Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 193 The Land of Inheritance Opens

"The Emperor of Harvest..."

The moment everyone saw the old man appear, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The old man's temperament was enough to identify him at a glance.

The Emperor of Fertility.

Only the founding monarch of a conquering country would have such a noble temperament.

Now, even if the king of the Wusheng Kingdom comes, it is impossible to compare with this old man.

In the entire history of the Wusheng Kingdom, only he, the founding king, has such a temperament.

"what happened?"

"Isn't Emperor Fengrao dead?"

"Then what's going on with this mausoleum and inheritance?"

Among the crowd, surprised voices kept ringing out.

Emperor Fengrao has fallen for a thousand years. This is something that everyone in the entire Wusheng Kingdom knows. They are now coming to this mausoleum.

In fact, the purpose is to obtain the inheritance from Emperor Fengrao.

But now the Emperor of Fertility has actually appeared, so what is going on with all this?

Among everyone present, only Chu Fengmian felt extremely calm.

Because he has already seen that the Fenghao Emperor in front of him is not actually a real living person, but a ghost and a shadow left behind like Qingluan!

Like an ordinary saint, it is enough to leave a shadow that looks like a real person, but this shadow can only last for a few minutes at most.

And like the phantom of the Fertile Emperor in front of him, it has actually existed for a full thousand years. Such power is terrifying.

The strength of Emperor Fengrao is much more terrifying than imagined.

"This king has fallen long ago, and the king I am now is just a shadow left behind."

Emperor Fengrao stood on the bridge, heard everyone talking, and spoke calmly.


"What! The Emperor of Fertility in front of me is just a shadow?"

Young Master Yannan and Fang Poxuan were both stunned for a moment, then they spoke in shock.

"The strength of a phantom is actually comparable to that of a saint. Is this really something a warrior can do?"

Everyone could feel the phantom of Emperor Fengshou in front of them, a power that was superior to everyone else.

The strength of everyone present is close to the peak of the Wind Control Realm, so they naturally understand what this kind of strength represents.

Divine power realm, saint.

The strength of the phantom in front of me is comparable to that of the saint. How terrifying was the strength of the Emperor of Fertility during his lifetime!

When they thought of such a terrifying existence and the legacy left behind, everyone's eyes became extremely hot.

Whoever can obtain the inheritance of this rich emperor will be able to dominate the entire Wusheng Kingdom.

"The assessment for my stay is very simple."

Emperor Fengrao pointed to the stone bridge at his feet and said.

"The stone bridge in front of you is the first test."

"Whoever can pass this stone bridge has passed my king's assessment and can choose anything from my treasure."

Pass the stone bridge.

The stone bridge under the feet of Emperor Fengrao seemed to be at most a hundred feet away. For warriors like them, this distance was enough to pass in an instant.

But everyone present knew that this assessment would never be that simple.

There must be a mystery on this stone bridge.

How could it be so easy to complete the test left by Emperor Fengrao? Although this test was only the first one, everyone was extremely cautious.

"Once you step onto the stone bridge, life or death is a possibility. You must think carefully."

"I am waiting for you at the next assessment point. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Emperor Fengrao said the last words, and his figure disappeared on the stone bridge, leaving only this stone bridge.

"Danger? How can there be no danger in such an assessment?"

The Holy Son looked at Shiqiao and snorted coldly.

"Young Master, I took the first step!"

Immediately, he jumped and stepped onto the stone bridge. The moment the Holy Son stepped onto the stone bridge of 100 feet, his figure disappeared.

No one present could feel the aura of the Holy Son anymore, as if he had disappeared for no reason.

"This stone bridge really has another mystery."

Seeing this scene, I was not surprised at all.

"Why should I practice martial arts if I'm afraid of danger? I'll go too!"

Young Master Yannan snorted coldly, moved his feet, and jumped onto the stone bridge.

Chu Yu and Cheng Tiantian followed closely behind and stepped onto the stone bridge.

The warriors who can come here are all super geniuses of the Kingdom of Victory, the leaders of the younger generation. How can anyone be afraid of such dangers?

Soon, everyone jumped onto the stone bridge, leaving only Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli.

"You go too."

Han Yueli looked at Chu Fengmian and whispered.

Now that she has lost her spiritual power, it is naturally impossible for her to still participate in the assessment. To be able to come to this assessment place, Chu Fengmian brought Han Yueli here along the way.

Of all the people present, she was the only one unable to participate.

Now that Han Yueli is left here alone, she will lose her spiritual power and may be in danger.

Because of this, Chu Fengmian hesitated for a moment before stepping onto the stone bridge. He was not worried about the danger of the assessment. He was only worried about Han Yueli's current safety.


Chu Fengmian looked at the edge of the stone bridge and suddenly said.

"Junior has a request, and I ask senior to fulfill it."

"Can you see my figure?"

It took a long time before Chu Fengmian's voice suddenly came from the edge of the stone bridge.

Emperor Fengrao appeared and looked at Chu Fengmian with interest.

He just said he was leaving, but he hid his figure and watched from the side.

He hid his figure, even if some saints came, they would not be able to see through him, but now Chu Fengmian noticed it.

This made the Emperor Fengrao look curiously at Chu Fengmian, the man who had received his Fengrao Monument.

"What request?"

Emperor Fengrao said calmly.

"Although you own the Fertility Monument, if you want to directly obtain the inheritance, it is absolutely impossible."

"My king's inheritance must pass the test, and the same goes for you."

Chu Fengmian said respectfully.

"I hope seniors can protect her safety during this period."


Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Han Yueli's eyes widened in disbelief.

She could not have imagined that Chu Fengmian would actually ask Emperor Fengrao because of her.

You must know that once Emperor Fengrao is in a bad mood, Chu Fengmian may no longer be able to obtain the inheritance from Emperor Fengrao, and may even be directly killed by Emperor Fengrao.

The stronger the person, the more moody he becomes. Such an accident is not impossible.

"Oh? It's probably because of her that you haven't been willing to go to the stone bridge."

Emperor Fengrao glanced at Chu Fengmian and suddenly laughed.

"I didn't expect that you actually asked me for this. Well, since you can see through my figure, I will agree to your request this time."

Today’s fourth update is presented.

This plot was written a bit slowly. I thought about it for a long time. I updated it very late. I’m sorry to everyone.

There will definitely be updates that everyone wants, so there’s no need to rush.

I still ask for collections, recommendation votes, and rewards. Now I am recommending it online. Results are very important. If you like this book, please support it. Thank you all.

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