Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2805: 0 king

When he was twenty years old, he was still studying military, studying politics, and learning various arts. He always believed that he would become a great scholar like Shiduod in the future.

At the age of twenty, everything changed. My father was assassinated at the sister's wedding, and Alex was too late to think about it. He has already been pushed to the throne of the king.

But before he could take his **** up, suddenly, the city-states that were conquered under the father’s high-handed rule, the tribes rebelled, and more than one declared independence and separated from the kingdom.

What is even more ridiculous is that the father who has passed away is actually not good at internal affairs, and what he left for himself is a mess that is very debt-ridden and makes people laugh and cry. There are only a few gold cups and silver bowls in the whole property, and there are less than 60 tons of treasures, and the debt is as much as five hundred towers...

Everyone is waiting for their kingdom to fall apart, waiting for their own complete play, so that they can divide the land and return to each other.

The pride in the bones, the glory in the blood, so that they are not willing to wait and see, Alex is angry, first led the army into the northern part of the continent, conquered the Illyrian tribes who betrayed themselves, and repelled the Thracians to The shore of the sea. At this time, the big city of Thebes had another riot, and rumors began.

The reduction of Thebes will not be conceivable. Alex decided to kill a hundred, and acted off the plane, slamming south, and unexpectedly appeared in the city of Thebes at lightning speed.

The Thebes could not believe their eyes, and they were panicked. The city of Thebes was captured and turned into a pile of rubble, and all the residents were sold as slaves.

But now, Alex has settled his account and came to a conclusion that makes him extremely depressed.

Because of problems such as rebellion and expansion, he not only failed to pay off the 500-ton old debt owed by his father over the years, but also owed another 800-ton new debt.

The headache is unparalleled. On the one hand, it can hide debts. On the one hand, the hope of paying off debts is pinned on the huge conquests through the large-scale conquest war. Alex simply does not endlessly, and embarks on another expedition to another powerful empire.

When the strength of both sides was on the table, the rushing Alpha suddenly gave a big jump.

He has only 30,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry and 160 warships. The Boqijin Empire has hundreds of thousands of troops and four hundred warships...

A very disparate force!

Near the city of Issus, Alex led his own troops, and defeated the commander of Bo Qijin, who was in the "Maton Square". The mother, wife and two daughters who captured the big stream, about 100,000 infantry and cavalry.

In the first battle, the Alex swarmed south and launched a large-scale decisive battle with Boqijin in Gaojiaila. Daliu III has been carefully prepared, with 40,000 cavalry, 200,000 infantry, 200 chariots, and fifteen battles.

While Alex has only 50,000 troops, Daliu III has an absolute advantage.

But what's especially interesting is when Alex ordered his soldiers to rest and recharge their batteries for the upcoming battle. The big man who held the army, but the fear of the night attack, made the soldiers sleepless all night.

As a result, the soldiers of the Great Flow III stood up all night, listless and fighting, and the second day, when the station opened, the main force of the Alex-driven cavalry quickly broke into the enemy line and forced the big squad. Daliu III lost to escape, and Bo Qijin’s army was defeated.

The army of the Arabs began to conquer the entire continent. Wherever they went, they were invincible, and the glory of the Alex shined on every corner of the mainland.

Until this day, the Ale Shuai army, Virginia City, heard that there is a famous prophecy in the city: a few hundred years ago, the king of Virginia tied a complex knot on his ox cart and announced who can Unlocking it will become the new king of the world. Since then, many people have come to see this knot every year, but they can't always find the rope. Most people just look at it. No one has calmed down and tried to solve this difficult knot.

Alex is very interested in this prophecy, to see this mysterious knot.

Alex observed this knot. For a long time, I couldn’t find the rope, just when he was ready to turn and leave. At this time, he suddenly thought of why he did not use his own rules of action to unlock the knot?

So, Alex pulled out the sword and pointed it at the knot. He slammed the rope into two halves. This knot, which has been preserved for hundreds of years, was easily untied.

A sword broke the knot that could not be solved.

Alex held his own sword, standing in front of this king knot, long time without words, and by his side, all the soldiers could not help but hang down their heads and warmly cheered: "Wang, Wang, Wang..."

Alex heard the cheers of the soldiers and his subjects, and he could not help but think of what was the king? If you want to be the real king, you need to open it. It is not the knot that can't find the rope, but the knot in the heart.

Wang Jie, the knot is not a knot, but a knot, only do not stick to the rules, with the simplest thinking, the most direct way, find the target, first act, you can unlock this knot, and only then, yourself Can become the real king of the world.

What is Wang?

The king is the person who makes the rules. If you don't have the courage to break the rules of the predecessor, then how can you become the king of the new rules?

Wu Tong took this truth. Alex held his own short sword and stood silent before the knot.

Less than half a year later, Alex suddenly became seriously ill, leaving a huge kingdom and letting go. Before he left, he ordered his men to put their hands on both sides of their coffins and stretch out their hands. Later generations, although he struggled in his life, he left empty-handed.

After the death of Alex, the huge empire fell apart and the mainland returned to the war.

There are generations of geniuses in various generations, but none of them can reunite the empire to the height of Alex.

This year, Tiemu was born on the beautiful Hanggai Prairie in the wilderness of the sky.

Originally, Tiemu had a happy childhood, but when he was nine years old, his father was poisoned. In the grassland and Akasaka Department, Tali suddenly took the opportunity to make waves, inciting the Mongolian people to abandon the Ironwood mother and son, and their family’s status from the tribal leader suddenly fell into the abyss of suffering.

Just leaving the tribe, some people worried that Tiemu would take revenge after growing up, so he made a surprise attack on the Tiemu family and planned to kill the arrested iron wood. Tiemu relied on his father's old department to lock up and his son, and his old man, who was the eldest son, took his mother and younger siblings to the inaccessible mountains and escaped for years.

Among the mountains, on a snowy night, a group of thieves took away the few horses in his house. In the fight against the thieves, the iron wood was shot by the thief in the throat. At the time of the crisis, a young man named Boer helped the thieves and regained the horses. Tiemu was spared.

Since then, Tiemu has come to the conclusion that if a person is not strong, then he will only be beaten. Since then, he has been working hard and constantly growing his own tribe and cultivating his own troops.

However, after the adulthood, when the ironwood was just married, the enemy attacked the camp of Ironwood. During the melee, the ironwood fled into the mountains, and the wife and the mother-in-law became the captives of others.

The catastrophe did not kill the ironwood again and again, but enhanced his vengeance. He vowed to take everything he lost in his home.

However, at this time, Tiemu knows that if he wants to stand on the ground, he must have strength.

Therefore, Temuji gave his wife's dowry the most precious "black suede" to the most powerful leader of the grassland, Wang Khan. Using Wang Khan's power, Ironwood gathered the discrete tribes a little.

With the strength of his own strength ~ ~ Tiemu began to kill his father, to take away his wife's enemies. Defeat the cadres of the lord, kill their princes, and take the name of Muhua and his son.

The various departments of Hanggai Grassland are afraid of the rise of iron wood, and they promoted the combination of Zhamu as "ancient sweat", that is, the sweat of the sweat, and vowed to be an enemy of Ironwood.

Twelve organizations organized a coalition and launched a storm on the Ironwood Department.

Under the First World War, the Wuhe people led by Zha Muhe could not stand the fierce attack of the iron wood. In less than a day, they fell apart and Zhamuhe surrendered.

The 12-member tribes can't stand a piece of ironwood, and the history of the mainland is called the thirteen-wing battle.

After this war, Tiemu unified the various grasslands, and since then, the iron horse under the iron wood began to fight the world.

According to the army, the world is invincible, destroying gold, destroying Xixia, destroying the Song, and destroying Europe... An unprecedented empire that stands tall.

Ironwood became an emperor.

When he sat on the throne and looked down on the mountains and rivers, overlooking the moment of millions of people, he suddenly thought: "Is this the king?"

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