Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Big cat Gaia

The small fire forcibly rushed forward, washed away the blood flow in front of Sun Hao, rolled forward, and opened his mouth, making a swallowing action forward. Oh.

It is very weak to swallow, but the front is also empty.

The small fire hit the momentum, a plop, and fell to the ground.

Sun Hao screamed and reluctantly took out a chapter of the dead wood, and he hit the small fire. Then he used up all his strength, but he couldn’t move any more. He couldn’t save the fire.

In the eyes, a large number of real female ghosts rushed over again.

Scarlet **** bursts of violent screams, flew over.

Eyes, the fire will soon be overwhelmed by a massive female ghost.

A roar in the heart: "Small fire", Sun Hao's eyes burst, only blood drops, the heart is horizontal, the mind is moving, forcing the imperial to condense the empty tower.

How about, but also to save a small fire.

How long has it been blocked?

In the knowledge of God, the town token began to shine.

However, the idea of ​​Qinglao passed over: "Xiaohao, don't be willful, useless, even if it drives the township order, it can't stop how long..."

Sun Hao: "Master, don't stop me."

Qingla actually controlled the town token, and did not let Sun Hao drive freely: "Xiaohao, this time listening to me, the monk's life, should know what can and can't be done, sometimes, some things, not giving up Got it, the monk knows what to do..."

Sun Hao: "Master, you let it go..."

Sun Hao is trying to forcibly break the time when the old man intercepts the imperial token.

There was a strange feeling on the body.

Behind him, the dark blue kitten rushed out. .(?.c[o

Dark blue kitten shaking with sorrow.

One is very scared. In the protection of Sun Hao, the dark blue kitten that was almost forgotten by Sun Hao rushed out from behind Sun Hao.

Fear of the ultimate, facing the female ghosts coming from the rush, the kittens, the roots of the hair erect.

Surrounded by a small fire that fell to the ground, he kept aiming at the call and tried to wake up the fire. Use your mouth to bite a small fire. Trying to drag the fire back to Sun Hao.

The kitten dark blue forgot a lot of things.

I even forgot my origins, but the kitten’s dark blue clearly remembers that it was a small fire that saved myself when I was about to be swayed by the sky.

For a few months. The kitten dark blue has deeply felt the care of the small fire, and has deeply felt the goodwill of Sun Hao, even the strange octopus that looks very funny and likes to scare himself, which makes him have a brotherly warmth.

At this moment. The small fire is about to be drowned by ghosts.

Although he is afraid of death, he knows that the small fire will not work, and Sun Hao will not be able to do so. The safe haven he has just found will soon be a landslide.

At this moment, it forgot the fear, only the thick unwillingness, and deep anger.

Turn around and face the female ghosts who are rushing.

The kitten is dark blue. There was a loud roar: "Hey..."

Hearing is obviously not a cat cry, Sun Hao could not help but a little.

Then, Sun Hao’s knowledge was slightly loose, and he forgot to force the driver to condense the empty tower, but looked at the front.

With the dark blue of the kitten roaring.

The body of the dark blue kitten is in front of a small fire, violently, like a balloon, growing up wildly.

What is even more strange is that the female ghosts who are rushing out and the dusty gourds that are coming in, actually stunned the momentum of the forward and began to linger. ═┝.<.

Between the blink of an eye. The original small and poor dark blue kitten has been transformed into a high one in front of Sun Hao, which is more than two feet long. The whole body is blue, and the wind is sturdy. Standing on the huge "big cat" before Sun Hao and the small fire.

The big cat's forehead has a big, white stripe drawn by the word "king".

Big cat, that is, tiger.

Dark blue turned into a tiger. The body is slightly dithered, roaring in the sky, and the momentum of the body is so strong that Sun Hao is stunned.

Moreover, the deep blue giant tiger seems to have a special ability to deter the fearless, female ghosts.

After the giant tiger appeared, the movements of the female ghosts were slow, and they were surrounded by the corner where Sun Hao was. There was no forehead, but just around the group, and the giant tiger kept screaming, but it did not rush. Come here.

"Sun Shenxiang", the big tiger in front spoke up: "Next."

After that, I lifted my leg and saw that the small fire flew over.

Sun Hao slammed his hand and caught a small fire.

In front of the giant tiger, a giant cat squatted on the ground, and said in his mouth: "Rescue the small ... fire, you also hurry to recover, there is me, these female ghosts are afraid to come."

Sun Hao stuffed a panacea into his mouth, and his **** face showed an ugly smile. He asked: "I don't know where the brother is?"

The giant tiger squatted on the ground and said slowly: "In the next tiger Gaia, this, agarwood, less nonsense, hurry to recover, we have to explore this true female tomb together."

Tiger Gaia!

An answer that surprised Sun Hao.

At the same time, let Sun Hao understand the answers of some things.

The original dark blue kitten is Tiger Gaia.

The demon temple led the team to the master.

It is no wonder that Tiger Gaia has not appeared on the platform, and it has long been with Sun Hao.

It is no wonder that the rat has a lot of treasures to worship the Qingyun battle boat. Co-authors are not visiting themselves but looking at their sons. The so-called thief must be the lost Tiger Gaia.

It is no wonder that the first stop of his entry into the funeral market will be so difficult, and he will directly meet the desperate level of the field.

To put it bluntly, or the strength around him is too strong, and the burial sky market automatically generates a terrible domain.

Think about it too, Sun Hao himself has the strength, plus a demon temple with the same level as Sun Hao, the fascination can be weak, and I don’t know why, the burial sky market also takes the small fire as the rank of Jin Dan. Treated, the strength of the small fire is also powerful.

The three powerful monks accumulate, and the meteosphere that meets is naturally difficult.

It’s not surprising that it’s awesome

Sun Hao is also slightly puzzled, why the Tiger Gaia will appear in the field, and why it will become a kitten dark blue.

Sun Hao is also very curious about why Tiger Gaia can deter female ghosts.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Sun Hao quickly sinks his heart and begins to recover.

Of course, before this, Sun Hao did not forget to take a chapter of the dead wood on the small fire, and gave her a detoxification.

Among the deep ancient tombs, it was quiet.

The female ghosts surrounded the corner, and before the corner, a big tiger squinted and snorted.

Behind the big tiger, Sun Hao embraced a small fire and recovered in a tighter time.

After a while, the small fire woke up from a coma, and now he was actually held in front of Sun Hao.

I am actually nothing?

Still alive?

Looking around in a puzzled look, there is a big tiger in front, posing a small head, and the small fire does not know how there will be such a strange big guy in the ancient demon.

I don’t want to think about it. The little fire gently stunned in Sun Hao’s arms, and closed my eyes and began to recover.

In front, the huge tiger head, inadvertently, swayed gently.

At the same time, there was a thought in the heart of the big cat and tiger Gaia: "It is true, there is no consciousness of the king!"

The so-called one drink, one has a leading edge.

Sun Hao did not expect that the kitten saved by the small fire would become a savior to get rid of the desperate situation.

Of course, the cause and effect in the world is the most difficult to predict. If Sun Hao does not take Hu Gaiya, will he enter the real female tomb?

Sun Hao knows four points and sinks into cultivation. He also judges the origin and peculiar ability of Hu Gaia.

Sun Hao does not think that Hu Gaiya can be much stronger than himself, but Hu Gaiya can deter women ghosts, obviously has a very strange ability.

Of course, now Sun Hao is also very curious, how can a rat and a lot of tigers come out, and this tiger has a form, cats, cats are not the natural enemies of mice? Now it has become the son of a mouse.

Sun Hao feels a bit messy.

Of course, since Hu Gaiya uses the tiger as his surname, he must have a **** ability that favors the tiger.

Not to mention, the Tigers really have the ability to deter ghosts.

Among the cloud temples of the Soul of the Soul, there are many materials of the Tigers. Many of them have the ability to control ghosts from ancient tigers.

The female ghosts in the real female tombs are extremely powerful. The ordinary tigers are afraid that they can't control them. Then the ethnicity of Tiger Gaia is locked in a few tiger ethnic groups.

Slowly, Sun Hao began to smash and analyze the origins and peculiarities of Tiger Gaia. (To be continued.) (To be continued.)



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