Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 520: Killing the Bone Master

"These eighteen white-bone demon generals were just suppressed and devoured by you?"

Bai Xuan stood aside, watching Chu Fengmian swiftly and smoothly eliminate the eighteen demon generals, devouring them all with their formations. She almost looked dull.

The combined strength of these eighteen demon generals is enough to compete with the strong men of the third level of life and death.

And even a strong person at the third level of the life and death realm can only defeat these eighteen demon generals by defeating them separately and breaking one of them.

But now Chu Fengmian directly defeated and suppressed all the eighteen demon generals in one breath, and even swallowed them into his body.

Bai Xuan understood that Chu Fengmian's strength had definitely surpassed him now, but she never expected that even a figure like Mr. Bones had the final trump card.

These eighteen white-bone demon generals were all easily suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

"Little devil, is this the only level of your strength? Compared with those old devils in Nine Demon City, you are still far behind."

Chu Fengmian laughed and looked at Master Bones, he was in a good mood.

As long as these eighteen white-bone demon generals are fully refined, the harvest will be no less than a king-grade spiritual stone as tall as a person.

Chu Fengmian even realized that many of the wonders from the heavens that the White Bone Demon had refined and integrated into them were of great use to Chu Fengmian. The Don't Fight Dragon Jue Devouring them had the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"Boy, do you think you can really suppress my Bone Demon General?"

The coldness in Mr. Bones' eyes when he listened to Chu Fengmian's words was enough to kill someone.

"Your strength is indeed beyond my imagination, but you should never suppress these eighteen demon generals in your body!"

"Now these eighteen demon generals are exploding in your body. Let me see how you can resist them!"

Mr. Bones showed a bit of madness on his face.

"Kill you! I got your adventure, plus this imperial spiritual stone, it is enough to withstand the losses of my eighteen demon generals!"

"Die to me!"

"not good!"

Bai Xuan looked shocked and shouted loudly.

"Hurry and release all the eighteen demon generals!"

Each of these eighteen demon generals has the strength of life and death, if they all self-destruct in Chu Fengmian's body.

Even a strong man at a high level in the life and death realm would be blown to death alive.

"It's too late! Go to hell!"

The face of Mr. Bones was full of madness, and he activated his spiritual power to communicate frantically with the suppressed eighteen demon generals in Chu Fengmian's body. He wanted to use the self-destruction of the eighteen demon generals to destroy Chu Fengmian.

"Is this your last resort?"

Chu Fengmian looked at Mr. Bone Bones and sneered.

"Do you think your eighteen demon generals will give you the opportunity to control your own self-destruction?"

"Eighteen Demon Generals! Refining them all!"

Chu Fengmian's body suddenly burst into flames, and the eighteen demon generals were thrown into the raging fire by Chu Fengmian.

The countless white bones on the bodies of these eighteen demon generals were completely destroyed under the flames, and turned into extremely refined spiritual power, which completely poured into Chu Fengmian's body.

"One drop! Ten drops! A hundred drops!"

The power of these eighteen demon generals was completely swallowed up. Suddenly, the power of Chu Fengmian's body increased crazily.

A full five hundred drops of ancient dragon dragon essence and blood were condensed.

In Chu Fengmian's body, there are already six thousand drops of ancient war dragon essence and blood. Within one day of coming to Yangu Dragon Emperor's D residence, Chu Fengmian condensed a thousand drops of ancient war dragon essence. Essence and blood.

Compared to Chu Fengmian's cheerfulness, in this scene, in the eyes of Master Bai Gu, his face was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Impossible! What kind of method is this! My White Bone Demon General was made by me personally integrating countless rare objects from the heavens and refining them. A strong person in the life and death realm would need to spend countless methods to refine them. How could you Instant refining?"

The Boneless Master was so wide-eyed that countless beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

These eighteen Bone Demon Generals were his way of keeping things under control. The Bone Demon Generals had encountered numerous crises before and had always escaped by using the Bone Demon Generals to self-destruct.

But today, all of his Bone Demon Generals were refined by Chu Fengmian in an instant.

Mr. Bones retreated continuously, and suddenly, his body suddenly turned into countless black mist, trying to escape crazily.

But Chu Fengmian's big hand had already arrived in advance, and Chu Fengmian grabbed it with his big hand, and the bone-stained young man was immediately caught in Chu Fengmian's hand.



The body of Mr. Bones suddenly exploded, and countless blood energy filled the air.

The moment she felt these blood energy, Bai Xuan hurriedly retreated. A demon cultivator like Mr. Bai Gu had a monstrous evil intention in his blood energy.

To ordinary warriors, they are extremely poisonous.

But Chu Fengmian didn't care. With a wave of his hand, all the countless blood was swallowed up by him.

Chu Fengmian's Dragon Fighting Art was the nemesis of some evil things. The demonic meaning contained in the blood had no effect at all in front of Chu Fengmian.

This blood energy was integrated into Chu Fengmian's body, and under the power of Zhan Long Jue, it was instantly transformed into the most essence of spiritual power, all condensed.


In the blood of Chu Fengmian's body, there are another hundred drops of ancient war dragon blood essence. Like this Bone Master, geniuses of the Earth Demon Sect have countless opportunities.

Killing him and taking away his blood also made Chu Fengmian's strength even further.

"This bone-stained young man died like this?"

It wasn't until all the blood of Mr. Bone Bones was swallowed up by Chu Fengmian that Bai Xuan slowly came back to her senses.

Mr. White Bones is a well-known genius in the Northern Territory, and his status in the Earth Demon Sect is comparable to that of the seed disciples of Beimang Academy.

Bai Xuan had encountered Mr. Bones in the past. At that time, Bai Xuan had to use countless means to successfully escape.

But today, Mr. Bones died in the hands of Chu Fengmian. He had almost no power to fight back and was easily killed by Chu Fengmian.

"This person's strength is really unfathomable. He and Han Yueli both have countless secrets. I feel that this is not all of this person's power! But this person hides even deeper than Han Yueli! "

Bai Xuan looked at Chu Fengmian with a look of shock and even vague admiration.

Chu Fengmian's strength is indeed more terrifying than any genius he has ever seen. If this continues, maybe one day Chu Fengmian will be able to reach the top of Beimang Academy.

Of course, Chu Fengmian would not pay attention to Bai Xuan's little thoughts. After Chu Fengmian devoured the blood of Mr. Bones, he looked at the imperial spiritual stone.

He circulated the power of the essence and blood of the ancient war dragon in his body, and his right hand turned into the claw of the war dragon. He grabbed the imperial spiritual stone and put it into the empty ring.

Second update, the title is wrong.

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