Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 526: Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword

Chu Fengmian is a swordsman, and the most important thing about swordsmanship is the sword.

Although the red flame sword in Chu Fengmian's hand had been refined by him and was already much more powerful, with Chu Fengmian's current strength.

The Red Flame Sword could no longer fully display Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship.

Only heaven-level spiritual weapons, heaven-level spiritual weapons with spirituality, are enough to bring Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship to its full potential.

If he could get a long sword that was a heaven-level spiritual weapon, Chu Fengmian's strength could go even further! It is possible to double the strength.

This long sword, a heaven-level spiritual weapon, did not seem to appear in the secret room at first. It only appeared suddenly after everyone collected countless treasures.

So much so that Chu Fengmian didn't notice it at first.

"I must get this sword!"

Chu Fengmian said to himself, his eyes were extremely firm.

A heaven-level spiritual weapon is a rare find in a hundred years, let alone a long sword that is a heaven-level spiritual weapon.

Chu Fengmian's figure flashed again and again, and he suddenly came close to this heaven-level spiritual weapon.

"Chu Fengmian, how was your harvest?"

As soon as Chu Fengmian arrived nearby, Bai Xuan flew over and asked.

Her face also showed a bit of joy. During the fight, she also got three of the treasures.

Although it is far inferior to Chu Fengmian, it is a good opportunity to get three treasures among so many people fighting.

"The harvest is good."

Chu Fengmian chuckled lightly and did not elaborate. Instead, he asked.

"This heavenly spiritual weapon! When did it appear?"

Chu Fengmian had been inside the secret room collecting treasures, so he didn't notice when this heaven-level spiritual weapon appeared.

"It is said that someone suddenly appeared after activating the mechanism. However, it is not easy to get the heaven-level spiritual weapon in front of you."

Bai Xuan pointed at that day-level spiritual weapon and said.

"Look at the restrictions above."

Following Bai Xuan's pointing, Chu Fengmian looked over.

This heaven-level spiritual weapon, like the countless treasures in Yan Gulong Emperor D's house, has restrictions set on it.

Colorful rays of light spread all around this heaven-level spiritual weapon.

But the restrictions on this heaven-level spiritual weapon are a little different, and that is the power gap.

The restrictions on this heaven-level spiritual weapon are probably much stronger than the restrictions on the door of the secret chamber, even though they have experienced fifty thousand years of erosion.

The power in it still made Chu Fengmian feel that with his current full strength, he was an insignificant ant in front of this restriction.

"Could this restriction be placed by Emperor Yan Gulong himself?"

Chu Fengmian was also shocked when he saw the colorful glow on this heaven-level spiritual weapon.

The power of time is the most terrifying force in the world. Countless ancient powerful men were unable to resist the erosion of time and fell directly.

The same is true for this restriction. The restriction of the strong can last for a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years.

But fifty thousand years is enough to consume most of the power, but the power of the colorful glow in front of you still has such terrifying power fifty thousand years later.

The only one who can do this is the restriction set by Yan Gulong Emperor, who once set foot on the pinnacle of the Nine Realms.

"Using the power of blood, I can resolve the restrictions above, but in front of everyone, if I resolve the restrictions above, I'm afraid I will be recognized and attacked!"

Chu Fengmian couldn't help but frown when he looked at that day-level spiritual weapon.

It is not easy to get this heaven-level spiritual weapon. Everyone wants to get it.

Everyone present was watching with eager eyes. If Chu Fengmian rushed up now, it would definitely arouse everyone's anger.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, it would be extremely difficult for him to escape if everyone surrounded him.

Chu Fengmian whispered to himself.

"We have to wait for an opportunity."

While Chu Fengmian was waiting for the opportunity, he was observing the heaven-level spiritual weapon in front of him.

On the blade of this long sword, a lifelike dragon is carved.

This dragon was not an ordinary real dragon. Even if it was a statue, Chu Fengmian could feel the terrifying dragon power and the aura of antiquity on it.

This breath is older than the ancient war dragons. It is the breath of the ancestor of dragons.

"Could this sword be one of the legendary dragon clan's treasures, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword?"

Chu Fengmian's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of the origin of this sword.

Although the Dragon Clan is born with divine power, it is not without Dragon Clan who are willing to practice swordsmanship.

At least the former Emperor Yan Gulong was an extremely powerful swordsman, and his attainments in swordsmanship had reached the pinnacle.

When a sword cultivator becomes famous, the sword in his hand is equally important.

Yangu Dragon Emperor's sword is the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, one of the dragon clan's treasures. It is said to have been created by the ancestor of all dragons and possesses the power of the ancestor of all dragons.

"If it is really the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, if I get it, I'm afraid the benefits will be even greater! After all, my bloodline is the bloodline of the ancient war dragon. Although it is not pure, it can still barely activate the power of the ancestor of all dragons. !”

Chu Fengmian secretly thought that he must get the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in front of him.

One hour, two hours.

Chu Fengmian has been waiting for the opportunity, and Luo Changhen and others are also waiting in front of the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

During this period of time, several warriors went to test the power of the colorful rays of light.

But almost in an instant, they were directly killed by the colorful rays of light.

Without a trace of resistance, he was killed instantly, which also made the faces of everyone present become extremely horrified.

But no one wanted to leave, because this heavenly spiritual weapon was too tempting, and no one was willing to give up this opportunity.

As time passed, more and more people gathered in this secret room.


From outside, five or six more figures suddenly appeared.

But this time, the auras of these five or six people were extremely powerful.

The weakest among the five or six people were no worse than Luo Changhen, and the strongest one among them vaguely surpassed countless people present.

"Who are these people?"

Everyone present looked directly at them with countless eyes. When they saw a big word " Huang" on the chests of the clothes of these five or six people, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

This word Huang directly represents their identity.

"Zhongzhou! People from the Huanggu Sect!"

Bai Xuan opened her mouth and said.

"Why did the disciples of the Huanggu Sect come to our Northern Territory?"

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