Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 168: Tomb of Emperor Fengrao

The tomb of Emperor Fenghuang.

In Chu Fengmian's mind, he suddenly understood why the Fertility Monument would change after he entered it.

Indeed, apart from the Emperor of Fertility, the Fertility Monument should not produce any changes. It was obviously because the Fertility Monument sensed something that it was awakened and guided Chu Fengmian where to go.

The various miracles in this holy land could only have been created by the original pioneer of the Wusheng Kingdom, Emperor Fengrao.

"Hasn't there been rumors about the tomb of the Emperor of Fertility? It was discovered decades ago, but it never caused any waves."

Han Yueli spoke loudly.

This rumor is not a secret. The disciples of the four major sects who want to enter the Holy Land all know this.

As early as decades ago, someone discovered a tomb, which was later identified as the tomb of Emperor Fenghuo.

Emperor Fengrao was the founder of the original Wusheng Kingdom. Legend has it that Emperor Fengrao was able to intimidate countless extremely powerful countries at that time, and only then gained territory and established the Wusheng Kingdom.

The wealth he gained was absolutely astronomical, so his tomb was rumored to contain wealth no less than that of a country's treasury.

However, there are countless restrictions engraved on this mausoleum that cannot be broken at all. Therefore, even if everyone knows that there is definitely countless wealth hidden in the mausoleum of the Emperor of Fertility, they can only see it but cannot touch it.

This news, I'm afraid, has almost been silenced, so how could it suddenly cause waves at this time.

"Senior Han only knows one, but not the other."

Mo Changhen looked at Han Yueli and replied respectfully.

He also knew Han Yueli's identity, which was much higher than the others. He could do whatever he wanted with Chu Fengmian, but not in front of Han Yueli.

"It is said that the key to open the mausoleum has appeared, so now the mausoleum has begun to undergo various changes and is about to be opened. Several core disciples from Wusheng Academy and the four major sects have joined forces to start looking for the entrance."

Mo Changhen hurriedly explained.

"The key, could it be the Monument of Fertility?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly spoke up.

If there is anything about the Emperor of Fertility now, it should be the Fertility Monument in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

"Yes, it is said that it was the birth of the Monument of Fertility that caused all the changes in the tomb."

Hearing Chu Fengmian's sudden words, Mo Changhen also looked at Chu Fengmian in surprise, wondering where Chu Fengmian got this information.

"It's actually true."

Although Chu Fengmian's face remained calm when he heard the news, it had already stirred up trouble in his heart.

Chu Fengmian had just guessed that the changes in the tomb of Emperor Fengfu were probably related to the Fengfa Monument.

After all, the Monument of Fertility was a spiritual weapon that was personally refined by Emperor Fertility. If it was a key, it must be the Monument of Fertility.

"However, although the news of the birth of the Monument of Fertility has spread, no one knows whose hands it really belongs to. However, everyone is guessing that the Monument of Fertility must have been brought into this holy land before it appeared. Such a change."

Mo Changhen continued to speak.

"All of this should be speculation. The news of the birth of the Fertility Monument must have been deliberately released, otherwise we wouldn't know who got the Fertility Monument."

Han Yueli said aloud.

"It is impossible to take such illusory rumors as true. You should practice quietly and improve your strength. That is the right way. This kind of adventure cannot be taken seriously."

"Yes, we are about to return to the outskirts of the Holy Land and continue practicing."

Mo Changhen said aloud.

He originally had a little interest in it, but after meeting Yan Xuan, he became clear about it.

Without strength, everything is in vain, you still have to improve your strength first.


Chu Fengmian nodded. It was indeed inappropriate to get involved in such a fight.

As soon as his mind moved, four jade talismans condensed from Chu Fengmian's hand. Each of these jade talismans contained a bit of the aura of ancient war dragons.

"This is the jade talisman refined by Chu. It has the power of Chu's full blow. When in danger, it will explode with power and can also help you once."

Chu Fengmian said as he threw it out, these four jade talismans were integrated into the bodies of Mo Changhen and the others.

Now Chu Fengmian used the Thousand-leaf Spirit Grass and these four jade talismans as compensation for the four of them.

This jade talisman is enough to help them save their lives under the warriors of the Wind Control Realm. It is definitely much more important than a thousand-leaf spiritual grass.

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

The four people hurriedly thanked him.

They had just seen Chu Fengmian's strength, and this jade talisman was definitely a life-saving thing for them.

At least there was no one left who could kill them outside the holy land.

"Okay, we have to leave too."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Han Yueli next to him and nodded.

The two escaping lights flew towards the depths of the Holy Land.

"Brother Chu's strength is no longer something we can catch up with. I thought we could rely on Huangluan grass to catch up, but now it seems that we are still too naive."

Hao Lan looked at Chu Fengmian with admiration on his face.

"One day, I will catch up with Brother Chu."

"Hao Lan, don't be naive. With Brother Chu's current talent, the only person who can become his opponent is the prince."

Yue Zhanqing laughed from the side.

"It's better to leave quickly. If we encounter Yanxuan again, no one can save us this time."


The figures of the four people were walking towards the outskirts of the holy land in opposite directions.

Not long after leaving, a red figure had arrived at the place where Yan Xuan had just fallen.

"That loser Yan Xuan is actually dead."

The red figure looked at everything around him and frowned.

Suddenly he waved his hand, and a mirror appeared in front of him.

On this mirror, the scene just now was reproduced.

The scene of Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli chasing Yan Xuan and then killing Yan Xuan.

"Red Flame Sword!"

His eyes were fixed on the red flame sword in Chu Fengmian's hand.

"The Red Flame Sword actually appeared again and was brought to the Holy Land."

"If I can get the Scarlet Flame Sword, then I will have a place in this battle at the Tomb of Emperor Fengluo, and I will even be able to overwhelm those people."

The red figure whispered to himself.

"Let's figure out where that kid is."

He waved his hand again, and another water mirror image appeared, but this time what appeared in the image was a dragon shadow.

This dragon shadow roared suddenly, and the water mirror image was completely shattered.

Today is the fourth update. If nothing happens, it will be the fourth update as usual.

I missed three updates yesterday, and I will definitely make up for it when I have enough time.

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