Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 283 Gambling Fight

How much wealth can a warrior at the first level of Wind Control Realm possess?

It would be good to be able to save 10 million Jiuding Pills through frugality. Master Mu would not care at all about 10 million Jiuding Pills.

"Really? Chu didn't bet much, just one billion."

Chu Fengmian spoke softly with a smile on his face.

One billion.

As soon as these two words came out, the faces of countless people present became extremely strange. It was strange, not shocked.

"Isn't this kid crazy about gain and loss?"

"It's possible. Someone who dares to directly offend Mr. Zhao can have such a normal mind."

What is the concept of one billion Nine Cauldron Pills?

Let alone a wind-controlling warrior, even if a saint comes, he may not be able to get it.

Chu Fengmian now actually said that he would bet one billion Nine Cauldron Pills. This is simply the words of a madman.

"How many?"

Master Mu was stunned for a moment, and then asked again. He thought he heard wrongly.

"Didn't Mr. Chu say that one billion Nine Cauldron Pills?"

Chu Fengmian sneered and repeated it again.

"Boy, we don't have time to waste time arguing with you. If you want to bet, just bet. If you don't want to bet, just get out!"

Zhao Duanqiao said coldly.

Want to bet one billion on Nine Cauldron Pills? Are you fooling fools? Even as Zhao Wudi's second son, he doesn't have a fortune of one billion Nine Cauldron Pills.

"That's right, kid. I intend to make a bet with you. If you don't want to, just give up. There's no need to delay here."

Master Mu also sneered and said.

In his opinion, Chu Fengmian's current actions were simply stalling for time, even an act of showing weakness, as if he did not dare to gamble.

"You must think that Mr. Chu can't come up with one billion Nine Cauldron Pills?"

The corners of Chu Fengmian's lips curled up into a slight smile, and suddenly he waved his hand, and the Nine Cauldron Pills flew out from the sky and turned into a long river of pills.

It was densely packed with Jiuding Dan, and it turned into a long river. No one could see how many Jiuding people were in it.

But at least there are still hundreds of millions.


The discussion of everyone present stopped suddenly, and their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

Chu Fengmian could actually produce a billion Nine Cauldron Pills?

Not bluffing?

But now Chu Fengmian really wants to bet one billion Nine Cauldron Pills with Master Mu?

That's one billion Jiuding Dan, a full billion. This is not millions, but tens of millions.

One billion Jiuding Pills. These people have never seen such a huge wealth in their lives. If these people are given one billion Jiuding Pills, even if they die, they are willing to do so.

Even Master Mu, who had just wanted to ridicule Zhao Duanqiao, now both looked at him blankly.

Staring blankly in the air, they waited until Chu Fengmian took back the elixir Changhe before the two of them slowly came to their senses.

"Why, Master Mu can't get one billion Nine Cauldron Pills?"

Chu Fengmian said with fake surprise on his face.

"Didn't Master Mu say that Chu can bet as much as he wants? Why, it's just one billion Nine Cauldron Pills, can't he get it out?"

Chu Fengmian's words were extremely relaxed, as if one billion Nine Cauldron Pills looked to Chu Fengmian like cabbage picked up by the roadside.

"If Master Mu doesn't have one billion, how about less, nine hundred million or eight hundred million?"

Chu Fengmian spoke one after another. When Master Mu heard these words, his face became as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

He was so confident just now that he wanted to give Chu Fengmian some trouble, but he didn't expect Chu Fengmian to actually come up with a billion Nine Cauldron Pills.

That's one billion Nine Cauldron Pills! Master Mu's total wealth in his lifetime was not that much.

"What is the origin of this kid? He is so weird!"

Master Mu looked at Chu Fengmian with jealousy. No matter who he was, he would be jealous of Chu Fengmian.

But Master Tamu, what he said was just like water thrown out, and there is no reason to take it back.

If he, a master treasure appraiser, didn't dare to gamble today, he would have no shame in hanging around in Jiuding Ancient City and the entire Qin Emperor's kingdom.

Especially Chu Fengmian's aggressive behavior now has pushed him to a dead end.

"Just bet! Are I still afraid of a young boy like you?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Master Mu and pouted in apology.

"Stop talking nonsense, take out the One Billion Nine Cauldron Pills first, otherwise if you lose the bet and run away, I will suffer a big loss."

This sentence caused another internal injury to Master Jiang Mu's anger.

Master Mu even doubted whether he would be directly angered to death by Chu Fengmian today.

One billion Nine Cauldron Pills, he is going to get it with his head. Let alone one billion, even if it is one hundred million Nine Cauldron Pills, he can't get it now.

Who in the right mind would think of running around with a lot of Jiuding Pills every day?

"I don't have that many Jiuding Pills, but I have countless priceless adventures, and you can bet on them all!"

Master Mu said coldly.

If you want to bet, he is really not afraid of Chu Fengmian. As the best treasure appraiser in the Qin Emperor's kingdom, there is no one who can consistently surpass him.

So today he has lost all his money and wants to gamble with Chu Fengmian this time.

"There is so much nonsense, let's take it all out first. You have all seen Chu's Jiuding Dan. If you want to bet, you must first come up with enough capital."

Chu Fengmian looked at Master Mu with interest and laughed in his heart.

This Master Mu is really a big fish. He took the bait obediently. If he wins the bet this time, Chu Fengmian will make a billion Jiuding Dan in vain.

One billion Nine Cauldron Pills are as rich as a rich emperor's treasure.

"Take it!"

Master Mu snorted coldly, and took out strange objects one after another from the sky ring. Some were materials, some were elixirs, some were elixirs, and some rare objects from heaven and earth.

As a treasure appraiser, Master Mu usually buys these rare items, but now when he takes them out, the quantity is astonishing.

"Tiger power grass is not a good thing, its medicinal effect is mediocre, and it is only worth one million Jiuding Dan."

"This is Black Mysterious Jade. Such a piece can be considered as five million Jiuding Pills." This Ice Lotus Pill is of good quality. It is an ancient item and can be worth ten million Jiuding Pills. There is also this extraterrestrial crystal. It’s a good thing, it’s about the size of a finger, and it’s worth fifty million Jiuding Dan…”

As Master Mu took out the materials and elixirs one by one, Chu Fengmian kept chanting.

After a while, a price was quoted, as if he was calculating the value.

He wanted to bet one billion Nine Cauldron Pills. If Master Mu couldn't come up with something worth one billion Nine Cauldron Pills, what would he bet with Chu Fengmian?

Seeing Chu Fengmian muttering silently, Master Mu was originally extremely angry, but when he heard the quoted figure, his eyes flashed with surprise.

The price quoted by Chu Fengmian was actually the price of the item. In other words, Chu Fengmian knew all about the rare items he took out, and even knew their value clearly.

"What a weird boy, he actually knows so many strange things!"

Master Mu couldn't help but marvel in his heart, but he was still full of confidence. He had an absolute trump card to win.

The third update today! I hope friends who like it will support this book.

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