Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Only me

The first five are precious, the actual danger is dangerous, and it is changed.

On the Tao, from the ancient practice of the book "Bao Puzi", the original meaning of the righteousness, refers to high talk, not to practice, that is: "Sit and talk, do not think that the ear ..."

However, historical changes, practice and development, and sitting on the road, have become a good way to teach the experience of the Zongmen, especially the large-scale school to teach disciples.

Of course, on the road, not everyone can argue.

Non-cultivation is successful, and the avenue can not be discussed.

Of course, one word of Tao, with thousands of changes, has thousands of roads, avenues through the sky, no life, no shape, no visible, no big, no small, no omnipotent, all-encompassing. It was unnamed at first, so the ancients had a strong name: Dao.

Although Jindan real people have a good cultivation, they can't talk about it.

Therefore, at the time of the debate, the person who went to the dust had a question of "Xian".

I gave you a title for Jindan real people, let everyone talk about what is "sin" to talk about everyone's feelings, and then, the Eight Great Zongyuan Zhenzhenjun also went back to the last person to comment on the spot, ranking five real people, But there is no need to kill and kill.

Going back to the field, the bells are melodious.

Returned to a disciple, densely appeared in the dojo, sitting in rows.

Above, eight warships also hang down the boat, and on the deck of the boat, they also sat on the knees and filled the monks.

All the monks are sitting in peace and quiet, listening to the real people.

The top five real people in the South China.

Everything has the power of true king.

Moreover, the people who have gone to the dust have already said that in the top five, except for Luo Peng, the other four people have vaguely reached a number of true monarchs and began to have unique insights.

In other words, five people talk about immortals, and even some true monks are likely to get inspiration from them.

As a landlord, the first landlord first got the moon, and arranged his disciples to listen to Jin Dan. The name is to witness the order of the five heroes.

But in fact, it is the intention to let the outstanding children under the door get enlightenment from the discussion of Jin Dan's real people, and bury the fairy bud in the heart.

"On the fairy."

As with the ancient theory, there is a topic on the dust. Below, the five heroes began to discuss one word of the fairy according to their respective understandings.

The high level of discussion is the standard for everyone's ranking.

The cigarettes are lingering and the fragrance is bursting.

In the air. The five monks sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and began to think in combination with their own cultivation experience.

Tens of thousands of white clothes belonged to a disciple, sitting cross-legged and silent.

Eight warships also silently stayed in the air, quietly looking forward to Jin Dan.

After two hours.

Among the five monks, Li Min slammed his eyes.

In the eyes, the light flashed and stood up. Arrogant and arrogant, stepping out under the footsteps, people have come to the table, standing tall, the backbone is straight, slowly, sitting on the futon like a javelin, Li Min slowly said: "Xian One person, one mountain, the fairy..."

Eight peaks are beautiful, but the height can be accidental. Several people are on the top. See the east side of the sea.

Li Min tongue is like a lotus flower, and he talks slyly: "People go to the mountains and don't fear the difficulties. They will be the top of the mountain, and they will see the mountains and small mountains.

Immortal is a proud and superb person.

"My generation cultivated immortals, when climbing the peak, and the superiors wait," Li Min said his understanding of the fairy, said and said. His body naturally emerges with a proud momentum, as if he despise all beings, letting people look at it at a glance and produce a feeling of high above.

At this moment, even a few of the repairs were slightly weaker, and Yuan Zhenzhen, who could not realize the realm of the realm, had a sorrowful feeling of worship. It seemed that in front of him, he really sat on the knees and sat down with a proud person. Give yourself a pass.

Li Min’s original prestige was extremely high, and he had a great influence on many younger generations.

At this time, Li Min said about immortality.

Many of the disciples had a sense of heart. For a time, they were taken away by Li Min’s momentum, and they were taken by the air. They were involuntarily and slowly fell to the ground.

Devout believers generally, more than one-third of the disciples are on the ground, quietly, listening to Li Min on the heart.

Li Min’s voice is more and more ethereal, more and more proud, like standing in the sky, overlooking hundreds of millions of people: "My generation is a fairy, proud of the world, who is it? I am only a fairy!"

The arrogance of the celestial beings, the nobleness of the celestial beings, with the wording of Li Min, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All the monks suddenly feel that the immortals are like this, that is, they should be noble and proud.

Xian Ben proud.

This is Li Min's understanding of the immortal, and, with his practice, arrogance has penetrated into his bone marrow. At this time, it is simply transmitting his own feelings and his own experience to others.

Even if it is Sun Hao, at this moment, looking at the arrogant Li Min, the heart can not help but admire.

The practitioners have different roads and different focuses. The understanding of the practice is different. Sun Hao’s understanding of the fairy and the interpretation of the fairy may be slightly different from Li Min, but it cannot be said that Sun Hao’s is right. It cannot be said that Li Min’s understanding is ridiculous.

It is precisely that Sun Hao feels that Li Min at least illustrates a trait of Xian.


Xianben proud, no pride is not a fairy.

Even Sun Hao himself, although usually smiling, looks approachable, but true, from the heart, Sun Hao also has a disguise.

A group of people hiding in the bones, the depth of the spinal cord is also deeply hidden in the body of Sun Hao.

Immortal can't be proud.

There are thousands of mortals in the world, and you can enter the immortal, you can't be proud.

Asking the immortal to ask the thousands of thousands of people, can make the Dansheng baby avenue has a talent, can not be proud.

Not proud is not a fairy.

The difference is that the way of expression is different.

Li Min’s pride is proud.

I am alone in the eyes of the world, and I am not arrogant.

Sword 100 forged true love, but also not arrogant.

Sun Hao broke his arms and left him a life, but he was proud.

Of course, in contrast, Li Min’s pride is more straightforward, more thorough, and more embarrassing.

Li Min said, the body slowly stood up, like a lonely mountain, standing on the field, the sound of the clear is not big, but spread throughout the dojo.

There are thousands of practitioners in the world.

Only I can become a fairy.

Li Min’s voice is like a golden stone, one word and one sentence, resounding through Tianyu: “Xian is both me, I am a fairy, but I am a fairy.”

The last fairy spit out, in the sky, as if flying and colorful brilliance, formed a large fairy, solidified in the air, for a long time.

Spit into words, condensed words.

The sound of the fairy is lingering for a long time.

With his hands on his back, Li Min stood proud on the spot.

Until a fragrant kung fu, the colorful fairy in the sky slowly dissipated, turned into a light spot, and dissipated in the air.

Li Min's momentum slightly converged, his body owed a little, and he said with aloud: "Break the bricks to attract jade, and offer ugliness and ugliness."

Although the words are polite, but the arrogance, but there is no point to ugly.

Floating up, slowly falling, knees and a plate, Li Min sat in the air.

Under Tianyu, the peace has been restored for a short tens of thousands of people return to the field silently, all the monks are quietly comprehending, and realize the sensation of Li Min just now.

Other real people who are interested in immortals, including Sun Hao, are no exception. They all sit on their knees and do not go up immediately.

But in the heart, the stone of his mountain can attack jade.

Li Min’s cultivation and understanding will inevitably have a lot of help for everyone’s cultivation.

Sitting on the sacred, everyone is good, but it needs to be digested.

After a long time, he slammed his eyes, and the big knife took a few shots on his shoulders. He said in a big voice: "I am coming."

Between the words, striding a step, taking advantage of his own big knife, Da Ma Jindao, generous, casually, sitting on the side of the futon on the desk.

Big model, hand-held a cup of tea, a cow to drink, and there is no temperament of the temperament of the sky, this guy took a big knife and patted his shoulder, very rhythmically said: "Shen, that's the case..." Continued.)

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