Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Like a mortal

There is no city in Baiyun Wanli, and the warships are connected to Dajiang.

The wine cellar is still open, holding the festival clouds, singing the ancient mountains and rivers, the heroes are innocent; worshipping the dance songs, the wind is always blown away by the rain.

Perhaps, the heroic character is the pride of the mainland.

Perhaps, the heroic hero was once the dream of Sun Hao.

However, under the blue sky, above the clouds, before the real burial of the Tianzheng.

Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he was already alive.

Yuhua Fairy never looked at Sun Hao.

Subsequently, the warships of various continents came one after another.

All the heroes came to each other, and Sun Hao found that he became insignificant in general, and the door was cold and cold.

Qingyunmen can only be a bit of a position in the Southland.

On the mainland, it can only be regarded as the second-rate sect, which is not valued.

And Sun Hao, the South China ranking is only the fourth, quite backward, the blood level is third.

Naturally, it is less of a concern.

The focus of the South China, the representative of the South China, is naturally one, and one of the Li Ming, and Luo Peng also followed a lot.

In addition to Li Min, the attention received by Du Yi is much less, and Jian Bai Forging is even less. At the time of Sun Hao, there are few people who care about it.

Like a mortal.

Above the Qingyun battle boat, all the monks secretly observed the Zhoutou teenager, secretly speculating on the mood of the agarwood adults at this time, presumably, the adults will be somewhat lost at this time, some disappointment.

In Sun Hao’s heart, there is indeed a faint loss.

However, if you think about it, Sun Hao understands that this is actually a real treatment that really suits his status and matches himself.

A huge hero, stands in the void.

Under the heroic character, it is the right way elite.

There are twenty-five elites in the five-party continent.

Not far away, there is a dark, "Phantom placard" that blooms in the dark. Under the prince's post, there are still twenty-five magicians.

Both sides of the Tao and the Devils have a total of 50 heroes.

Sun Hao is only one of them, and it is still quite backward. One of the blood level bottoms.

Just like a mortal is normal.

What's more, the funeral of the Tianxu market is not only the participation of the five elites from the mainland, but also the top five forces of the mainland will appear one by one. Exhausted elite disciples participated in the event.

Daomen: Tiangong, Ice Palace.

The Magic Gate: The Temple of the Pluto.

The demon temple that is allied with the demon gate.

Neutral, relatively mysterious sea **** temple.

Each force will discharge ten disciples into the funeral market.

One hundred heroes 闯天墟.

Sun Hao is only one of them, and it is still very common, a member of the bottom.

The flag is covering the sky.

The battle boat is standing.

Sun Hao looked at Baiyun, looking at the laughter and the wind, and the high-spirited monk, the heart could not help but think of the scene of the far-class classics.

At this moment, I am similar to how the ancient cold men took the exam.

Ten years of cold windows, one for the township test, ranked first. In the famous township, the name is ten.

The spirit of the wind, the county to catch up, take advantage of the situation, take the wind and send, ranked in the top three, on the list, and advanced to the National Assembly.

However, the test at the National Convention was suddenly discovered. I am only one meter in the sea.

However, the arrogant knowledge is just like this. Outside the Qingshan Building outside the mountain, there is a strong middle hand in the strong...

In the famous earthquake township, there are so many talents in the show. But can you really stand out from the crowd and be the champion of the top?

There is only one.

Obviously, in the mind of the monks, Sun Hao is not the champion.

Even in the hearts of the monks, Sun Hao is far from reaching the gold medal title. I will try it, but it is the soy sauce party that walks through the process.

The focus of attention is the number one real person in each continent.

But they are still not the protagonists.

The true protagonist is the leader of the top five ancestral gates.

The five-party mainland battle boat arrived.

The forces of the mainland have gathered together.

The momentum is soaring.

Qing Qing wants to split.

Both sides of the Tao, like two clouds, are shaken relative.

The Temple of the Sea is located in the middle of the two sides as a buffer.

Above the blue sky, Wanli Baiyun was set up in a camp, and the bustling, flying swords shuttled and repaired.

The millennium is rare and the event is unprecedented.

Junjie from the mainland, friends and friends, and exchanges.

Today's Golden Dan Festival, after a lapse of years, maybe today's Golden Dan is the pillar of the mainland's various sects.

Taking this opportunity, it is necessary to expand the network.

Of course, the so-called people go up high and the water flows down.

The top five strengths are the focus of Jin Dan's visits. If you can get the recognition of the five major sects, or get the support, there is no doubt that the future practice will be much smoother.

Secondly, the real people ranked first in each continent.

It can rank first in the mainland. As long as it is not buried in the sky market, it will become a big tool in the future. Visiting is essential.

On the back of the battle, the daily passengers come and go, the arrogant Li Min, also put down the shelf, and friendly exchanges with the pillar heroes of other continents, from time to time also go out to string the door, and even lead the way to lead the five rankings of the South China Dan attended several small gatherings.

In contrast, Sun Hao’s Qingyun Battleship is a cold car in front of the door. The visitor 寥寥, especially after the arrival of the five major squadrons, the monks were basically extinct before the Qingyun battle.

The state of the Wanjian battle boat is not much better than the Qingyun battle boat.

The sword hundred forged lost in the heart, simply ran to find Sun Hao to drink.

On the other side, it was busy for a few days. After all, he was still ranked second, and there were also many monks patrons.

However, after seeing Jianbai forging on the Qingyun Battleship, this guy also ran over and said in his words: "Blessed and shared, there is scenery and share. Visiting Jiye will have to visit the brothers of Jiye. ”

But Jian Baishou despised him as drinking and drinking.

Sun Hao just smiled and did not express his opinion.

The scenery is good, the cold is good, but it is the body.

It is fundamental that a monk can practice and be alive. It is more important than anything to live back from the funeral market. Sun Hao is already planning his own trip to the funeral market, but the current information is too small. No way.

The war boats of various continents have come.

Fresh clothes, angry horses, high-spirited, and young people with their own personalities have appeared.

Sun Hao, who has not been secreted, has to sigh that there are so many British heroes.

Among them, the most striking is naturally the leading monk of all continents.

The Eastern Continent, Zeng Xiangwu, Sifang face, looks very square, slender and has a long sword in the waist. The seal of the Eastern Continent, the title is also very distinctive "squad leader."

According to the records, the Eastern Wang Ting collected the monk's Qing dynasty barbarians. He was enlisted in the army. The first position was the "squad leader". The opening was closed. "This class is long, the length of the class is...", in the barbaric war, it shines greatly, Wang Tingzhi honors: First squad leader. This is the origin of his title.

The western continent, the beasts of the beasts, the lights of the road, the face is slightly fat, the ones are short, Zeng Xiangwu, and the eyes are small, seeing everyone is a smile, a smile, the eyes will be picked up.

The title is still weird: "Building the Army" is a real person. According to legend, when he was in the Western Confucianism, he could build a large army with his own power. He was a savage master.

Beida Road, Zhongyiyuan, Yue Dayong, like to wear a white gown, but also like to not wear long gowns, often with a long gown like a big white scorpion running around, more distinctive is that every moment, right finger tip There is a small, thin-edged knife that flashes in the cold and keeps rolling.

Yue Dayong, title: "knife."

Southland, Li Min. The title is "a proud world."

On the Central Plains, the Great Song Dynasty was the great prince Song Shimin. To say that this Song Shimin really made a lot of disappointment to the female repairs that the Song Dynasty revived.

The Prince of Song Dynasty is among the five leading sects of the mainland. The shortest, the thinnest, and the stunted look look like a clear show, awkward, not domineering, and a little less masculine. , a few more rouge gas.

On the other side of the Magic Road, there are also five outstanding figures who lead the way.

However, for the time being, there is very little mutual understanding between the two sides of the Tao.

However, under the heroic character, the Pluto is attached, the two monks are connected in an imposing manner, and the opposite is true, but the demon is not falling.

The top five strengths have not yet arrived.

Both sides of the Tao and the Devil are facing each other.

However, Sun Hao, who is concerned about the monks' gatherings and knows some information, has intentionally or unintentionally discovered that no matter which direction the demon, no matter which direction, as long as the battle boat team arrived in the southern continent, all of them are gnashing their teeth.

It is said that the demon gods do not hungry for the old and do not respect, actually block the road to robbery, each battle is vomiting blood three liters before being released.

Sun Hao sighed that the rats were not hungry, but they also had to admire the rats without hunger. Several mainlands came to bury the sky from all directions, and the demon mountain actually stopped the robbery.

Not only did not give Tiangong face.

The face of the Confederate Pluto Temple was not given.

This big mouse, it’s not afraid of being hungry. If you see someone, grab it?

As the saying goes, things are gathered together, and people are divided into groups.

It is also said that people go up high and the water flows down.

The leader of the five-party continent is naturally the busiest.

On top of their battle boat every moment, worship constantly.

One post, flying in the air, one monk came from the air, shouted long, and visited a real person.

The Song Dynasty prince of the Central Dynasty, even personally doing the East, invited all the right people in the mainland to qualify for the real people to go to Xiaoju, and Sun Hao was also invited to participate.

However, Sun Hao’s ranking is very low. The ranking of the whole mainland is only the 94th. Although the Song Dynasty Prince has not lacked the number of ceremonies, there are not many people who are concerned about Sun Hao’s general monks.

Sun Hao did not care. At the time of the party, he was quiet, smiled, teased, listened to the conversation between the monks, and collected useful information for himself.

The five major princes are all very good, and the way they talk, every move, reveals a lot of information. Among them, there is no weak one.

Sun Hao can feel the huge threats and pressures they bring.

The hero character gives each monk an evaluation and gives the mainland monk a most original ranking. (To be continued.)

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