Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 254 The Saint Chu Fengmian

The moment Lei Che spoke, all his spiritual power burst out, and endless thunder erupted from his palm, turning into a thunder spear and throwing it towards Chu Fengmian.

This Lei Che practices a kind of thunder spirit technique, which is extremely special.

As the dean of Wusheng Academy, he also has the second level of divine power. With one move, the heaven and earth resound with the sound of thunder.

As this spear flew over, the sound of thunder was enough to scare the hearts of countless warriors.


But the moment this thunder spear flew over, it was suddenly stopped halfway.

A white-haired man suddenly appeared, and the thunder spear was broken by him.

"who is it?"

"Someone shows up again."

"Is he Chu Fengmian's helper?"

Seeing this white-haired man, countless people went crazy.

Being able to withstand Lei Che's move, this white-haired man is obviously a saint.

When did saints become so worthless? Not to mention Chu Fengmian, a saint who was less than twenty years old, another strange saint actually appeared.

The saints of the Wusheng Kingdom could be counted clearly on their fingers, but now two strangers suddenly appeared.

Especially this white-haired man, they had no idea where he came from, but he was able to block Lei Che's spear so easily, which clearly showed that he was extremely powerful.

"Who is your Excellency? Do you also want to go against our Wusheng Academy? This guy is the enemy of our Wusheng Academy. Your Excellency, please leave!"

Lei Che's eyes changed when he saw the white-haired man.

One Chu Fengmian is already troublesome enough, but here comes another two saints, which is enough to turn today into an uproar.

This white-haired man was none other than the ancient dragon turtle who had followed Chu Fengmian all the way. The ancient dragon turtle didn't want to take action at first. He only took action when he saw Lei Che take action and could resist it.

"Although I don't know where you came from, the strength of our Wusheng Academy is still beyond your ability to compete with. If you are willing to leave, we are willing to treat you as the honored guest of our Wusheng Academy."

Lei Che looked at the ancient dragon turtle and said.

He thought that this ancient dragon turtle was a helper that Chu Fengmian found from somewhere and bought it with some benefits, so he wanted to persuade and threaten the ancient dragon turtle to give up the attack.

But such persuasion and threats have no meaning to the ancient dragon turtle.

"I'm just an old slave of the young master."

The ancient dragon turtle spoke in a deep voice.

This sentence immediately caused countless waves.

The old slave, a terrifying saint, actually called himself a slave, which simply made everyone present crazy.

Generally speaking, a saint, let alone being a slave, has to pay a huge price even if others want to hire him. Once he becomes a saint, he is no longer a human being, but a true saint.

How could such a crazy behavior happen in this world if a saint is treated as a slave?

Zhi Lingtian, who was below, was already going crazy with jealousy.

As the number one genius in the Wusheng Kingdom, he should have been surrounded by a halo and admired by everyone, but now the appearance of Chu Fengmian has broken everything about him.

He had gone through so much trouble to obtain the Saint-Transforming Grass, but now Chu Fengmian was the first to step into the status of a Saint.

Even if Chu Fengmian's realm has not reached the level of a saint, but he truly possesses the power of a saint, he is still a saint.

Saint is not a title for realm, but for power. As long as there is power, even if there is no realm, you are still a saint.

Now there is another saint who is willing to be Chu Fengmian's slave. This makes even Lingtian crazy with jealousy. He has begun to feel that all his good luck is nothing in front of Chu Fengmian.

Ever since Chu Fengmian appeared, everything had been going wrong for him. Now that his wedding was ruined by Chu Fengmian, he was also disgraced in front of everyone.

"Luo He, just play with this old guy first."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the ancient dragon turtle and said nonchalantly that he did still have some unresolved issues.

"As you command, young master."

When the ancient dragon turtle heard Chu Fengmian's words, he sneered and immediately mobilized all his strength to charge towards Lei Che and kill him.

Without the trouble of Lei Che, Chu Fengmian could continue.

Today was the time for him to follow Ling Tian and make a thorough settlement.

"You want to escape?"

The moment Chu Fengmian stood down on the platform, Ling Tian took a few steps back.

Zhi Lingtian turned around and turned into a ray of light, flying towards the distance. In an instant, he flew ten miles away.

"Escaped! The prince actually escaped?"

"This Chu Fengmian is so terrifying. Even the prince was forced to flee."

"I'm afraid that after today, the number one genius of Wusheng Academy will really be replaced."

"Genius? The word genius is no longer suitable to describe Chu Fengmian. He is a truly strong and monster-like figure. The title of genius is no longer worthy of him."

The eyes of countless people present were extremely excited.

Chu Fengmian was so arrogant and domineering that everyone aspired to. Zhi Lingtian was arrogant and had bullied many people. Now that he saw Zhi Lingtian running away, many people were applauding him. .

"Damn it! Damn it! This loser actually dares to laugh at me one by one now!"

Hearing the countless discussions below, Zhi Lingtian thought crazily in his mind.

"When I come back, when I refine the power of the Holy Herb and become a saint, all of these people will die.

"There is also Chu Fengmian. He is going to die too. He will never imagine how terrifying it would be if I could truly become a saint. I have countless adventures. As long as I step into the saint, these adventures will explode!"

As Zhi Lingtian thought in his mind, he turned around and looked at Chu Fengmian with eyes filled with hatred.

If hatred could kill, then Chu Fengmian would have been killed ten thousand times by Lingtian.

He is now using all his strength to activate the escape light, which is enough to fly ten miles in one breath. At such a speed, I am afraid he will be able to escape very quickly.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that Chu Fengmian just wants to let the prince go?"

"It's a big taboo to let the tiger return to the mountains and raise the tiger to cause trouble."

While countless people were still speculating, Chu Fengmian slowly moved.

Chu Fengmian raised his hand and grabbed it into the air.

In an instant, a big hand fell from the sky and grabbed the prince. No matter how fast the prince fled, it seemed that he couldn't break free from this big hand, and his figure was suddenly trapped. live.

The third update today, keep writing, the speed is limited, no matter how much you urge me, I can’t write it all at once.

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