Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 522 Countless Geniuses

These treasures are simply filling the secret room behind the current door.

"How come there are so many treasures!"

Bai Xuan looked over with extremely greedy eyes, wanting to collect all the treasures in it.

If these treasures were obtained by one person, that person would definitely become a rich man in the entire Northern Territory.

However, facing so many treasures, no one of the countless warriors in front dared to touch them.

No one dares to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Because above that gate, there is a huge restriction.

Once again, the previous warriors who wanted to break into it all hit the restriction and fell on the spot.

"That's it? Our seed disciple of Beimang College will suffer eternal regret!"

Bai Xuan scanned the crowd and suddenly saw a cold-looking man among them.

This man's appearance was extremely cold, and his face seemed to be filled with countless hatred at all times, as if his heart was filled with hatred.

"This is? The way of everlasting hatred! The way of everlasting hatred, hating everyone with hatred!"

Chu Fengmian followed Bai Xuan and saw Luo Changhen at a glance.

After all, the aura of Luo Changhen's body was simply too obvious, and the overwhelming hatred could be recognized at a glance.

This way of eternal hatred is also an extremely powerful martial art, but there are very few people who practice it.

People's hatred can stimulate people's potential. The way to endure hatred is to hate everything to gain strength.

Although it is extremely powerful, it is impossible for ordinary warriors to have such powerful hatred, so it is difficult to practice.

Only those who have experienced countless disasters will be able to practice the path of eternal hatred.

Once upon a time in ancient times, there was a supremely powerful man named God King of Hatred. This man was a young man whose family was ruined and his family was destroyed. He suffered countless disasters in his life. In the end, he hated everything and cultivated the way of everlasting hatred.

Although the person who fell into eternal hatred before him was far from comparable to figures like Hatian God King, he had also practiced the way of eternal hatred to great perfection.

No one dares to get close to him, because once they get close to him, they may be affected by the path of eternal hatred, drawing out the hatred in the body, and directly losing themselves to the hatred.


The moment Chu Fengmian looked at Luo Changhen, Luo Changhen seemed to be aware of Chu Fengmian's existence and forgot about it.

Chu Fengmian could feel that his heart seemed to be extremely angry.

"This person is powerful! His way of everlasting hatred is enough to influence me, but he is only at the ninth level of the divine power realm and has not entered the realm of life and death. Otherwise, his way of everlasting hatred will be a great threat to me."

Chu Fengmian thought secretly in his heart. He activated his strength and wiped away the hatred in his heart, and his eyes became calm.


Seeing that Chu Fengmian was not affected in any way, Luo Changhen's expression was slightly suppressed, but he was not paying attention to Chu Fengmian, but focused all his attention on the restriction of the gate.

"Did Luo Changhen take action against you?"

The changes in Chu Fengmian's body could not be hidden from Bai Xuan's eyes, and there was a hint of fear on her face.

"Although this Luo Changhen is a disciple of Beimang Academy, he is not trustworthy at all and cannot be a friend in advance."

"He has practiced the way of eternal hatred. He hates everything, even Beimang College. You have to be careful about his hatred and his hatred of anyone."

Chu Fengmian nodded and said with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yes, this person is a lunatic who practices the way of eternal hatred. However, he wanted to rape me before. When I find an opportunity, I will definitely kill him!"

Luo Changhen's attack just now seemed like a test, but in fact he also had some murderous intentions.

Once Chu Fengmian lacks strength and is affected by his hatred, he is afraid that his whole person will be crippled.

Dare to take action against Chu Fengmian, this person will be hated in Chu Fengmian's heart, and he is already a must-kill person.

"Except for Luo Changhen, there are so many geniuses from the Northern Territory here!"

Bai Xuan glanced at the crowd, looking at the familiar figures among them, and exclaimed.

"This is Canglan Ba ​​from the Canglan Family, a martial arts family. He practices pure martial arts. Compared with Luo Changhen, his strength is not inferior!"

After Chu Fengmian saw this, he realized that this Canglan Ba ​​was a pure warrior with the essence of martial arts. He seemed to be on a mission to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

"This is the genius of the secret force Tiancoff Sect, Kuxutian! The extremely weird way of decay he has practiced! It is extremely difficult to deal with and extremely powerful!"

Kuxutian was dressed in black, extremely mysterious, and his spiritual power was extremely strange. Countless spiritual energies around him began to wither, decay, and disappear.

Hidden forces, in this northern region, in addition to the two behemoths Beimang Academy and Earth Demon Sect, as well as countless martial arts families, there are also some hidden forces.

These secret forces have always been secretive and have very few disciples, but everyone is an elite, very similar to the martial arts family.

However, the martial arts families all rely on their bloodline, and these secret forces have their own unique secret techniques. Many of the disciples from the secret forces are extremely weird.

"There are also the Gui Gu Holy Son of the Earth Demon Sect! These two, the War Demon Venerable!"

Chu Fengmian, the Holy Son of Guigu, and the Lord War Demon had met once before. Holy Son of Guigu looked like a seven or eight-year-old child.

But in fact, he has maintained his virginity by practicing supreme magic skills. Guigu Shengzi is cruel and ruthless, and it is said that he likes to swallow the essence and blood of many young women.

Not for cultivation, but just eating for pleasure is notorious in the Northern Territory.

"Even the geniuses from the Final Dynasty in the Western Regions are here!"

Bai Xuan looked at each one with wonder on her face.

Many of these people would never appear at all in the Northern Territory on weekdays. Now it seems that Yan Gulong Emperor D's Mansion has actually attracted all of these people here.

The opening of Emperor Yan Gulong's D Mansion was simply a gathering of geniuses.

"There is no such thing as a strong person at a high level in the realm of life and death."

Chu Fengmian glanced around and felt much more at ease.

A high-level expert in the life and death realm was a fatal threat to Chu Fengmian.

Although these geniuses are difficult to deal with, they are not impossible to deal with.

Although Chu Fengmian could not take all the countless treasures in the secret room behind the door, he could still snatch a few pieces from them.

However, the restriction in front of them isolates everyone from countless treasures.

Among the crowd, the most powerful warriors seemed to be talking. Suddenly, they seemed to have reached a consensus and spread out. Countless spiritual powers began to gather.

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