Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 146 Someone from the Chu family is coming

"It's Chu Qianjue! The leader of the previous generation of the Chu family, he is less than forty years old. He is now an outer sect elder. I am afraid that he will probably be promoted to an inner sect elder in the future and become the mainstay of the Chu family. Such a strong man.”

Some onlookers couldn't help but speak out when they heard Chu Qianjue's name.

Chu Qianjue is a true strong man of the Chu family. His strength has reached the fifth level of the Divine Sea Realm, and he is already considered the best among the elders of the outer sect.

Now it actually attracted Chu Qianjue.

"It seems that Chu Fengmian finally hit the wall this time."

"Chu Qianjue is here. He will definitely receive some lessons. I just don't know what Chu Qianjue will teach him."

"Chu Qianjue's attack was extremely ruthless. I'm afraid this kid will be in trouble today."

"But this boy's master is the Saint Xuanbei, so Chu Qianjue wouldn't dare to kill him."

"Even if we don't kill him, we still have to teach him a lesson."

The warriors onlookers commented one after another.

Except for Chu Qianjue, another young man did not attract much attention. Only Chu Fengmian glanced at him a few more times.

Song of Chu.

In the Ark assessment, he provoked Chu Fengmian, but was defeated by Chu Fengmian. In the end, he did not even go up to the Ark.

Now he has appeared in Wusheng Academy again. Judging from the way he is dressed now, he is actually an inner disciple.

"You little bastard, you didn't expect that, even if you blocked me, I still came to Wusheng Academy."

Looking at Chu Fengmian, Chu Beige showed a bit of a sneer on his face.

"Your little tricks have no meaning at all in front of me."

"A good-for-nothing who relies on his family's power. Chu's subordinates are defeated, but he actually dares to come out and be arrogant."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Chu Beige and said with disdain.

The fact that Chu Beige is still in Wusheng College is of course relying on the Chu family's power in Wusheng College.

Chu Fengmian didn't look down on this kind of waste who relied on the power of his family. He was not even interested in continuing the conversation with Chu Lege.

"Is that what you just said?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Chu Qianjue with his eyes, and said with a sinister smile on his lips.

"It seems that you also want to kneel on the ground like that old guy?"

"Shameless talk!"

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Chu Qianjue snorted coldly.

Murderous intent had already arisen in his heart. Chu Fengmian was now in full view of the public and had disgraced the Chu family. Unless he killed Chu Fengmian, the anger in his heart could not be quelled.

"Junior, even if your master comes today, you will definitely die!"

Chu Qianjue roared angrily, and in this sound, Chi Guoguo's murderous intention emerged.

"Master? Chu is enough to deal with you."

Chu Fengmian smiled disdainfully.

The fifth level of Divine Sea Realm? This kind of strength is not as good as Feng Huolie who took the Blood-Blood Pill. In Chu Fengmian's hands, Feng Huolie was manipulated at will.

This Chu Qianjue is the same.

"Come on, Chu will give you a chance to take action first, lest you don't even have a chance to take action."

Chu Fengmian said in a relaxed tone, as if he was facing this ant.

Both of his hands were placed behind his back, with a completely relaxed attitude.


When it comes to Chu Fengmian, all they can think of is incomparable arrogance.

Chu Qianjue, if he had not chosen to be promoted to elder, he would now be at least one of the top ten figures in the inner sect.

Such a figure, Chu Fengmian actually asked him to take action first?

This is no longer arrogance, this is simply something that a madman can do.

"Okay, very good. It has been a long time since anyone dared to challenge the majesty of the Chu family like this! Little bastard, today I will use your blood to wash away the majesty of our Chu family!"

Chu Qianjue's body was shaking, and his face was red from suppressing it.

He, a strong man at the fifth level of the Divine Sea Realm and an outer sect elder, was actually looked down upon by a junior like Chu Fengmian, who was at the seventh level of the Body Forging Realm.

Chu Qianjue had wanted to crush Chu Fengmian to death and behead him countless times.

"Second uncle, let me do it this time."

Suddenly, Chu Beige next to him spoke.

"I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"


When Chu Qianjue heard Chu Beige's voice, her anger gradually dissipated. She glanced at Chu Bege and nodded.

"Okay, this kid's life will be left to you."

"You'd better take action quickly, push them one by one, they'll all be kneeling there anyway, there won't be any difference."

Chu Fengmian smiled disdainfully.

In Chu Fengmian's opinion, the strength of these two people is like ants. Whoever gets the upper hand will be different, but the result will not be any different.

They all knelt down on the ground with the mission hall elder.

"You little bastard, I will kill you today like a dog!"

Chu Beige looked at Chu Fengmian, his anger uncontrollable. The spiritual power on his body exploded and suddenly turned into a purple light and shadow.

He punched Chu Fengmian suddenly, and under this punch, an earthy color appeared.

Innate earth spirit.

This Chu lamentation has actually broken through to the divine sea realm.

"Little bastard, no matter how strong your body is, so what? Now that I have stepped into the Divine Sea Realm, it will be easy for me to kill you!"

Chu Beige laughed.

His defeat by Chu Fengmian actually aroused his fighting spirit. Coupled with the resources of the Chu family, he actually entered the divine sea realm in just a few days.

Became the first warrior among the four geniuses to enter the Divine Sea Realm.

"What a powerful punch!"

"Shenhai Realm! This junior of the Chu family is so terrifying!"

"It seems that his battle with Chu Fengmian will be the battle to decide who is the new king of this year."

Seeing the strength shown by Chu Beige, countless people noticed Chu Beige's existence.

The Divine Sea Realm warrior is still such a young Divine Sea Realm warrior. With such qualifications, he is probably not weaker than Chu Fengmian.

Although Chu Fengmian was strong, his level was not high.

The realm is not high, no matter how strong the skills and strength are, in the end, the weak one will not be able to fight against the real strong ones.

Realm is the most important point for warriors.

Chu Beige has now entered the Divine Sea Realm. In the eyes of everyone, he is the one who really has hope of competing with Chu Fengmian for the position of the New King.

This battle is the battle for this newbie king.

"Do you think you have anything to rely on? Just by stepping into the Divine Sea Realm, do you have such confidence?"

Chu Fengmian said with a somewhat disdainful smile on his lips.

"Trash is trash after all. Even if you step into the Divine Sea Realm, you are still a trash!"

Sixth update...seventh update coming soon.

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