Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 471: Gathering in the Square

The higher the realm, the more spiritual energy is needed for cultivation.

In Wu Fengyun's D mansion, Chu Fengmian could only practice hard, but the effect was minimal.

Chu Fengmian must obtain House D in a higher mountain range.

However, only the top ten disciples of the outer sect can own House D in the seventh-level mountain range. As for the higher ones, they must be inner sect disciples and core disciples.

Unless you have made great contributions to the sect, you can be directly rewarded.

"My current strength has reached a bottleneck, so it doesn't matter. When my strength breaks through, I will be not far away from being promoted to the inner sect. I can just become an inner sect disciple when the time comes, and then I can take it."

Chu Fengmian spoke in a low voice, and suddenly he remembered the two people who were talking just above the sky, and asked Wu Fengyun.

"Among the top ten people on this list, is there anyone named Ye and one named Yun?"

Judging from the tone of conversation between those two people, these two people must be among the top ten people on the list, maybe even the top three on the list, otherwise they would not be so arrogant in their words.

"Could it be that the young master is talking about Ye Guang and Yun Dou?"

Wu Fengyun heard Chu Fengmian's words and replied respectfully.

"These two people are ranked first and second on the current list respectively. In terms of strength, these two people have the ability to be promoted to the inner sect early, but they did not choose to be promoted. They have always been domineering in the outer sect. In terms of strength, His strength is not weaker than that of many inner disciples."

"One of them, Ye Yun, is said to have had a great adventure. He is a descendant of the former King Wu. He has the blood of King Wu and has extraordinary strength. It is said that he can compete with the best of many peak saints. He is not far from the realm of life and death."

"You actually have such strength? No wonder you dare to plot against me."

After hearing Wu Fengyun's words, Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

"But even if you really have the strength of the life and death realm, if you dare to plot against me, you will be dead. When I truly step into the realm of divine power, I can also kill the life and death realm warriors."

"You must first save enough merit points to exchange for an opportunity to practice on the Holy Mountain, and then break through the realm of divine power in one fell swoop. That's the real thing."

Chu Fengmian calculated in his mind that he had been stagnant at the peak of the Wind Control Realm for a long time, and now he had to look for opportunities to break through to the Divine Power Realm.

Chu Fengmian could feel that whenever he broke through to the realm of divine power, the blood power in his body would change drastically, which would be of endless benefit to Chu Fengmian.

"No matter how much your merits are worth, hand them over."

Chu Fengmian said to Wu Fengyun.


Wu Fengyun respectfully placed the identity card on the ground, and Chu Fengmian transferred all the merit points in it. The merit value in his identity card had reached one thousand two hundred points.

This Wu Fengyun alone has a thousand merit points.

"Sure enough, as a famous figure in the outer sect, he has a lot of meritorious deeds."

When Chu Fengmian saw this number, he finally had a smile on his face. However, even if he had obtained 1,200 points now, it was only a drop in the bucket compared to the tens of thousands of points of merit points he would spend to practice in the Holy Mountain.

Chu Fengmian had to find an opportunity to earn Dabi's merit points.

In Beimang Academy, there are always some tasks that are extremely difficult, but after completing them, you can easily get tens of thousands of merit points.

Chu Fengmian planned to take on this kind of task directly to get a lot of merit points in one fell swoop.

Eight days.

Chu Fengmian was practicing slowly in D Mansion. He was not doing any training, he was just restoring his physical condition to the most perfect state.

"Time is up."

Chu Fengmian whispered to himself, and his figure disappeared into House D.

The square is now full of people.

Ten days after entry, this is the day of task assessment. At a glance, all the outer disciples among this new batch of newcomers are gathered in the square.

In addition to these outer sect disciples, there are dozens of purple-clad disciples in the square. This purple robe is completely different from the blue robes of the outer sect.

These purple-clothed disciples are not outer disciples, but inner disciples of Beimang Academy. Each one of them is stronger than an ordinary peak saint.

These inner disciples all stood in front of the square, their momentum was like a rainbow, and they were all arrogant geniuses of the generation.

"It's so scary. Is this the power of the inner disciples?"

"The eyes of these people are like sharp swords. We don't dare to look at them at all."

There was a buzz of discussion.

Inner disciples, to these outer disciples, are also a kind of existence that they can only look up to.

Chu Fengmian came to the square and looked around, but did not find Han Yueli's figure.

Not only Han Yueli, Yan Gu, Mu Yezhan and others, who were taken away by the elders and accepted as disciples, are not included in this assessment.

These people were directly promoted to inner disciples, and even elder disciples. Naturally, they did not need to undergo such cumbersome assessments.

"Is that kid Chu Fengmian? This year's new king is said to have attracted a lot of attention."

An inner sect warrior saw Chu Fengmian's arrival. His mind moved, and he directly activated his spiritual consciousness and glanced at Chu Fengmian, as if he wanted to see through everything about Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian had already been prepared. All his background was hidden, and what he showed was only his strength. Even the elders couldn't see through what he was hiding.

Naturally, it is impossible for an inner disciple to see through this small figure.

"So what if you are in the limelight? People who don't know how to be patient will die in the hands of others sooner or later."

Another inner disciple glanced at Chu Fengmian and said disdainfully.

"At a young age, I got some adventures, and I feel that I can be arrogant. However, I am just a waste. Among the entire outer sect, only Ye Guang and Yun Dou have some strength. The rest are all waste."

The words of this disciple of the inner sect were extremely arrogant, and he directly ignored the entire outer sect.

However, these inner sect disciples are all existences that transcend the outer sect. Anyone who comes to the outer sect at random is a king and hegemon. Naturally, they will not care about a few outer sect disciples.

"That's true. This kid is just a fish in a pond at best. Being so arrogant in a small pond means nothing in rivers and lakes."

Another inner disciple spoke.

During this discussion, an old man suddenly fell from the sky, it was Elder Su Ling.

Seeing Elder Su Ling appear, these inner disciples also stopped talking and waited for Elder Su Ling to speak.

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