Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Generate battlefield

The hero is the secret treasure, the secret treasure of the Tiangong. After each use, it will deposit hundreds or even thousands of years. In the golden light, there is a lot of energy. ⊙Vertical novel, x.

Nowadays, the character of the hero character is a little bit weak, obviously it is very expensive.

There is no such precedent in the classification of the classics.

Returning to the dust has now begun to secretly rush, I hope that the state of the hero will not be affected too much, otherwise, Jin Dan's qualifying war will be affected.

Jindan ranks in the battle, but also needs to use the hero to generate different battle scenes. If the hero Fuwei can be exhausted, at that time, I really don't know what a moth will be.

Five hours passed, in the golden light, Sun Hao has been healed like a wound, and his body has a thick layer of blood.

The golden light gradually weakened. After entering the body, the help was not great. Sun Hao’s body shook slightly and opened his eyes.

As soon as he turned, the **** layer of his body fell, revealing white as if the skin was flashing with layers of golden light. The bodywork of the body was running and the color of the skin gradually returned to normal.

After thinking a little, I feel the golden light that continues to flow into the air tower. Sun Hao’s consciousness has sunk into Dantian, and people have already stood outside the tower.

Floating into the tower, directly into the spiritual room.

The old man sits on his knees, the treasure is solemn, his face has a smile, and the layers of gold are covered with the whole body, accepting the baptism of golden light.

At this time, the old age is slightly different from the wooden state in Sun Hao’s memory.

The seemingly absent smile is natural and clear, and it seems more approachable than usual.

Sun Hao smiled slightly on his face.

Master is really, always in front of himself is always a face, when a person is on the side, it will not be so rigid.

Since Master needs Golden Light, then I will continue to stay for a while.

Sun Hao started in the old age. Sitting down on the knees and preparing to start practicing, I saw the words of the old and the old on the floor: "Shangzhi."

Is it two words?

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but burst into doubts.

This is not the first time I saw the word "尚之". Why? Is Master writing his own name unconsciously?

But why have you only written two words instead of writing them?

If it is consciously written, then what he wants to express. To whom do you want to express?

If Master wants to express, then the object of expression is undoubtedly self, but can't you speak directly to yourself?

Sun Hao’s heart flashed through the doubts, and he couldn’t think of it. He waved his head and lost his interest in meditation. After thinking about it, he stepped out of the spirit room and walked into the air chamber.

Gas room. A monk sits cross-legged, and the heavenly spirit is covered. A little baby seems to be swelling with his breath.

Sun Hao came in, the little baby's forehead, an ancient “ word "will" flashed, but the baby seems to look at Sun Hao, and no one else, self-cultivation.

Sun Hao smiled slightly. Sitting cross-legged and starting to practice.

After ten days. Sun Hao opened his eyes and his body swayed and disappeared into the air chamber.

The knee-shoulders opened their eyes and looked at the direction in which Sun Hao disappeared, revealing a thoughtful expression and showing his arms. The little baby is covered with a celestial body, stands up, disappears, reappears, and is already in the sky above Gu Yun’s medicine field.

Take a look at the following monks who work in Lingtian. The face slowly appeared a faint smile, and his arms were stretched out in front of the ancient clouds.

A laborer called out: "Father."

Nodded, Yuan Ying’s monk smiled and looked at Gu Yun: “Xiaoyun, the medicine garden of Tazhong Tower should be used. If I judge it well, the medicine garden inside the tower should have some magical effect. You are big. The pharmacist can naturally realize the many magical things."

On the face of the ancient cloud, the ocean overflowed with a bright smile and said loudly: "Good", and rushed to the distance and called out: "Go, hey, let's go to the tower."

On the face of the white and white scorpion, the faint faint, but still obediently came over and took the ancient cloud to the tower.

Yuan Ying’s body swayed and reappeared, but it was a mountain top.

Above the mountains, Tong Li is on the knees, swallowing clouds, and the golden dragons are shining. During the cultivation, I feel that someone is coming, and I can't help but open my eyes.

"Diligent", Yuan Yingzheng said with a smile: "Tazhong Tower looks like a paradise, but it also reveals the abnormality of the silk, but it is also necessary to be careful, but don't just let Jindan out of the body. ”

Tong Li’s eyes widened and his heart flashed through his doubts, but his mouth said: “I understand, thank you for reminding me.”

Zhenjun’s face smiled and shook his body and disappeared into the face of child power.

Sun Hao smiled and appeared in the golden light.

At this time, the golden light is already very weak, and the Dantian whisker empty tower will no longer absorb the golden light.

I want to come, Jinguang's role has been minimal, and I feel a little change in the body, Sun Hao thought, the outside is afraid that I can't wait.

Step by step out of the big array, Sun Hao finally rushed out of the big array after entering the big array for six hours.

Different from other monks, other monks are time to be expelled from the Golden Light, and Sun Hao, but because of the five elements of the round or the relationship between the old and the old tower, is full. Drink enough, come out by yourself.

Going to the dust and seeing people with their eyes.

All the monks who pay attention to the heroes have a look at the heroes.

Sun Hao’s face was embarrassed and smiled. He said: “You have been waiting for a long time, and you have been waiting for a long time. The blood level of Agarwood is low, the time of refining is a little longer, and you have sinned.”

The blood level is low!

How long is the refining time?

Desperate people want to say that you are not a long time, but several times or even ten times more than others, but also want to say that the golden light that you consume alone, the resources consumed are afraid of thousands of times others.

But on the face, the person who went to the dust was still a sly and said: "Well, it’s good to finish, just hope that the blood level of the agarwood will be slightly stronger after being refined."

Sun Hao nodded: "I hope it can be stronger, but you know it too. The blood level of Aquilaria is barely on the list. I really can't rely on it, but I can rest assured that my grandson Sun Sunxiang is not high in blood. However, I will still be able to make up for it, and catch up, not let the disappointment."

The dust-cleaning man nodded again and again, saying, "Yes, good," but I was thinking, but fortunately, this Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is not a disciple, or else he must not be eaten by him.

Also, when the dusty people let Sun Hao return to the team and prepare for Jin Dan's qualifying war, they also thought: "When you choose the elite next time, you can use your heart, a very stubborn hero, or you have to find a way to reject it. Outside the door, otherwise, the hero can not afford to consume a few times."

Sun Hao's consumption is very large, but fortunately, the heroes have accumulated, and the resources of the heroes should be divided into functional reserves.

The dust-cleter found that the special function of the hero is still able to drive. When the Jindan qualifying war was not affected, the heart was relieved a little, and the mouth screamed: "Golden Dan ranks, the hero is in the battle, there is Please hero."

In the sky, the slightly wilted hero has three characters, and the sound of the five-color radiance blooms.

The five colors are staggered, illuminating down, and falling straight on top of the white peaks of the field.

The five-color ray and the white peaks complement each other, and within a field, it seems to sway up, and the space seems to change, transforming into different forms.

Go back to the dusty mouth and sing softly: "Five colors and five elements, normalized, everyone listens, the hero meets and joins the force of the field will generate a variety of different scenes in the air, then the hero will automatically select the monk to enter Among them, no matter how many people enter a scene, in the end, only one person wins..."

Speaking of this, the people who went to the dust sighed and sighed and said: "The battle of rankings, life and death, wealth in the sky, but the monks practice is not easy. I hope that you can open the net in one of them, expel, Wan Never make a killing, and, if you can't support it, you can destroy the jade in your waist, and the hero will send you out of the battlefield in time."

Behind Thirty Jindan real people have swept the waist between the jade, and said loudly: "Listen to the people to teach."

Returning to the dust heart, I sigh: "You must really listen to it, and you won't fall down so many monks every time."

Among the hustle and bustle, the five colors shimmer, and finally, the five colors are condensed, turning into a dark blue space around the Zhang, appearing in the air.

On the hero, there are bursts of dark blue light on the three names.

Shooted separately to three monks.

One of the blue light directly hit Sun Hao.

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Book friends on the side of the book, the book friends on the side of the novel, the book friends on the pirated website, hello. Can you give Bo Yao some subscription support? Bo Yao is very hard but hard, and he can't subscribe. Bo Yao is afraid that he can't keep going. (To be continued.)

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