Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Killing

The key is. Net ≧ ≠ ┼.┼

Sun Hao is now, the blue smoke that was burned by the Aegis of Fire, was again sucked in by the dust gourd, and then sprayed out again, regenerating a living dragon, a fierce female ghost.

The four senses are all working.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the reminder once again drove the condensate tower, but again, the small fire could not be sucked into the tower.

The small fire has been so scared in the shoulders of Sun Hao, and in the knowledge of God, he kept screaming: "Ghosts, ghosts..."

Sun Hao is a bit ridiculous.

Dignified, they are so afraid of ghosts.

Wang Qiong has a great influence on the small fire, or that the small fire itself does not have the consciousness of being a strong person.

Reach out and touch the head of the small fire to comfort the fire.

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Stay steady, small fire."

The sword shadow flashed, and the incense sword had already broken through and turned into a virtual shadow and rushed forward.

The sword shadows everywhere, the female ghost can hardly block its front, and it is broken and scattered. Even the dust gourd above the ground in front is directly collapsed by the agarwood sword and turned into fly ash.

After Sun Hao followed Shen Xiangjian, his body flashed a red light, and he saw a passage and galloped away.

In the knowledge of God, Sun Hao is horrified. ≦ ≥.┭╊.

The female ghost who was disintegrated, and the gourd that was disintegrated, has already reborn.

The gourd itself is the generation of dust. After the collapse, it is still dust. The dust will again produce the gourd. The total number of gourds will not be less than half.

The female ghost who has collapsed is also natural, and it is integrated into the air.

In the front channel, Sun Hao is now, in the dust, the shape of the dense gourd emerges.

One of the eyes only took blood, the head was scattered, the white tongue was broken, and the female ghost in the white shirt shouted and rushed out, covered with passages, the entire tomb. The hall is good, the passage is good, the scarlet **** eyes are everywhere, and the ears are all screaming.

Such a geographical image. It’s really easy to collapse when you change to a little daring monk.

The small fire has been so scared that he closed his eyes, only instinctively grasping Sun Hao’s shoulders, shaking and shaking, and Sun Hao’s knowledge. It is constantly saying: "Ghost, there are ghosts..."

The small chapter is constantly saying: "Big sister, you are afraid of the ghosts to come back, I am also served, since I am afraid of ghosts, but I will die outside and not come in..."

In the sound of the small fire, I have already brought a cry: "But, I, I can't get in."

Xiao Zhang picked up: "It's weird, how come I come in, you can't get in? Is there something wrong?"

Fen up the incense sword. Sun Hao rushed forward.

In my heart, Sun Hao is also confused as a small chapter. According to the truth, Xiao Zhang Xiaohuo should be a treatment, but why can't the small fire enter?

In principle, Sun Hao understands that it should be that the small fire is bound by the laws within the burial sky market, and it must be fought and cannot escape. .╋┭.┼c┯o┿m

In other words, in the middle of the world. There should be a small fire.

The reason why the universe is so powerful, I am afraid it is also inseparable from the existence of the small fire. Intuitively, the universe is not just for Sun Hao. It should still be aimed at the small fires and Xuanyuanhong within the condensate tower.

Otherwise, the hazard level of the true female tomb will not be so high.

The female ghosts who come in will not be so fierce.

In other words, Xuanyuan Red can never go out of the tower, it will be like a small fire, can not enter.

Sun Hao is wearing a god, and the incense sword is open in front. The road rushed, and suddenly rushed in, but it was not present. The body bag of his waist always opened a small mouth, and the eyes of the dark blue kitten slid and turned, showing a very scared expression.

However, the dark blue kitten is also like a small fire, how can it not enter the spirit beast bag.

A small head was terrified, and he was squatting on the mouth of the beast bag, fearing to die.

Before and after, it is dense.

Within the tomb, the female ghosts overlapped and squeezed. In the end, they could not see their ghosts at all, and they could not see how they moved. In the tomb, scarlet, flowing. The eyes of blood have accumulated together and gathered into a blood river.

The **** river screamed screamingly, both sides, and kept coming to Sun Hao.

The ghosts of the female ghosts actually flow into the river.

It can be seen how terrible the number is.

Even if it is the agarwood sword, even if it is a sword-stricken sky in the state of the sword, the momentum of the impact is also curbed within the passage of the tomb.

The distance of each impact is greatly reduced.

Moreover, without going to see, Sun Hao knows that his impact will not be very good.

The female ghosts that have collapsed have not been truly eliminated, and will not come together for a while.

I don't know how long I rushed. In front of Sun Hao, suddenly, Sun Hao once again entered a similar hall, and in the middle of the hall, there was also a straight well going up.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao Shen Xiangjian was upright and went straight up and killed.

What surprised Sun Hao was that Shen Xiangjian was not in front of him, and Sun Hao was not very laborious to rush out from the circle of female ghosts.

The female ghost is not very fierce to the interception above.

Sun Hao rushed out of the encirclement, but the female ghost below was not refusing to follow, followed by Sun Hao, chasing it.

Sun Hao flew up and rushed. ≦≤≠网∧⊥.┯╳.┿c╇o┭m

In the deep well, Sun Hao rushed to climb, under the body, the scarlet blood flow followed the pursuit.

At the wellhead of Shenjing, Sun Hao broke out and shot into the air.

Less than two feet away from the air, Sun Hao's eyes narrowed, his heart screamed, and another head went down into the deep well.

The well drilled by Sun Hao is one of the many peaks that have been flattened. The reason why Sun Hao turned around and plunged into the well is simple. The number of female ghosts gathered outside is more, overwhelming, above the sky, surrounded by mountains. In the abyss between the mountains and the mountains, they are all scarlet.

The arrangement of the peaks is very embarrassing. The deep well that Sun Hao entered is just the edge of the true female tomb. It only rushes into the hall below the second mountain and then rushes out. Sun Hao is already at the top of the mountain. Surrounded by.

After Sun Hao rushed out of the ground, above the peaks, like a fountain, the blood flow from the eyes of the female and female ghosts spurted the entire mountain area to be covered.

Although it is only a glimpse, but Sun Hao has instantly realized that the peaks of the true female tombs that have been cut off to the peaks are already operating in a peculiar way, starting an ancient array.

Even if Sun Hao is rushing to the top, it is estimated that it will be intercepted by the big array.

Compared to nowhere to hide, the peaks that have been attacked on all sides are relatively safe within the ancient tomb passage.

Sun Hao judged the situation a little and had to turn around and re-enter the tomb.

The rank of the ancient tomb is really in the judgment of Sun Hao, and it definitely reaches the danger of desperation.

It’s just a gourd female ghost, and it’s already made Sun Hao feel like nothing to do, there’s a lot of killing and endless feelings.

There are thousands of peaks in the ancient female tomb, and there are thousands of ancient wells.

Within the ancient well, the passages are staggered, like a spider web.

Although only one kind of ghost is currently encountered, Sun Hao thinks and knows that the true female tomb is definitely not so simple.

Sun Hao slammed down the sword.

There is a wonder above the real female tomb.

A huge amount of scarlet blood flow, like the Yangtze River into the sea, chasing after Sun Hao, rushing into the ancient well.

The other ancient wells are also like a huge attraction. Soon, all the blood flows wildly, and Sun Hao rushes into the ancient well less than four or five interest hours. The ancient tomb is over the Pingfeng, and once again, the calm is restored. The shadow did not survive, and it was once again restored to death.

Within the passage of the ancient tomb, Sun Hao Yu Jian went down and rushed into it.

The female ghost is not weak and has a large number, but she still can't stop Sun Hao's sudden advance.

Soon, Sun Hao broke through the old well and once again went to the passage hall.

Inside the hall, the terrain is irregular, and the gods swiftly swept through the hall. Sun Hao slashed a sword and rushed to the corner of the hall.

Shen Xiangjian had several swords, and the female ghost in the corner was swept away. Sun Hao flew in the corner and turned around.

Behind him, the female ghost choked, blood flow, has been chasing crazy.

Sun Hao shook gently, and the small fire fell behind him.

Behind him is the wall of the ancient tomb. There is a small space on the wall where there is a small space. Since the fire is afraid, let her hide.

Behind Sun Haoguangguang, a small pair of small fire claws caught Sun Hao’s trousers and his body was still shaking.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that the small fire falls behind him.

The kitten dark blue also jumped out of the spirit beast bag, and did not need to greet Sun Hao, and fell to the side of the small fire.

The performance of the kitten is even worse than the small fire. It’s like a sieve, it’s shaking, it’s scary enough.

Sun Hao didn't have time to think about why Deep Blue didn't stay in the spirit beast bag. The massive female ghost had already killed.

Sun Hao flashed red light on his body, topped the body guards and began to fight.

Even if Sun Hao is a Jin Dan, but the real strength of the real power has a limit, blindly chaotic, the final result will not be very good.

Now, Sun Hao needs to find a way to effectively kill female ghosts.

Otherwise, killing and killing can't die, and they can't rush out. Waiting for Sun Hao is drowned by a large number of female ghosts.

Perhaps, in the end, Sun Hao and the people and spirits around Sun Hao will become loess dust. After a few years, they will also become dust and gourd, killing later monks.

Diffuse the dust of the true female tomb, let Sun Hao smell the ashes. (To be continued.)



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