Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 476: Dark Ancient Demon Lord

There was a trace of despair on Mang Tong's face, and he roared loudly.

"Fight him! I would rather die than be suppressed by him!"

"What a joke, you are a bunch of losers. Even in your heyday, I would not have put you in my eyes. What's more, you don't even have much power now!"

Lei Jue's eyes were full of disdain, with a wild smile on his face.

"It's just a stubborn resistance, let me control them all!"

Lei Jue's fists came down one after another again, seemingly trying to suppress Chu Fengmian all at once.

"Boy, your strength is indeed good, and you have the capital to compete with me. It's just a pity that you are still too stupid. You actually used up your spiritual power in vain. Now it is useless for you to regret it. Just go and become a demon. Slave!"

Lei Jue looked at Chu Fengmian and laughed wildly. He deliberately asked Chu Fengmian to resist the evil intention just to consume Chu Fengmian's spiritual power.

He was indeed somewhat afraid of Chu Fengmian's strength, but now, what use was a warrior without spiritual power.

"Do you really think I can't see through your plan?"

Chu Fengmian smiled slightly, and with a thought, the spiritual power he lacked was completely replenished almost in an instant.

In an instant, all the spiritual power in Chu Fengmian's body was restored instantly.


Lei Jue's eyes were full of surprise, and he was simply dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

Chu Fengmian had clearly consumed so much spiritual energy just now. He had also checked countless times and found that Chu Fengmian's spiritual energy had indeed been exhausted.

But now Chu Fengmian's spiritual power has completely recovered so quickly. Even if he swallowed the pill, it would not be possible so quickly.

"Boy, what if your spiritual power is restored? It doesn't make any sense! You will still die today!"

Suddenly, Lei Jue moved. He jumped up high, withdrew most of his coercive power, concentrated it on the fist wind, and then concentrated one punch again, directly bombarding Chu Fengmian.

"Boy, I know you defeated Wu Fengyun and you have some strength, but Wu Fengyun, in the eyes of our inner sect, is just a waste!"

"Today I want to let you know the difference between the inner disciples and the outer disciples!"

Lei Jue took action, and the power of his punch was so ferocious that it shattered the earth. The wind of the punch seemed to turn into a huge hammer, and it suddenly hit Chu Fengmian's chest.

This punch was intended to completely and seriously injure Chu Fengmian, leaving Chu Fengmian unable to fight back.

But Chu Fengmian's expression was extremely calm. Facing the punch, he also clenched his fist and punched it.


Following Chu Fengmian's punch, a dragon roar suddenly appeared.

The moment the dragon's roar sounded, the sealed space around him seemed to have begun to loosen up. Next to Chu Fengmian, there were suddenly countless powerful dragons, directly guarding Chu Fengmian's body.

The punch Chu Fengmian punched was a direct punch to Feng Hualong. With a roar, he directly blasted Lei Jue's punch.

This Fist of Wind Transformation Dragon was even more powerful, and it struck directly at Lei Jue's body.


There was a loud bang.

Lei Jue's body was immediately thrown away, and the clothes on his chest were shattered. From the clothes, a piece of spiritual weapon armor was revealed.

This spiritual weapon armor had a punch mark on it and was smashed into pieces.

Without the protection of this spiritual weapon armor, Lei Jue would have been punched through the chest with this punch and died directly.

This kind of power is so terrifying. It first neutralized the power of Lei Jue's punch, and then directly shattered the spiritual weapon armor.

Lei Jue's expression was so horrified that his eyes almost popped out.

This spiritual weapon armor was an earth-level spiritual weapon. It had followed him for countless years and protected his life countless times.

Lei Jue was once chased by a powerful man who had just stepped into the realm of life and death. He relied on this spiritual weapon armor to survive.

At that time, the powerful person in the life and death realm could only break a gap in the spiritual weapon armor with all his strength.

But it was not like Chu Fengmian, who was completely shattered by one punch.

The spiritual power on the spiritual weapon armor has now been emitted and has completely disappeared. This means that the spiritual weapon armor is completely useless.

Such terrifying spiritual power was actually produced by a wind-controlling warrior?

When Chu Fengmian defeated Wu Fengyun in the outer sect, the strength he showed was already extremely terrifying.

But now it seems that the strength Chu Fengmian showed at that time can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg at best. Chu Fengmian's true strength is even more terrifying.

"Oh My God!"

"How could Chu Fengmian's strength be..."

"It's terrible, such strength."

The other three people looked at the changes in front of them with dull eyes. They could not have imagined that Chu Fengmian would suddenly burst out with such terrifying power.

Then the expressions of the three of them were overjoyed. Chu Fengmian had hidden such strength, so now it was no longer a real death situation.

"You! You actually have such strength!"

Lei Jue's face was full of horror, he pointed at Chu Fengmian and shouted in disbelief.

"With your strength, why would you listen to me? If you knew my plan, why would you wait until now!"

"If I don't spare your life, how can I catch the person behind you? I didn't expect that this is actually a big fish."

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

"Lei Jue, you have harmed your fellow sects and colluded with the Earth Demon Sect. You are no longer worthy of being a disciple of Beimang Academy. I will kill you today! Get rid of this scourge of yours!"

At the same time as he opened his mouth, Chu Fengmian waved his hand and punched Lei Jue again.

He had expected that the punch just now was enough to kill Lei Jue, but he didn't expect that he would actually have such an armored spiritual weapon protecting his body.

But this time, there was no armor or spiritual weapon to help him block it.

"No! Lord Angu, save me!"

Seeing Chu Fengmian's punch, Lei Jue's face was filled with panic and he shouted loudly.

Suddenly, a bloody claw grabbed Chu Fengmian's spiritual power, and with one claw, Chu Fengmian's punch and the spiritual power in it were directly broken into pieces.

"Young man, don't be too desperate."

A hoarse voice sounded, and it was the Dark Ancient Demon Lord who spoke.

"After all, this person is working for me. Please give me some face and spare his life."

At the same time that Angu Demon Lord spoke, he waved his big hand and grabbed Lei Jue directly, trying to take Lei Jue away.

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