Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 295 Auction

"The thing in this box is called Dragon's Birthday Grass. Everyone here must have heard the name of this Dragon's Birthday Grass. It is an elixir that is only found in Dragon's Nest. Once taken and refined, it penetrates into the blood and the human body. It can be strengthened several times, so it is the most perfect elixir for improving the body!”

The old man pointed at the dragon's birth grass and spoke loudly.

"Dragon's birth grass!"

"Which lunatic is this, who actually went deep into the dragon's lair?"

"No matter what, buy it. This dragon's birth grass is of great use to saints."

"I must get it. With this Dragon's Birth Grass, my strength can increase several times!"

Countless voices rang out, all with great interest in the Dragon's Birthday Grass.

"The lowest price is one hundred thousand Nine Cauldron Pills!"

The old man looked at everyone's discussion, struck while the iron was hot, and immediately shouted out the price.

Before these words could be heard, they were covered by countless shouts of bidding.

"I'll give you 100,000!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

This dragon's birth grass is a real treasure. Not only does it have no side effects after taking it, it can also improve the body's blood vessels.

You must know that the bloodline of a true dragon is the most noble bloodline. Once it is integrated with the power of Dragon Birthday Grass, the strength of the warrior will be doubled.

"one million!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved and he quoted a price, which suddenly reached one million.

The sudden price increase of five times made countless people turn their attention to Chu Fengmian.

"Box No. 13, such a high number."

"I don't know who the big shot is, but it's impossible to buy this Dragon's Birthday Grass with one million Jiuding Dan."

As soon as the discussion started, one of the taller ones came out.


"three million!"

Chu Fengmian was not polite and doubled the price in one breath.

This kind of bidding method simply means that Jiuding Dan is not used as money.

"four million!"

The voice of the bid that had just been made resounded again, and this time there was a bit of anger in the voice.

"I don't know where my friend came from. This dragon's birth grass was requested by the Zhao family's military marshal. I asked my friend to give me face."

Suddenly a voice came from box No. 7. When they heard the title of Marshal of Soldiers and Horses, many people's expressions changed with shock.

"It's from the Zhao family!"

"It's over. It seems that all the good things will be bought by the Zhao family again."

"Do you think the person in box 13 still dares to fight?"

"Impossible, who dares to compete with the Zhao family."

Countless voices sounded, and they were also extremely disappointed. With the Zhao family here, all the good things in the auction would be sold out again.

Countless times before, people from the Zhao family took action and swept away the good things at the auction, leaving no one to compete.

The status of the Zhao family can now be said to be at its peak in the Qin Emperor's kingdom, and it can even replace the royal family. Who dares to compete with the Zhao family.

"General Manager, no one dares to argue with you now."

In Box No. 7, there were countless people standing, and the one sitting at the top was a middle-aged man in fine clothes, with countless maids waiting around him, like an emperor.

Many of the people standing there are all warriors in the wind control realm, but now they are all like servants. Standing aside, you can see how powerful the leader is.

"Hmph, let's see who dares to compete with our Zhao family. I want to buy all the good things in this auction. The Six Nations campaign has begun, and we have to improve our strength."

The big housekeeper said calmly.

"You can buy whatever you encounter. Anyway, in the name of our Zhao family, those people won't dare to fight for it."

"Yes, our Zhao family will soon become the masters of Emperor Qin's kingdom. Who among these losers dares to offend our Zhao family."

Another Zhao family disciple said, obviously because he was from the Zhao family, he was extremely proud.

"It stands to reason that when the butler comes, all the treasures should be offered up in this auction. We still need to take the auction."

A Zhao family disciple said arrogantly.

"It doesn't matter. After all, there are some old guys in Jiuding Ancient City, but let's take pictures and see what those old guys can say. Anyone who dares to rob me will offend our Zhao family, and he will be in trouble."

The chief steward said confidently that he did not believe that anyone dared to compete with the Zhao family.

"This voice should be the chief manager of the Zhao family, Zhao Xiong."

Chia Ya was beside him and reminded him when he heard this voice.

"This Zhao Xiong should have come under the orders of the Zhao family."

"So what? Chu wants to buy something, and no one can stop it."

When Chu Fengmian heard the word "Zhao family", he didn't even care. What happened to the Zhao family? Chu Fengmian was going to slap the Zhao family hard in the face today.

"Ten million Jiuding Dan!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and another higher price was quoted.

This made the already calm scene stir up a stir.

"Another quotation. The people in Box 13 are not afraid of the Zhao family? How dare they compete with the Zhao family!"

"Interesting, interesting. I originally thought that the Zhao family must have plundered this auction, but I didn't expect that such a change would occur."

Countless people started talking about it.

In box number seven.

A Zhao family disciple slammed the table, stood up and said angrily.

"Butler, who is this person? If he dares to fight with you, I will ask the senior officials of Jiuding Ancient City to find out who this person is. I will capture this person and bring him to you to kill him. Apologize to death!"

The Zhao family has always been extremely domineering. Those who obey will prosper and those who rebel will perish. No one has ever dared to compete with their Zhao family.

"Yes, we can also report it to the family and put pressure on Jiuding Ancient City to catch this guy!"

Another Zhao family disciple also suggested. Everyone spoke one after another, and their words were extremely vicious, as if they wanted to cut Chu Fengmian into thousands of pieces.


The chief steward, Zhao Xiong, snorted coldly, and all the Zhao family disciples just shut up.

"Interesting! I want to see who is fighting with me just now!"

Zhao Xiong said with a cold smile on his lips.

"Eleven million!"

"Twenty million!"

Chu Fengmian did not hesitate. The moment Zhao Xiong opened his mouth, he almost doubled the price.

"Twenty-five million!"

Zhao Xiong spoke again, and this time there was a bit of anger in his voice.

And Chu Fengmian's voice came out again.

Others are afraid of the Zhao family, but he is not!

This dragon's birthday grass, even if the saint came to fight for it today, he would still buy it.

"Fifty million!"

The price was almost doubled again, firmly suppressing Zhao Xiong's offer.

"Five thousand..."

"One hundred million!"

Chu Fengmian's face was calm, and before Zhao Xiong finished speaking, he directly quoted the price, doubling it in one breath.

The fourth update today! Thanks to the person I love, we were the same when we first met. I remember that I loved you,? magnificent? , I have long been accustomed to being rewarded by "one person".

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