Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Was light

Two hours will arrive soon.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is also close to the platform.

Time is almost the same. If there is no accident, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang should be able to barely climb the platform for two hours.

Very reluctant, a little careless, there is a type that can be missed.

The monk who cares about Sun Hao and is not very familiar with Sun Hao, at this time, the heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man, only hope that Sun Hao can be a little faster, can enter the main entrance of the Avenue.

The monks who know Sun Hao’s and know deeply about Sun Hao have a thoughtful expression.

Of course, there are still quite a few monks who can't wait for Sun Hao to go up a little bit and enter the side door.

The ninth nine hundred ninety-nine steps.

Sun Hao stepped out step by step, and in the knowledge of God, there was a word: "divided".

The left road is not on the door.

The law can be divided into two points.

The second method, the far-off classical "Vimo chanting" 曰: "If I am interested, in all laws without words, no ignorance, leaving questions and answers, is the only way to enter."

To put it simply, it is a unique method.

Now there is a word segmentation, how to understand.

Sun Hao’s right foot was a little bit.

Just step on the point where the two hours are not over, and step on the platform.

Sun Hao stepped on.

The time period is quite good.

Almost at the same time, both doors of the size and size were lit up and directed at Sun Hao.

At this moment, if Sun Hao’s ability is slightly stronger, just touch the door light a little, then Sun Hao can enter the right gate.

However, at this moment, in the eyes of Sun Hao, the position of the gate where the gate is located.

It is not the place where the big squad is born.

But it is not a dead door, but a "sick door" of one of the three murders.

It is the location of the small door, although it is not the most auspicious door, but it is the location of the door.

From the point of view of the circuit, to rule out the possibility of raw grams, opening the door is more favorable to the monk than the injury.

Sun Hao’s heart is moving, and he’s next.

The body is slightly off. The light of the small door shines on the body.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang became the third monk left-door monk.

On the Qingyun battle boat, many of the younger monks showed a sigh of sorrow, and a thought was born in the heart. Above the mainland, it really means that people can come out in an endless stream. Adults can only enter the side of the door, but they are weaker than others.

It is a pity that the incense adult is actually a small difference. Missed the opportunity of the road.

But there are also many expressions on the face of the monks who have gloating.

Look, this is the two palaces and three halls optimistic about Junjie, actually can only enter the side door left, haha, a Sun Hao Sun Sun Xiang.

Many monks, especially the leading monks on the mainland of the right way, are exposed.

Sun Hao has just made a big splash, so that they are a little uncomfortable with these days of arrogance, and now it is good, Sun Hao actually turned into a side door, the heart is naturally very comfortable.

A lot of monks. In particular, Li Min, who was a singer, even straightened his chest and looked at the Ice Palace, trying to make Xia Qingyu notice himself.

However, he regretted to find that in the ice and snow palace, Xia Qingyu stood above the iceberg, and his eyes were staring at Sun Hao.

A dark belly whispered: "The rain fairy, are you disappointed now? Do you feel that you have no eyes?"

Li Min’s face showed a smile.

On the platform.

Zhao Wei’s brows were slightly sinking, and he did not look at Sun Hao. He was very dissatisfied with Sun Hao’s performance.

Sun Hao failed. Lost to the magic repair, the right side of the road, suddenly more than a magic road over the side of the left door monk, Zhao Wei magic is not very happy.

Plus. I don't know what the relationship between Xiao Yu and Sun Hao is. Zhao Weimo has no good feelings for Sun Hao. At this time, Sun Hao’s performance makes him sick.

I really lost the face of the righteous monk.

Zhao Wei’s face is as heavy as water, and he said loudly: “The next group.”

The monks and monks of the Taoist monk once again stepped up.

This time. An accident happened again.

Originally, the higher the ranking, the less likely it is to fail.

However, this time, on the other side of the Magic Road, there was actually a monk with a face full of acne. Lu Shan actually failed to arrive at the platform on time and fell to the side door.

Lushan is also a wonderful person.

Sun Hao’s face showed a smile.

The strength of Lushan can be put on the roof in advance, but it is actually grinding and smashing.

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, Lu Shan’s actions are definitely influenced by oneself, but deliberately.

It seems that his position in the heart of Lushan is very high.

This is indeed the case. Lu Shan always believed that Sun Hao was the one who met him, the most powerful and most cultivated monk.

Lu Shan also believes that Sun Hao’s cultivation must be far superior to himself.

However, Sun Hao actually became a side door.

There must be some flaws.

What is it, he Lu Lu does not know, do not need to know, he Lushan just keep up with the pace of Sun Hao, but also become a side door.

After this group of monks, Zhao Xiaomo suddenly paused and did not let the next group come up.

Because he found that the Poseidon airship had already flown up two monks and landed on the steps.

Zhang Wenmin and Zhu Pang, the two looked at each other and then began to climb without delay.

While climbing, the two also talked.

On the order of the heavens, the special formations cover up, and what they are saying is not known.

"Big stupid", Zhu Pang went up and said: "Do you think we need to be a side door?"

Zhang Wenmin ignored him.

Zhu Pang took it for granted: "But is the main entrance ban not good? I can't understand Xiaohao's practice."

Zhang Wenmin said sullenly: "You don't need to understand, just do it."

Zhu Pang’s forehead, his mouth: “Hey,” and then said: “Talking to you is like playing the piano.”

That is to say, but the situation between them and Sun Hao is exactly the same, and it is so bad that it falls on the side of the door.

Standing to the side of Sun Hao.

After falling behind Sun Hao, Zhu Pang sighed and sighed on Sun Hao’s shoulder, feeling a pity.

However, the monks in the camps below are a bit dumbfounded at this time.

The Temple of the Sea is very mysterious, and the battle of the monks in the Temple of the Sea is even more embarrassing.

For many years, there has been no precedent for the side door.

This time, it’s good. Actually, there are two out. The disciples of the Poseidon are so behaving. Do you not feel that you are calling the five major forces?

Is it true that the townboats of the Sea Temple are taught by them?

Obviously, the two guys of Sun Hao’s friends deliberately slowed down and talked with Sun Hao in good faith.

Later, Zhu Ling and Wang Yuan both jumped into the world, and when they boarded the rooftop, they even brought this kind of loyalty to the extreme.

The two guys quickly reached the final step, but they did not take this step, and they waited until they fell to the left side of the door and landed next to Sun Hao.

Actually so capricious, the sea **** temple elders do not care?

You must know that Zhu Ling Wang Yuan is the third and fourth warrior in the Poseidon Hall. Is this appropriate?

Fortunately, the two groups of monks in the Temple of the Sea performed much more normally. They stood tall and headed, no more than Zhao Wei, and set foot on the platform.

After the other monks of the Temple of the Sea went up to the rooftop, a single glimpse of the glimpse fluttered and fell to the heavens.

Originally, this trip was her, no one competed with her.

However, above the Temple of Heaven, the original small palace of the Palace of the Little Palace was also moved at this time.

Xia Qingyu on Gong Xiaozui’s iceberg said: “After your temple,” then flew up and landed on the steps, standing side by side with Shan.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, and then they smiled and said: "I said little sister, are you going to keep up with me?"

Gong Xiaohu: "I can't understand the look of your demon."

"I can't get used to it," I laughed and swayed: "Look at who we run fast..."

Gong Xiaozhu: "Whoever is afraid of who is better than that."

On the order of the heavens, two fairies were fluttering in white, and a blue shirt flew high and quickly picked up the stairs.

The two were extremely fast, and they arrived at the end in less than one and a half hours.

But it is very surprising that at the last foot, it is about to step on the platform.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding. They stopped their feet in the air, and they did not step on their feet.

Look at me, I look at you.

Both of them were a little surprised.

Then, the two men explored their feet and stretched forward.

Just waiting for the other party to land, when the distance from the rooftop is only a trace, the two have been together.

Big eyes and small eyes.

Two people sneaked at each other.

In the eyes of Zhao Wei, the cold light flashed, and he glanced at Sun Hao. He said quietly: "Little raccoon, come on."

Gong Xiaozu seems to have not heard he did not take care of him.

Zhao Yan’s eyes flashed again in a cold light, looking down at the Tiangong Palace.

The strange thing is that there is no movement in the palace of the Temple of Heaven.

It seems that the town palace monk is not at all.

Zhao Wei’s eyes are shining, and if nothing happens, sit cross-legged.

Looking at the two fairies that look like a cross-eyed, Sun Hao’s face is a bitter smile.

Ok, this time, I don’t want to be remembered.

In other words, is this day's palace, the main palace, the little raccoon, is it free to do nothing? With the arrogance, invisible, give yourself a sudden out.

So far, Sun Hao has been searching for a stomach, but still can't think of where he has seen a female repairer.

Sun Hao feels inexplicable. (To be continued.)

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