Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Dragonfly

An iron wire bridge is difficult to practice.

The monk's life may be like walking on this undulating, telescopic catenary bridge. It's not a sloppy one.

If you don't pay attention, you will be smashed into the belly by the ancient beasts who are under the bridge.

Ranked Jin Dan, no one backed down, along the iron line.

The ancient murderous crocodile below will have a raid every less than ten monks.

The pattern of raids is also increasing.

And the monks do not have the refining power of Zhu Ling Wang Yuan.

Inevitably, the ranks of Jin Dan still suffered casualties.

Although Sun Hao wanted to help, but eventually chose to stand by.

One is that many rankings are not familiar with Jin Hao and Sun Hao. The friendship is not deep. Sun Hao is not the Virgin Mary. Secondly, he is a field monk. Many people are afraid of many people. Sun Hao exposes his cards too early. I am afraid that it is not very good.

At least, Luo Peng, who has never been to the river, has flashed the same light from time to time, and I am afraid that I am moving my mind.

Three golden dragons were degraded before and after.

All the surviving Jindan monks showed their stunned look.

Every monk on the scene, no mainland elite, dead one, is a huge loss.

Before the outside of the list, on the four warships, there was a screaming voice, representing their glory and hopes. Jin Dan, who had been sleeping in the funeral market, could never return.

Fortunately, the solitary and sword hundred forging luck is better. When crossing the river, they did not suffer a sudden attack and arrived at the first giant tree cross branch.

The magical Lushan, which had some entanglements with Sun Hao, was also attacked by a giant crocodile. He was forced to vacate. At the crucial moment, his body appeared strange and strange. The giant crocodile that rushed came not only did not spit out the water arrow. . I even closed my mouth.

Lushan is in danger and crosses the river.

Above the Hengzhi, Lushan stood still and was away from Sun Hao. Slightly stunned.

Sun Hao’s face, a smile, this Lushan, the understanding is not weak, a little bit. He can actually comprehend the way to stop killing, and it can be regarded as a magical wizard.

After the four precious Jindans were degraded before and after, the first Jindan crossing the river came to an end.

There are only four monks who stay on the river.

Zeng Xiangwu, Luo Peng, Sun Hao and the master Zhao Zhaomo.

Zhao Yumo said: "I am behind the temple."

Luo Peng said: "I am not in a hurry."

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "Xiangwu brother first please."

Zeng Xiangwu gave a slight glimpse, then said refreshingly: "Okay, then I will take the first step."

With one arm, it fell on the iron line and quickly glided away from the big tree.

Sun Hao is trying to get up and catch up, only to find that Luo Peng has already spread his arms and is in front of himself. Immediately after Zeng Xiangwu, he jumped on the wire snake.

The face smiled lightly, and Sun Hao patted the waist and put away the small fire kitten. He staggered a distance and jumped up.

Behind Sun Hao, after the Zhao Yu Devil Hall, the huge body is also followed by lightness.

The monks looked at the monks behind the temple, and only after these people arrived safely, everyone could transfer to the second giant tree.

Among the four monks. The strongest one should be Zhao Yumo. With his cultivation, there is no suspense to cross the river, followed by Zeng Xiangwu. Zeng Xiangwu is the first Jin Dan of the party, and the strength is good. In front, but the Jin Dan, who ranks first, is more than a river.

Luo Peng and Sun Hao, sandwiched between the two, are relatively weak.

It is the two monks who are ranked in the right path of the South Continent. Once attacked by crocodiles, can you escape, it is really hard to say.

Zeng Xiangwu stepped on the wire snake, and quickly glided, ten feet away. If everything goes well, it doesn't take long.

Soon, one third is in the past.

Half the distance is also safe to spend.

Zeng Xiangwu arrived at the second-third of the wire snake.

Because Zeng Xiangwu has shown great organizational resilience since the beginning of the road, he has received the support and admiration of many monks. At this time, these monks have a bright face on their faces, and they are slightly relieved. It seems that Xiangwu can be a real person. It’s safe to cross the river.

When Zeng Xiangwu’s heart was a little relaxed, the familiar voice was heard in the ear: “Xiangwu is a real person, be careful.”

Zeng Xiangwu’s heart is stunned and highly alert.

At about the same time, it was originally calm under the river, violently, under his body, three giant crocodiles, rising from the sky.

At about the same time, behind him, Luo Peng, Sun Hao and Zhao Wei, under the body, also jumped into the giant crocodile, **** mouth, bite over.

Perhaps it was the last batch of monks crossing the river.

The fierce crocodile attack was very fierce.

Before and after the eight crocodile crocodile, attacked, especially Zeng Xiangwu, is the focus of the attack, three fierce crocodile, almost pressed against the iron line.

The iron wire tail quickly relaxed, bouncing high, and the air crossed a huge arc to avoid the crocodile.

If it is suppressed by a crocodile, it will be crushed into the river even if it will not be crushed. It is really difficult to say what it is.

The action of the wire is very large.

The four people in the air, like acrobatics, were thrown high.

Above the cross branches, all the monks sighed and looked nervously into the air.

It’s not too good to throw it up so much and change to who it is.

At the forefront, Zeng Xiangwu, who faced the biggest crisis, was also the closest to Hengzhi.

With a calm face, no matter the three crocodile screaming from the bottom, Zeng Xiangwu condensed in the air, his wrist turned over, and a long bow appeared in his hand, almost no aiming action, one arm and one pull, one sharp arrow, with A long line, flying out.

Accurate and incomparable, the sharp arrow broke open, and it was already slammed into the cross branch. Zeng Xiangwu pulled his hand and pulled the long line, ready to fly away.

In the ear, I heard Sun Hao’s clear drink: “Auspicious, be careful.”

A stream of air rushed over behind me.

Zeng Xiangwu did not dare to neglect, a wire drawing, people floating up.

Below, Luo Peng, thrown up by the iron wire, seems to be involuntarily, holding a flying sword, rushing past his position, blowing a whirlwind.

Perhaps it is a panic, Luo Peng body sword is one, actually just crossed the silk thread of Zeng Xiangwu, and fell to the wire snake.

Sun Hao's feet were glued on the wire, and the heart moved, and the palm of the hand rushed to the iron wire snake that Luo Peng had settled on.

But did not wait for Sun Hao to continue to calculate Luo Peng.

Suddenly, I only felt the strength of the penetrating power.

The dark passage was awful, and the body was awkward. Sun Hao couldn’t help himself, and he rushed forward with the action of the wire snake.

Between the electric and the flint, Sun Hao’s heart is full of sorrow, and he cares.

Sun Hao believes that with his own cultivation, no one can escape his own perception. Even if it is a fierce crocodile in the river, Sun Hao can perceive one or two in advance.

Therefore, on the wire snake, Sun Hao has always had a faint psychological advantage, and always felt that the situation will be under his control.

But now, Sun Hao finds himself ignoring the heroes of the world.

The power from the soles of the feet is definitely the power of the dragon.

Strong strength, not weak Sun Hao half.

Moreover, it is possible to avoid Sun Hao’s perception and to attack silently and silently. The means of the person who shot the hand is secret, and Sun Hao is even more shocked.

Fly forward and use the slamming action to resolve the power under your feet.

Just did not wait for Sun Hao to re-stable, and there was an undercurrent, rushing from behind.

If Sun Hao is not paying attention, it may actually be hit by undercurrents.

On the side of the body, Sun Hao was forced to vacate, avoiding the undercurrent while the flesh fell.

Four ranked Jindan iron lines crossed the river.

The fierce crocodile violently hits.

In an instant, three of the four monks were forced to break away from the iron line and set in the air.

Above the Hengzhi, the Jindans who care about the three monks are nervous.

Zeng Xiangwu's decline was the fastest. He never imagined that his sharp arrow flying line would be cut off by Luo Peng, the preparation was insufficient, and the body could not help but fall.

Below Two fierce crocodiles, opened their mouths and squatted over.

In an extremely urgent moment, Zeng Xiangwu’s eyes were clear and clear, as if he had returned to the battlefield where the thousands of troops had been killed in the past, his hands were fast and he was holding his hand.

At this time, Zeng Xiangwu, like the generals of the battlefield, had absolute calmness, floating companions, fierce crocodile biting, and his own bow movements were printed in his mind.

Like the pre-judgment of the battlefield, Zeng Xiangwu made a detailed judgment. Next, he should be able to get out of trouble. However, the most likely price is that his right leg will be bitten by a crocodile.

Pull the bow and shoot the arrow.

Zeng Xiangwu’s heart flashed through the silk, and it’s good to save his life.

Collapsed, and the arrow flew out.

The big mouth of the crocodile has already bitten up.

Zeng Xiangwu’s ear, once again heard the voice that has been helping himself, snoring in the ear: “Xiangwu, leap...” (to be continued.)

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