Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 186 Cold Poison

"You don't have to expend so much energy to swallow the cold poison in my body."

Han Yueli sat next to Chu Fengmian and whispered to herself while watching Chu Fengmian regain his energy.

"You can help me extend my life for one and a half months. You have already done your best. There is no need to work so hard."

The cold air has entered the body. In the eyes of ordinary people, Han Yueli is now half dead.

Especially since she has nothing to do with Chu Fengmian, there is no need for Chu Fengmian to try his best to save him now.

It could even be said that Chu Fengmian had done his best to lead her away.

If it were any other warrior, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to escape with such a burden.

"I promised you that I would take you to escape."

Chu Fengmian opened his eyes, looked at Han Yueli and said with a smile.

"Of course I won't let you die now."

Han Yueli finally saved Chu Fengmian's life. Without her, Chu Fengmian might have died by now.

In this case, Chu Fengmian would of course want to exchange Han Yueli's life.

"Actually, there is another thing. You are very similar to my relative."

Chu Fengmian said softly.

With ice lotus swordsmanship and mysterious cold body, Han Yueli is almost exactly the same as the former fourth senior sister.

Now Chu Fengmian would choose to save Han Yueli, perhaps because of this.

"Let's go, let's see what's in the tomb of the Emperor of Fertility first. If we can find some elixir, maybe I can help you refine it into a pill to resolve the cold poison in your body."

Chu Fengmian stood up and said to Han Yueli.

"Follow me closely. You can't use your spiritual power now. You are no different from ordinary people."

Chu Fengmian stood up and walked towards the depths of the mausoleum. The area around here is still the edge of the mausoleum. No one knows what is hidden in it.

Watching Chu Fengmian leave, Han Yueli hesitated for a moment and followed Chu Fengmian closely.

Even if she doesn't want to do it now, she has lost her spiritual power and can only follow Chu Fengmian in this mausoleum.

What's more, Han Yueli now has no reluctance in her heart.

"The rumored Chu Fengmian is vicious, ruthless, and extremely arrogant. He is almost like a demon. Now, except for these arrogance, he is completely different from the rumors."

Han Yueli thought to herself.

Chu Fengmian's name has long been known to the four major sects, and now he hears rumors.

If Chu Fengmian is still considered a demon like this, then there will be no good warriors left in the world.

At least Han Yueli didn't believe that in the crisis like before, there would be someone like Chu Fengmian who would rather die than leave her behind.

Although she was asleep, Han Yueli still had some memories of that time, so she was naturally clear.

When Chu Fengmian chose to swallow the Dragon Pill and was unwilling to leave her behind even if he fought to the death, her heart was already a little touched.

"It's just a pity that there is no possibility between us."

Han Yueli whispered to herself.

"Come on, you're too far away from me. If you encounter any danger, I can't help you."

Chu Fengmian looked at Han Yueli behind him and shouted.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Han Yueli hurriedly chased after him this time.

The mausoleum of Emperor Fengfeo is more like a huge cave than a mausoleum.

At a glance, Chu Fengmian saw that there were at least a thousand passages in this cave. These passages had countless branches. It could be said that Chu Fengmian could not figure out where they led.

On the walls of this cave, there are countless images painted on them, which are like a tall man, one against ten thousand, opening up the territory.

Seeing these images one by one, it is as if they are all immersed in the scene, enough to feel the power of this tall man.

"These images should record what happened when Emperor Fengrao established the Kingdom of Wusheng."


While Chu Fengmian was still watching these images, a huge roar suddenly sounded.

Under the roar, countless breaths instantly poured into the tomb.

"The restrictions outside have been opened?"

Chu Fengmian's expression immediately changed. In his spiritual consciousness, he had noticed that countless warriors had already poured into the tomb.

It seems that the restrictions on the tomb of Emperor Fengfu have been broken by those people working together.

Chu Fengmian originally wanted to study the tomb carefully, but now, he no longer has such leisurely time.

"Follow me! We must find the treasure of the Emperor of Abundance before those people do!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Han Yueli behind him and didn't care about anything else. He immediately grabbed Han Yueli's arm and activated his phantom body movement to walk through the tomb.

He has vaguely enough to feel that the guidance of the Fertility Monument, and the final place guided by the Fertility Monument, should be the real location of the treasure of Emperor Fertility.


Seeing Chu Fengmian grabbing her arm, Han Yueli's face showed a blush. No man had ever dared to grab her arm.

She was about to speak, but gave up.

When Chu Fengmian took her to escape just now, he held Han Yueli in one hand and left. Now if her arm was grabbed again, it would be nothing.

Chu Fengmian's figure walked through the cave for a hundred miles, when he suddenly saw a stone room in front of him.

There are countless restrictions carved on this stone chamber, but most of these restrictions have been damaged over time.


Chu Fengmian activated his spiritual power and punched him.

The restriction on the door of the stone chamber was completely shattered, and Chu Fengmian suddenly opened a gap.

Through the gap, Chu Fengmian looked inside. There was a shelf neatly placed. On this shelf, there were a large number of jade bottles, each of which was filled with a milky white elixir.

Chu Fengmian reached out and grabbed it, and immediately one of the jade bottles fell into Chu Fengmian's hands.

Chu Fengmian opened the jade bottle, and an extremely pure spiritual power came out.

"This is the Golden Spirit Pill, the real cultivation pill in the Nine Realms. The effect of one pill is worth hundreds of Qi Gathering Pills."

Chu Fengmian could tell at a glance what the origin of this elixir was.

The Qi Gathering Pill is actually just a pill refined by Wusheng Academy in the Kingdom of Wusheng. The effect is actually not very good.

In the Nine Realms, the truly universal elixirs are all more advanced than this.

This golden elixir, even though it is a highly circulated elixir, can be traded in various countries, and its effect is far superior to that of the Qi Gathering Pill.

This kind of golden elixir can only be refined in some prosperous countries. Nowadays, Wusheng country cannot buy it at all. It seems that this should be the wealth left by Emperor Fengrao.

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