Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 256: Stomp hard

There was not much enmity between the four major sects and Chu Fengmian, but since they had murderous intentions towards Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian is a person with a clear distinction between good and evil. Anyone who wants to kill him is Chu Fengmian's enemy.

Even if it were the four major sects, Chu Fengmian would destroy them.

"To Lingtian, you do have countless opportunities and adventures. You are actually enough to temporarily compete with my dragon power. You are indeed somewhat unique."

Chu Fengmian looked at Zhi Lingtian who was kneeling in front of him and sneered.

"Today I will take away all the opportunities and adventures from you, leaving you completely with nothing!"

The moment he opened his mouth, Chu Fengmian moved his big hand and grabbed Zhi Lingtian directly.

Lingtian felt that all the adventures and countless opportunities he had had were now caught in Chu Fengmian's hands, as if they were about to be captured.

"My adventure! The power of Tianshu! The Holy King is invincible! Come out all of them, I will not die! I will not be defeated!"

Zhi Lingtian suddenly roared, and two powerful spiritual powers burst out from his body.

These two spiritual powers turned into a strange barrier in front of him, as if they were trying to protect all of Ling Tian. Under these two powers, they were actually vaguely resisting Chu Fengmian. Longwei.

"Tianshu Hall's Tianshu Dou Xing Technique and the Holy King's Immortal Technique of the Holy King Sect? Has Ling Tian actually learned all the techniques of these two major sects?"

Seeing the two spiritual powers that appeared, Chu Fengmian was also startled. These two techniques belonged to the two super sects, Tianshu Palace and Saint King Sect.

Ling Tian really had countless adventures at this time, and actually learned these two techniques.

"These two techniques are indeed extremely powerful, but unfortunately, in front of the Dragon Fighting Art, it is impossible for the techniques of these seven major sects to compete! Still want to struggle? Kneel down!"

Seeing that Zhi Lingtian actually wanted to stand up from the ground, Chu Fengmian's eyes turned cold, and suddenly the power of Zhan Long Jue was activated to the extreme.

The skills of the seven major sects are far from comparable to the Dragon Fighting Art.

Chu Fengmian's foot suddenly stepped towards Zhi Lingtian and stepped on his head. It directly crushed countless bones of Zhi Lingtian and caused his head to be stepped on. On the ground.

"I'll fight you!"

Being trampled under someone's feet, this huge insult, was simply more painful than killing Zhi Lingtian.

A peerless genius like him, who was once admired by everyone, is now being trampled under his feet in front of everyone, and he is already crazy.

In Zhi Lingtian's body, the spiritual power in his body suddenly expanded and became extremely violent. All thirty-five spiritual veins in his body were displayed and expanded crazily.

His spiritual power was in complete chaos. At this desperate moment, Zhi Lingtian actually chose to self-destruct.

"Self-destruction? Do you think I will allow it?"

Seeing the crazy spiritual power on Zhi Lingtian, Chu Fengmian sneered, and with his mind fixed, a restriction hit Zhi Lingtian.

This restriction immediately blocked all the spiritual power in Ling Tian's body, making it impossible for him to self-destruct even if he wanted to.

Unless he is a saint, in Chu Fengmian's hands, even if he wants to self-destruct, it will be impossible!

"Don't you want to kill me?"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and just as he raised his foot, he suddenly dropped it again, hitting Ling Tian's face on the ground, and all the stone bricks on the ground were crushed.

"Chu must extract all the adventures in you and condense them into a golden elixir."

Looking at Zhi Lingtian, Chu Fengmian snorted and said, these countless adventures in Zhi Lingtian may not be of much use to Chu Fengmian, but they are also extremely precious. Giving them to Han Yueli is enough to make Han Yueli stand among the saints. Down, almost invincible.

Just do what he said. Chu Fengmian moved his hand and grabbed Zhi Lingtian. He saw that countless spiritual powers from Zhi Lingtian were absorbed by Chu Fengmian. These spiritual powers were exactly All of Ling Tian's countless adventures were snatched away by Chu Fengmian.

"Chu Fengmian, it is easy to overcome difficulties. Today you have defeated the prince, so why bother to seize his opportunity? You have become a saint now. Why bother with a junior? Your grudge with him will be settled today. ”

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and a white figure fell onto the platform. It was Han Xuanbing, the master of Hanxue Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master..."

Han Yueli was at the side and saw Han Xuanbing appear. She was about to speak, but was interrupted by Chu Fengmian.

"Is this the end of the grudge? The grudge between Chu and him is not so easy to understand. The only way to understand it all is to kill him today."

Chu Fengmian's eyes turned cold and he looked at Han Xuanbing without any good feelings. This Han Xuanbing was the one who forced Han Yueli to marry Zhi Lingtian. During the conversation just now, she also advocated killing Chu. The person who sleeps in the wind

"Chu only knows how to kill for life. Now that Lingtian has wanted to kill me, I will kill him today! Could it be that Pavilion Master Han also wants to be involved in the matter between us?"

Chu Fengmian said coldly, without any politeness in his words.


Hearing Chu Fengmian's unkind words, Han Xuanbing's face turned cold. She was the sect leader of the four major sects, a being respected by everyone, not to mention that Chu Fengmian had just become a saint.

Even if the dean of Wusheng College came, he would not speak to her like this.

"The prince is now married to a disciple of my Hanxue Pavilion. Naturally, he is half a member of my Hanxue Pavilion. Of course, I will take care of it."

"You must be merciful and merciful, Chu Fengmian, you know it well."

"Is it necessary to spare someone and spare him? Chu has only heard that letting a tiger return to the mountains will cause serious trouble. If I don't kill him today, will I wait until he has the opportunity to kill me again?"

When Chu Fengmian heard Han Xuanbing's words, he said with a bit of ridicule.

"Do you think today's wedding can continue?"

"The marriage contract between the prince and Yue Li was made by me personally and cannot be changed. Even if you make a fuss today, it will not make any sense."

Han Xuanbing shook his head and said.

"You have become a saint. This kind of love between children has no meaning at all. If you are not satisfied, you can choose any one of my disciples in Hanxue Pavilion. As for Yue Li, she must marry the prince today."

"Disciple of Hanxue Pavilion, once you have made an engagement, there is no possibility of going back on it. You should give up."

"After choosing one, you have to choose another one. It seems that you have really gone crazy in order to become a saint. You have no human feelings and are no different from an animal."

When Chu Fengmian heard Han Xuanbing's words, he cursed unceremoniously.

"Do you think it's because of you that I don't care about you? But it's because you had some kindness to Yue Li. Since you are so ignorant of current affairs, I won't say anything more today. I must take Yue Li away today! "

First update today.

Thanks to Qinghe, the leader of the Chopper Gang, the person I like, and the reward without regrets.

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