Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 170 Young Master Yannan

"The mausoleum of the Emperor of Fertility? That's not the most dangerous place!"

Han Yueli frowned.

Nowadays, the powerful people in the Holy Land are basically gathering around the tomb of Emperor Fengrao, trying to compete for a circle.

Young Master Yannan, who had spied on Chu Fengmian before, was probably also around the tomb of Emperor Fengrao.

If you go now, aren't you asking for death?

"What's more, no one can be sure whether the news that the tomb of Emperor Fengfei is about to be opened is true or not. It would be too dangerous to go there rashly now."

Han Yueli couldn't help but make a sound.

Because it is really not worth taking such a big risk on such a piece of news that we don’t know whether it is true or false.

"Rather than just sit back and wait for death, it's better to take the initiative and look for opportunities."

Chu Fengmian's mind changed and he spoke.

He naturally knew that the news that the mausoleum of Emperor Fengrao was about to be opened must be true, because Chu Fengmian could sense this from the Fengrao Monument.

But facing Han Yueli, Chu Fengmian still couldn't believe it. The secret of the Monument of Fertility could not be exposed now, so he could only change the subject and speak.

"If you want to leave the Holy Land, it will take at least half a year before the outside restrictions are opened. In half a year, even if you are on the run, you will not be able to escape the pursuit of Young Master Yan Nan."

Chu Fengmian said aloud.

"It's better to seek an opportunity. No matter you or I break through, we will all be able to fight against Mr. Yan Nan."

Chu Fengmian's words were half true and half false.

The fake reason was Chu Fengmian's, but it was really his purpose, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Now Han Yueli and Chu Fengmian can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. At least when facing Young Master Yannan, their goals are the same.

If they were separated, I'm afraid they would be defeated one by one by Mr. Yan Nan.

"If I can really get some resources, let me step into the wind control realm and face Mr. Yan Nan. Although I can't defeat him, it will not be difficult to protect myself from him."

Han Yueli heard Chu Fengmian's words and thought deeply.


Han Yueli's words made Chu Fengmian feel a little surprised.

Young Master Yan Nan is at the fifth level of the Wind Control Realm, and his strength has reached the terrifying seventh level of the Wind Control Realm. Han Yueli has even broken through to the Wind Control Realm.

He was only at the first level of the Wind Control Realm, but it was still nothing in front of Mr. Yan Nan.

Just listening to Han Yueli's confidence, it seems that she also has a unique method.

Han Yueli is also one of the four major sects. Naturally, the true genius of Hanxue Pavilion cannot be as ordinary as he seems.

"Okay, this time I believe you."

Han Yueli said.

The two figures flew towards the core of the Holy Land.

The closer to the core of the holy land, the richer the spiritual energy became. Even Chu Fengmian felt that he could condense this spiritual energy into spiritual elixirs with a wave of his hand and at least a little force.

At the same time, they encountered a large number of elixirs along the way, and Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli collected them along the way.

Among them, Chu Fengmian only wanted the elixirs used to increase spiritual power. As for other elixirs that healed wounds or had other effects, Chu Fengmian did not want them all and gave them to Han Yueli.

"This Biyuan flower is enough to be refined into a mid-grade Earth-level Biyuan Dan. A Biyuan Dan can save a warrior even if his spiritual veins are damaged. As long as the warrior is alive, you don't want to ?”

He saw another elixir, the Biyuan Flower. Seeing Chu Fengmian throwing it at Han Yueli without hesitation, Han Yueli said in surprise.

This Biyuan Flower is worth a life to ordinary warriors. It is definitely extremely valuable, even priceless.

Once he shows up, he will definitely be competed by countless warriors. Now that Chu Fengmian gave it away in vain, Han Yueli couldn't help but speak.

"It's useless. The technique I practice is quite special. I only need the elixir to increase my spiritual power. As for the rest, I don't want anything else."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

Chu Fengmian naturally knew the value of the Biyuan Flower. If it were placed outside, it could be sold for at least millions of Qi Gathering Pills.

But now that this is in the Holy Land, this Biyuan Flower has no meaning for Chu Fengmian.

The ancient war dragon bloodline that Chu Fengmian possesses is enough to use the power of the bloodline to recover as long as Chu Fengmian survives.

If even the bloodline of the ancient war dragon cannot be restored and a Biyuan flower has no effect at all, it would be better to give it to Han Yueli directly.

"What a weirdo. Could it be that he is extremely confident in his own strength and feels that he can never fall into danger?"

Han Yueli looked at Chu Fengmian carefully with her eyes.

After this period of getting along, she also had a deeper understanding of Chu Fengmian.

The more she learned about Chu Fengmian, the more surprised Han Yueli was.

Chu Fengmian's knowledge was definitely not that of a young warrior who was only twenty years old. There were many elixirs that she could not recognize, but Chu Fengmian could recognize them at a glance and point out their effects.

Especially his extremely calm composure no matter what, it made Chu Fengmian look like a young warrior at all.

Especially the strange look in Chu Fengmian's eyes when he looked at her made her extremely concerned.

It's not the admiration or lust like ordinary warriors, but more of a kind of nostalgia.

Miss you?

She and Chu Fengmian have never met before, so why do they have such nostalgic eyes?

"It shouldn't be far from the mausoleum of Emperor Fengrao."

Chu Fengmian suddenly stopped and spoke.

This sudden sentence also interrupted Han Yueli's thoughts just now.

"What? Oh, this is already close to the tomb of the Emperor of Harvest?"

Han Yueli was surprised.

She followed Chu Fengmian all the way without looking at the road at all. Before she saw anything, Chu Fengmian actually stopped and said that she was already close to the tomb of Emperor Fengrao.

Could it be Chu Fengmian who has been here before?

Han Yueli couldn't help but think that following Chu Fengmian along the way, the two of them had not taken any detours at all, as if Chu Fengmian knew everything in this holy land.

But she didn't know that Chu Fengmian had the Fertility Monument. With the feeling of the Fertility Monument, Chu Fengmian knew enough that she was already near the mausoleum of Emperor Fertility.

In his body, the power of the Fertility Monument almost burst out, if it weren't for Chu Fengmian using the pressure of the ancient war dragon to suppress the power of the Fertility Monument.

I'm afraid the Monument of Fertility has already broken through.

If the Fertility Monument comes out, I am afraid that Chu Fengmian will become the enemy of all warriors in the entire Holy Land. The person who gets the Fertility Monument is the most likely to get the Fertility Emperor's treasure.

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