Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2764: The situation collapsed

Abel's mainland, located in an area very close to the holy land of Xikun, is even located behind the two mainlands of the mainland.

Moreover, in addition to this void, it is relatively compact, deviating from the main direction of the animal tide.

That is to say, this place is actually in a direction that can be defended. The Holy King put Sun Hao over, and the real intention is to let Sun Hao stay in this old age.

Originally, according to the opinion of Zhizai, Sun Hao’s best choice is to wait for the human race to collapse and then come out to clean up the mess. Only then, Sun Hao’s combat power will show greater value.

Sun Hao stood at the height of the human race. Willing to participate in the war ahead of time, this is a gesture, but also an opportunity for the upper class.

As long as the upper echelons of the human race can be a little more sensible and not so repulsive to themselves, then everything is easy to say, the value is not reflected, and they are always there. Sun Hao does not really feel that he must act as a savior to make a great vigour.

But the fact is as Sun Hao expected, the Terran is still the inherent mode of thinking, and did not see himself in the eyes.

Give you the opportunity, you didn't catch it, then don't blame me for watching the show.

Sun Hao is honest and honest. According to the arrangement of the Holy King, he came to Abel's mainland. When he came to see it, it was only an early monk who was stationed here. The total number of human monks was only about 300,000.

This strength is really obvious, the Terran did not take this as one thing.

After Sun Hao came over, Huang Hongjie, a distracted monk who was stationed, came to see the ceremony and asked Sun Hao to station his opinions.

Sun Hao only said a little: "business as usual", he ran to the base of the garrison, and he went to practice in peace.

Huang Hongjie only knows that a monk has come to help him manage the garrison. He does not know that Sun Hao is the second ancestor. There is still some anger in his heart and he has been seized. Now that Sun Hao is on the road, he is not seeking it.

Perceive the encounter of Sun Hao, even if it is the summer glory of the sense of justice, there is nothing to say at this time, it is not that Sun Hao does not care about the overall situation, but the Terran has not reached the end of the mountain, not to the critical period, simply not Understand the power and great power of a high monk.

That being the case, that's it.

Sun Hao was honestly staying in the Abel continent, staying, and did not go anywhere.

However, Xiao Xiao’s intelligence system began to expand to the human race with the help of the Tengu Knight.

The reason why the Holy King did not take Sun Hao seriously, in fact, the main reason is that when Sun Hao came, the whole situation of the Terran is not bad, there are not many Sun Sunhao, and there are many Shaohao.

When Sun Hao came over, his posture was quite low. He showed his weakness and did not require too many rights. So the Holy King pushed the boat and threw Sun Hao to the side.

Wei Xinbing soon knew that Sun Hao was placed on the mainland of Abel, and he was stunned at the Imperial Palace.

It seems that Sun Erda’s second ancestor was really seen as the second ancestor. Even if Sun’s boss wants to contribute, he will not give him a chance.

Looking at the situation of the Terran, it seems that it is not particularly bad. Sun Hao does not have any other special expressions. Simply, Wei Xinbing will not ask this question.

On the one hand, Wei Xinbing would like to see if the final situation of the Terran will develop so badly. I want to verify the so-called think tank around Sun Hao. Is there a few brushes?

On the other hand, Wei Xinbing is also a little dissatisfied. In any case, Sun Hao is the second ancestor appointed by Emperor Hao Anyi. It is equivalent to the legal successor. Now he is so slow, think about it, Wei Xinbing thinks, too Fucked!

Sun Hao can maintain a good attitude, not immediately broke out, it is already very good.

If it is true that Sun Hao’s people are guessing, then the situation will collapse and let’s talk about it.

Xiao Yan’s analysis, the analysis of intellectual idiots, is a general direction, but a general trend of events based on various intelligences.

The real state of affairs, in the subtle details, is that there are some subtle differences.

For example, after Sun Hao arrived at Abel's mainland, in the first period of time, the front line of the Terran was frequently reported. The two kings and six princes led the Terran army to attack the entire line and defeated the opponents on all fronts. The situation was very good.

There is a tendency to sway the evil spirits and restore the human race.

As the relatively safe rear of the human race, the Abel continent is quite peaceful and there are no signs of war.

A good news came from the front, and Abel’s side was really safe. There was a singing and dancing in the inside, and the feeling of the horse was placed in Nanshan.

Above Abel's mainland, Huang Hongjie's army did not have much urgency. In addition to organizing the necessary training, most of the time, the legion was divided into different parts, and went to various parts of the mainland to find opportunities.

Even Huang Hongjie himself is busy with practice, busy searching for resources, and basically forgets that Sun Hao is such a number one.

Still relatively large in the army station, but Sun Hao has become the most loyal guardian, always in no hurry, no hurry, stationed here.

After the emptiness, the development of the battle has the essential difference between the virtual and the virtual. The battles like the animal tide and the worm disaster usually last for a long time. A round of battle usually lasts for a thousand years or even Million years.

Many times many monks of many races are born in battle, grow up in battle, and grow old in battle.

The battle in the innocent void presents a lasting situation.

Of course, according to the routine of the human race, as long as we can seize the fighters and expand the advantages, then after a period of clearing, in the end, the Terran will settle the territory, calm the borders, expel the Zerg, suppress the beasts, and welcome the Terran for a long time. The period of peaceful development.

Time has passed for hundreds of years, and Sun Hao calmly practiced in Abel. Of course, in the air tower, Sun Hao is still practicing his own kingship sentiment. Within the empty tower, in conjunction with Sun Hao's practice, this kind of cooperation is actually their own experience in the red dust, and it can also greatly help themselves.

In the past 100 years, Wei Xinbing thought that Sun Hao’s people had made a big fuss.

In the past 100 years, the lost land of the Terran has almost recovered by about 60%. If it is not far from the void, there is no transmission device in the farther place. If the recovery time is long, the Terran has completely settled inside.

Sixty percent, the meaning of the representative is also very different. That is to say, the hinterland of the Terran is basically calm, and the rest are occupied by the Terran and other races. The common development of the continent needs to be restored. On both sides of the battlefield, every day It’s a good news, and the situation is very good.

Another hundred years have passed, the Terran lost more than 80% of the land, basically speaking, it has already been regarded as the overall situation, there is no suspense.

After such a long time, many monks, including the Holy King, actually forgot the character of Sun Hao. Even Wei Xinbing, who has been concentrating on retreat, has not had much to worry about in such a war situation.

The misjudgment of the think tank around Sun’s boss is a joke.

Just as all the monks thought that the overall situation had been fixed, when the Terran was fighting in two lines and the front line was very open, the battle began to reverse.

On the continent where the Terran has been restored, a large number of powerful poisonous insects that are highly evolved by the locusts have emerged.

The number is terrible, the toxicity is amazing, and the poisonous arrow can be sprayed. The overall strength has reached the level of the robbery.

Then the locusts are a kind of social group wisdom has always won by number. In the past, even the most elite, the locust army, its individual strength is generally able to compete at the level of God.

Nowadays, this kind of poisonous insects is numerous, the breeding is super fast, and the strength has been fully transitioned to reach the level of robbery. In a moment, the large area of ​​the Terran of the Terran is instantly framed, and even more uncomfortable is the area occupied by the poisonous insects. He was stuck in the throat of the Soul King, and cut off the waist of the Soul King.

The Soul King Department is in a hurry.

After the Holy King got the information, he had to support it from the side, trying to catch the cockroach.

But when the King of the Kings entered the void, and when he did not arrive, the Tieling star field captured by the poisonous insects was in the void, and suffered a huge void of the behemoth and the two sides of the steel dragon.

After a fierce air battle, the sacred kings suffered heavy losses. The Hou Hou and Huang Ling Hou esteemed the emptiness, and the elite was destroyed. The situation turned sharply.

The most disturbing thing is that the locust army of the locusts can quickly penetrate into the continent of the Terran in a way that the Terran still does not know, and there is a burst of insects and disasters.

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