Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Duobao dark blue

Just after the stream disappeared and felt no danger, the kitten jumped again and leaped from the waist of Sun Hao, screaming excitedly and rushing to the real woman. Hey.

Sun Hao’s heart was moving.

Hao Anyi's stream of luminosity is fast, Sun Hao's eyes can't keep up, let alone chase, since things are so far, I don't think it's worth it, or follow the dark blue instinct-driven general, first search for it in this ancient tomb. .

There must be a lot of valuable things in a real woman.

The dark blue kitten, if Sun Hao guessed it well, should have the **** abilities of the squirrel and instinctively perceive the existence of the treasure.

Otherwise, the dark blue will not make a big disaster, let go of Hao Anyi.

Without him, Gaia lost her memory during Gaia after her incarnation, and then instinctively found the dry mirror, and pulled it out.

Now, dark blue should still be there.

The dark blue is still absolutely a bad baby.

Sun Hao is now, dark blue has been cheering, a few tumbling, rushed to the real women's knees, the real female sword.

A deep blue dexterous flutter, rushing to the real female sword.

But did not wait for him to bite the blade, the real female sword, a blue light flashed, the deep blue sticking claws like grabbing the hot soldering iron, involuntarily, after a scream, received back.

The real female sword has returned to calm.

The kitten is holding a paw in the dark blue, rolling in the air, it is very uncomfortable, and there is a feeling of seeing food without a mouth, screaming.

Sun Hao’s heart was awkward, and he stopped before the real female sword.

The true female sword is very spiritual. After hundreds of millions of years, it can automatically protect the Lord. I am afraid that it will not be so good.

After Gaia's incarnation in dark blue, perhaps the direction of ability is different, but his claws are definitely not weak.

Seeing that he is now being hurt by the real female sword, Sun Hao estimates that he is going up. ┞┠═.[[. c (o{m{ may not necessarily benefit.

Moreover, the real female sword is a real female sabre.

The real female body is tall, and the real female sword that looks slim and delicate in the hands of the real woman is definitely a giant in front of Sun Hao. It’s hard to say if it’s good.

Shen Xiangjian accompanied Sun Hao for many years.

It looks ugly, but it works.

Although the real female sword is good, it cannot be forced.

Sun Hao does not insist, but deep blue is anxious. Surrounded by the real female sword, I kept turning around and occasionally sticking my claws to scratch, but every time I was burned by the swordsman.

After trying seven or eight times, Deep Blue felt that he might not really want this big sword, and he was wronged, and Chong Sunhao screamed.

Sun Hao looks at the real female sword still on the knees of the real woman, and looks at the tall, true-looking female statue that seems to be closing her eyes. Sun Haofu is in the soul and deeply envious in the air.

A trip. To the waist and the ground level, Sun Hao is in the air, facing the true female statue, and sincerely said: "The younger grandson Sun Shenxiang, willing to inherit the legacy of the predecessors, chasing the evil spirits, so that they can not be a disaster again..."

The sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice has been heard, and the real female statue actually reacted.

Between the real female eyes and the eyebrows, there is a white light cluster of the size of a bathtub. Among the light group, it seems that I still sit on the knees with a beautiful female repair.

The woman repaired the direction of Sun Hao slightly, and then the light group flew down. Fly to the real female sword.

On the real female sword, under the light group, the blue light is a masterpiece, and the screams are light.

In the sound of Jian Ming, Sun Hao seems to have heard a little girl crying and crying. There is a strong reluctance, a strong attachment, a deep memory.

After a long time, the sword gradually calmed down.

The light group floated in front of Sun Hao.

The real female sword is also as small as a soft iron, shrinking, and soon, it becomes a sword that matches the shape of Sun Hao, and stops under the light group. ┠.<. c[o{m

Among the light group, the female repairs slightly stunned Sun Hao, and then the body became a light spot and integrated into the light group.

But at the same time, Sun Hao’s heart seemed to have heard a woman repairing her own words: “The true woman is not destroyed, the sword spirit is long-lasting, and the troubled friend can find a successor to the real female sword.”

Sun Hao’s body sighed and said: “Sun Hao understands that the real female predecessors can rest assured that Sun Hao will definitely find a suitable passer for the real woman...”

Sun Hao spoke this time, and the dark blue kitten was another screaming cat.

However, he tried to put away the small female sword and was punished again.

Looking at the thief still not dead, still deep blue on the true female sword, Sun Hao shook his head, hands stretched out, caught the light group, and then reached out and took the real female sword.

As soon as the mind moved, the light group and the real female sword were collected into the squirting tower.

Xuanyuan Red, who is practicing in the air chamber, opened his eyes sharply. I don’t know when a very beautiful soft sword has floated inside the air chamber. A soft white light floats above the soft sword.

Above the light group, she was very comfortable and very radiant.

Sun Hao’s voice came over: “Xiaohong, look at this light group for you?”

Xuanyuanhong's eyes became a crescent moon: "Okay, I think it must be suitable", raising a hand, the light group fell into the middle of the hand.

Sun Hao just handed the light group to Xuanyuan Red. Outside, the dark blue kitten began to blame again. The kitten jumped to the real son-in-law and opened his mouth to bite the jade shuttle above the dragonfly.

Above the jade shuttle, a white light flashed, and the dark blue was a scream.

Sun Hao laughed dumbly and jumped up, grabbing the dark blue back and flying back.

A handful of dark blue squatted in front of him, hands clasped, Sun Hao said very cautiously: "The real female predecessor for the Asiana 6, the town of evil spirits, her body is not allowed, you can be in this tomb Look for the rest of the place, you have to understand..."

Sun Hao shoulders, the guy also screamed.

Reluctantly looked at the air jade shuttle, and swept a few eyes on other parts of the real female body, the mouth screamed a few times, and the dark blue nodded.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, the voice of Xiaohuo also came over: “Brother, Dark Blue said he knew.”

Sun Hao smiled and said, "Then go to the treasure, but let's say it first. In this ancient tomb, what you found, we have to open three, I am seven and three..."

Dark blue lingered in Sun Hao’s hands and kept calling.

Xiaohuo acts as a translator: "Brother, dark blue said that you are too dark, at most half of each side, five or five points is reasonable."

When Sun Hao’s eyes turned, he said bitterly: “Do you know how the female ghost came over?”

Dark blue shaking his head.

Sun Hao said with deep meaning: "The female ghost is off, I can be incarnate, the small fire can be mimicked, but you are deep blue, can not enter the spirit beast bag, has become a bait to provoke ghosts, but it took me the strength of my boss You saved it..."

Dark blue turned his eyes and shouted: "Sister, sister, is that the case?"

Small fire: "This, it seems, almost..."

The dark blue head hangs down, downcast, and screams twice.

Xiaohuo said to Sun Hao: "He said, at most, if not, he will strike."

Sun Hao gave his hands and sent the dark blue out. He laughed: "Come on, hahaha, Gaia, go to work."

Inexplicable Chong Sun Hao screamed two times, the deep blue body leaped high, but was attracted by the breath of the surrounding baby, began to work, did not ponder why Sun Hao would call himself Gaia.

Sun Hao guessed good.

Dark blue is indeed a descendant of Duobao, and finding treasures is definitely a good hand.

Take the small chapter and help out, plus the small fire and Sun Hao himself, one person and two pets began to sweep the treasures in the ancient tomb after the dark blue.

Even Sun Hao has already checked it, thinking that it has already been scraped three feet, and the deep blue has found a lot of money.

Professional treasure hunt, it really is extraordinary.

It is no wonder that the dark blue kittens will be small local tyrants, and the treasures of the body will be endless, and the ancient tombs will be visible.

There are a lot of miscellaneous things, for the time being, I don’t want to say that I’m talking about the best of the best, the dark blue is more than a thousand, and Sun Hao is worth six hundred.

The stars above the sky were also shaved by the deep blue, becoming more than a thousand colorful gemstones, which were collected into the sacred tower of Sun Hao. After several gems entered the tower, they were directly covered by the soil. Absorbed and digested into large tracts of land.

There are also a few gems that are swallowed up by small flames.

Mudan, the magnetic element of the gas also swallowed a few, and the rest did not know the use, but was also carefully collected by Sun Hao.

Gemstones should be very precious, because the old man has to go a few, saying that there is a "nine-day star iron" that must be used in the condensing tower.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that he was.

After finishing the ancient tomb, it took a total of three days.

In the end, the kitten is dark blue and wants to cry without tears. The baby who falls into his bag is less than 30%.

He is also blame Sun Hao ~ ~ The reason is very simple, this line is not only Sun Hao and his two, there are small chapters and small fire! !

Under the teachings of Sun Hao, Xiao Zhang was arguing to divide, and got two shares. With a small chapter, can a small fire be less?

The small fire also got 20%.

How are their two?

According to Sun Hao’s proposal, the human cats are half out of each other. So, in the end, the dark blue is now, after they are busy, they are only divided into 20%.

Fortunately, the total amount of the harvest of the two is not small, it is not very disappointing.

However, dark blue is not a very agile brain, and always feels wrong.

And Xiao Zhang is a smashing goods, among the cute eyes, the kind of smile that looks good and makes the dark blue look strange. (To be continued.)



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