Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 708: Beginning of the beginning

The preface of the ancestral gates in the southern continent tests the strength of each of the two sects.

One is the strength of the group, which is the comprehensive strength of the five Jin Dan representatives.

The second is the individual strength. All participating Jindan will conduct a ranking, and the top five monks will be eligible to enter the funeral market.

Monk practice, multiple actual combat.

The sorting of Zongmen is not a selection of disciples by Zongmen. Therefore, there is no such thing as the battle of Taiwanese.

The real test is the actual ability to kill between monks, survivability, and even the ability to test the monk's strategy.

For example, in group battles, the eight major sects of Jindan also entered the battlefield of the mountain that was specially developed.

Then, each sect has a temporary residence, and the resident has a flag.

The flag was taken, meaning that it was disqualified and was eliminated.

Finally, according to the number of flags obtained, the group score is ranked.

The final score of Zongmen is the total score of the surviving monk multiplied by the group ranking score.

For example, if Qingyunmen gets the group first, then the group ranking score is very good. If the five monks of Qingyunmen survive, then the total score of Qingyunmen is fifty.

If the group ranks second in the second place, the surviving five monks is forty-five points.

If the group is very good, but only survives four monks, it is 40.

More complex but very testable team strength, but also a fair system.

After the regiment, there were no fallen monks, and they were automatically qualified to enter the Jindan qualifying war. Of course, there were many sects in the southern continent. Many of the first-class sects did not qualify for the Zongmen group battle, but they also had strong strength. Master Jin Dan received a hero.

These Jindan monks with hand-held heroes go directly to Jindan's individual qualifying battles. If they can enter the top five, they will be eligible to go to the funeral market.

Going back to the dust did not announce the way and rules of Jin Dan's individual qualifying war.

After announcing the qualifying method for the group battle, he waved a cloud directly and waved a boulevard that was more than five feet wide in the air. Only pass the mountains below.

Among the mountains. There are eight major peaks, the peaks are far apart, and the top of the peak has a flag flying.

Above the battle flag, the ancient characters are glittering.

Eight gold Jinqi Qiqi gave a slight gift to the dust. Then jump into the avenue.

Sun Hao smiled and said to the people around him: "Let's go."

Finished. With a burst of arms, the peak of the flag flying "Qingyun" flew over.

Going back to the dust and clearing it: "Life and death have a rich life in the sky, Jindan war. Everything is safe, but God has a good life. Jindan Dacheng, repair is not easy, but also hope that you will leave a line. Do not too Never, see you in the future..."

under. Like a Jinyan monk who only swallows swallows, he said: "Okay."

However, everyone knows each other, after the real war is over. The battles are ever-changing, and it is only God who knows if they can keep their hands.

Every time the sect is sorted, the fallen Jindan monks are not in the minority.

Many Jindan Tianjiao fell into the battlefield tragically and turned into loess.

On top of the Eight Great Wars, the leader Yuan Yingxiu appeared in Qi, sitting in the boat head, paying attention to the Dashan battle below.

The dust-cleaning people also played a 12-point spirit. If possible, everyone can reach out at the crucial moment, and the rescue of one or two Jindan is also a protection for the strength of the Southland.

No one has spoken.

In the sky, it is silent.

The team battle lasted for three months. Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a strong battle group to expel all the enemies to end the battle ahead of time. However, the heroes have not seen such a situation for thousands of years.

At the top of the mountain, there is an open space of ten feet. There is a small peak in the middle, and the Qingyun Battle Flag is inserted above Xiaofeng.

Between the white clouds, the battle flag flutters in the wind.

Sun Hao’s arms were collected and fell to the “Qingyun” flag.

"Agarwood", Yunzishan said: "Who is coming?"

The group wars test the group strength of the monks, so it is very important to guard the peaks and capture the flag. A good strategist can often occupy many advantages.

Of course, the eight major sects have a heritage. Under normal circumstances, the rumors are not much different.

The cloud yew line was not weak, and it also made the fourth-level squad. This is why.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I still come, if there is anything wrong with Agarwood, please ask your friends to correct me."

The eight hills below, almost at the same time, burst into a cloud.

Between the clouds and the clouds, the flag became more and more.

The three-month team battle, the layout of the circuit, began to start.

Sun Hao is the mainstay, Yunqishan and Xuanyuanhong are supplemented. The three are busy and busy on the mountain.

Half an hour or so, the big array has not been completely completed, and Sun Hao’s consciousness is shocked, and his mouth screams: “Note the spirit, start the battle.”

A few monks at the same time gave a slight glimpse, but quickly reacted, the real yuan was in full swing, and injected into the unfinished squad, Sun Hao screamed: "come well," the right palm waved, while in the left hand Throw a handful of stone in a row.

With a bang, there was a loud noise in the front of the void.

Sun Hao’s right palm hits an undercurrent, and the clouds are scattered around.

At the same time, Lingshi landed, the four-level large array was completely erected, and the light film flashed, and it was supported, blocking the violent cloud.

Outside the big array, there was a horror, and then a figure flashed past the Qingyun station.

Immediately, on the peak near the Qingyun station, there was a loud drink: "The thief dare?"

At the same time, the monks laughed and heard the war.

Chen Yifan looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said: "Qi Tianzong is alone, he has found a thousand valleys and started a war."

At the same time, there was another mountain above, and there was a sound of fighting.

The first wave of battles of the Eight Peaks officially started.

Almost at the same time, the first-class and Qi Tianzong, who ranked first, launched an offensive against other Zongmen.

The first goal of Qi Tianzong is Qingyunmen. In the Qingyunmen, there is Sun Hao, and he discovered the unique shape in time. He stopped his attack and held up a large array between the electric and the flint.

The singular attack immediately attacked the position and rushed to the past.

The original one was directly attacked Wuyuedong.

Yi Xiaobai and Luo Peng both killed the past.

The comprehensive strength of Wuyuedong is not weak, and between the haste, it is barely fighting.

Relatively calm is the few sects in the middle of the ranking.

Wan Jianzong, Huang Daozong and Bai Huamen are relatively calm.

Each of the three sects has a real military power. The other monks are not weak in strength, and they are not swallowed, but they are not willing to move when they start, but they are relatively calm.

Qingyunmen was harassed by the wire, but it was stable.

Wait and see.

The war lasted for one day, and he returned without success. He returned to Qi Tianzong.

Although he was strong, one person suppressed the five Jin Dan in the Millennium Valley. However, because Sun Hao blocked the first block, Qian Qiangu had taken precautions and eventually failed to achieve his goal.

After two days of the war, Wuyuedong could not defend against the attack of two true monarchs. The first one could not support it and collapsed.

However, the Jindan qualifying war has just started.

Not yet admit defeat, the Wuyuedong Jindans decisively abandoned the flag, let the one to take away the Wuyue flag, and all the Jindan combat power flew to the mountains, waiting for an opportunity.

Wuyueqi was taken away, and Wuyuedong was in a very unfavorable position. However, it does not mean that Wuyuedong will definitely bottom out.

As long as Wuyuedong can defeat the weaker opponents and get the opponent's battle flag, they will be able to return to life.

The group battle lasted for three months, and Wuyuedong did not have no chance at all.

Five Wuyuedong Jindan, which has a good strength and is well preserved, is hidden between the mountains and is waiting for opportunities.

The original one won the flag and the flag won.

On the heroic character, a three-character golden light was highlighted, and it was temporarily ranked first.

On both sides of the mountain, there are also two flags floating up.

The team battle has just begun, and the original one has already shown the first heroic position. Under the circumstances that the leader monk Li Min did not take the shot, he won a strong battle flag.

The Wuyuedong Battle Flag was taken, but its strength was not damaged.

The return to the flag only captured the flag and did not kill it.

The reason is still to avoid the Wuyuedong Jindan dog jumped to the wall, the fish died.

If the persecution is too embarrassing, Wuyuedong Jindan will come to Jindan to explode, then it is not a joke.

Wuyuedong Jindan sneaked into the mountains, like the dragon to the sea, lost the news, but all the monks know that they must hide in the mountains, look at them, and once they have a chance, they will rise and fall.

The mountain is temporarily calm.

After the calm, everyone is accumulating strength, or studying the flag of other sects.

If you can find the weakness of the banner, and your own strength is strong enough, there will inevitably be a big battle.

Beside the Qingyun Battle Flag, Sun Hao completed the deployment of the big array.

Jumping in the air, eyes like electricity, observed the other battle groups.

Down, whispering with Xuanyuan Red.

Xuanyuan red nodded, then drove Laojun Weiling and began to predict.

Called Yunzhishan, gave the big array to her host, and left the small fire and Xiaozhang in the big array. Sun Hao’s body gradually faded, and then like a virtual shadow, quietly trailing the mountain down. go with.

Wuyuedong is in the dark, and Qingyunmen is likely to be the target.

After all, Qingyunmen's strength is still low Instead of waiting for the Wuyuedong to kill the door, it is better to take the opportunity to find out the opponent's false realities, quietly destroy the main force of Wuyuedong.

Killing Wuyuedong Jindan is also able to get points, and it is equally useful for the ranks of the regiment.

Of course, the risks are not small.

Sun Hao incarnates the ghost body, quietly, and touched it from the mountain.

According to the direction predicted by Xuanyuanhong, sinking into the mountains, Sun Hao explored and went forward.

Laojun Weiling can roughly locate the hidden place of the Wuyuedong monk. Sun Hao has a lot of self-defense methods. He feels that this is a good fighter to gain the points of the battle group and touched it.

Soon after the sneak, Sun Hao will find out.

Five monks in Wuyuedong are sitting in the middle of a mountain in a mountain, sitting on a pentagonal corner, meditating and restoring the consumption after the fierce battle.

Among the underground, Sun Hao’s eyes flashed. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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