protoss is that the fire of the souls of many monks is ignited within the black hole world and becomes an immortal fireworks. Therefore, they are born again in the virtual world and can be directly attached to The skeleton or the dead is a strange life.

After drawing these conjectures, Sun Hao couldn't help but think of a long time In the uncertain winds, he took the hardships and took down the body of the Tengpeng deity. The scene of the re-emergence.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird fell in love with his head, as if looking at the vast sky he once soared, and muttered in his mouth: "The water hits three thousand miles, Dapeng spreads its wings and blames the heavens and the earth; Marrying clothes; Sun Hao, people will die and their words are good. Today, I will send you a sentence, I hope that you can uphold my will, complete my unfulfilled wish, the road is disordered, the heavens are dead, the six roads are round, I need to be careful..."

The repair of Tie Pengpeng is quite advanced. During the peak period, it may have surpassed Tiantianji and Luo Pengfei.

What's more, Tie Peng's master of time can understand and feel more events under time and space. Then, he said that he might have a very big wake-up effect on himself.

At that time, his own cultivation was too low, and he did not feel deeply about this passage, and he did not have much feeling.

But now I want to come, Tie Bianpeng’s words are afraid of being famous, especially the last few words, “The road is disordered, the heavens are dead, the six roads are round, and the road needs to be done”, Tie Pengpeng wants to explain to himself What kind of thing?

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