Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 263 Life is worse than death

Originally, Chu Fengmian had never bothered to use such sinister magic skills, but this Fang Xiandao really offended Chu Fengmian's reverse scale. It would be too easy for him to kill him.

Chu Fengmian wanted to make his life worse than death.

Countless bone marrow flames began to condense Fang Xiandao's body, turning his body into a black bead. In this black bead, Fang Xiandao's screams continued to resound.

The eternal flame in this black bead will burn Fang Xiandao forever, causing him to suffer forever just like this spiritual weapon.

"Devil! This Chu Fengmian is definitely a demon!"

"What an evil demon. If we don't kill him now, he will definitely be a disaster in the future!"

Cheng Xiantian and Tang Jiansheng both spoke out together, but did not dare to take a step forward.

Fang Xiandao's screams continued to come out from the black beads, making them all intimidated, fearing that Fang Xiandao would be them next.


A deep voice suddenly came over, and the sky and the earth turned into a world of ink and wash. Everything in the mountains and rivers was made of ink and wash.

A human figure suddenly emerged from the ink.

"How unbecoming it is to make such a fuss in Wusheng Academy!"

The ink figure gradually transformed into a white-haired old man. This white-haired old man was already extremely old, and his skin was like dry tree bark, as if he might die at any time.

However, the spiritual power in him has not weakened due to aging. Instead, it has become extremely strong, much stronger than the spiritual power of anyone present.

Seeing the old man suddenly appearing to block Chu Fengmian's sword, Chu Fengmian did not continue to take action, but looked at the old man with his eyes, and his heart was shocked.

The old man's spiritual power was extremely powerful, far surpassing that of anyone present. He was definitely at the ninth level of the divine power realm, and might even be at the peak of the divine power realm.

Just like Chu Fengmian's master, Saint Xuanbei, he only has to survive the catastrophe of life and death to achieve the existence of life and death.

"There is such a person in Wusheng Academy. It seems that Wusheng Academy has been underestimated."

Chu Fengmian looked at the old man and whispered to himself, while the ancient dragon turtle next to him also sent a message to Chu Fengmian.

"Young Master, this guy is a figure at the pinnacle of a saint. Neither you nor I can be his opponent, so we must be careful."

"The Saint of Ink Painting."

"Founding Elder."

When Lei Che, Cheng Xiantian, and Tang Shengjian saw the old man's appearance, they all spoke hurriedly as if they had seen a life-saving straw.

"The founding elder, this kid is causing trouble in Wusheng Academy. Today, I asked the founding elder to take action and suppress this kid..."


Before the three people finished speaking, the ink-and-wash saint suddenly slapped his hand, turning into a force of spiritual power and hitting the three people's faces directly.

"When did Wusheng Academy have such a big chaos? This young saint should also be from our Wusheng Academy. How can people from the same Wusheng Academy kill each other?"

The ink painting saint slapped three people from Wusheng Academy on the face. This scene made countless people feel extremely weird.

The Ink Sage is a legendary figure in Wusheng Academy, because he is one of the creators of Wusheng Academy and is known as the founding elder. It is precisely because he and everyone worked together to create Wusheng Academy.

Countless people have long since fallen because of this ink painting saint, but they never expected that such a legendary figure would actually appear now.

And when he appeared, he actually didn't take action against Chu Fengmian. Instead, he taught the three people from Wusheng Academy a lesson.

This made everyone confused. Even Chu Fengmian was slightly stunned, wondering why the ink saint was so polite to him.

Lei Che, Cheng Xiantian, and Tang Shengjian were beaten and did not dare to say a word. Even though they were saints from Wusheng Academy, when they first entered the school, the ink and wash saint was a saint and a legend.

Even if they were beaten, they did not dare to resist or even say a word.

"What is the name of this young saint? He comes from the hall of our Wusheng Academy."

The ink-and-wash saint asked the three people. He had been in seclusion all year round, so he was naturally not familiar with their affairs, not to mention a person like Chu Fengmian who had only appeared in recent months.

"Reporting to the founding elder, his name is Chu Fengmian, and he is a disciple of Saint Xuanbei."

Lei Che replied respectfully.

"Xuan Bei's disciple, eh? Xuan Bei is already pursuing the realm of life and death, going to survive the catastrophe of life and death. No wonder they are causing trouble."

Upon hearing this, the Ink Sage nodded and said, although he was not concerned with worldly affairs, he could naturally analyze that if the Xuanbei Sage were here, it would not be possible to cause such a trouble today.

"There is internal fighting in Wusheng Academy, Lei Che. As the dean, your responsibility is unavoidable."

The ink-and-wash saint looked at Lei Che and shouted coldly, then turned his head and looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

"That's it for today, Chu Fengmian, you've made a lot of trouble, and now it's time to stop."


Listening to the words of the ink sage, Chu Fengmian's eyes began to think, and he suddenly spoke.

"Let me stop, yes, but I have to make two demands."

Chu Fengmian said in a calm tone.

"Request? Chu Fengmian, you are going too far. The Ink Sage has already given you face, but you still dare to make demands?"

Cheng Xiantian said angrily.

"Cheng Xiantian, you dare to talk nonsense, be careful you are like that Fang Xiandao! I want to kill you like a dog!"

Chu Fengmian laughed, looked at Cheng Xiantian and said.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Cheng Xiantian almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He could not have imagined that Chu Fengmian would dare to be so arrogant even in front of the Ink Sage.

But he did not dare to refute Chu Fengmian's words. He was also afraid of becoming the second Fang Xiandao. It was not difficult for Chu Fengmian to kill him.

"Tell me what conditions you have."

The ink-and-wash saint raised his brows, as if he was about to get angry, but he still endured it and spoke out.

"As long as the conditions are not too extreme, I will agree to it."

"It's very simple. The first condition is him."

Chu Fengmian stretched out his hand, pointed at the flame and said.

"I want to kill him now, and you can't stop me."


"You want to kill our sect leader!"

"Chu Fengmian, don't be too arrogant!"

"Devil! This guy has become a demon! What are you waiting for for such a peerless demon? Kill him quickly!"

Countless Zhu Yan Sect disciples roared crazily. When they heard Chu Fengmian wanted to kill Yan Mang, they all roared loudly.

"Oh? Now I will change the conditions and kill all the people from the Zhu Yan Sect."

Listening to the Zhu Yan Sect disciples speak, Chu Fengmian said with a cold look.

"This condition should have no impact on your Wusheng Academy."

Today’s fourth update thanks again to Digua, him, and the two brothers for their rewards.

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