Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 576 Lord Lingmu


"There's still someone bidding?"

"It's the Tianzi box again?"

"Although things like Jianmu branches are precious, they are not of much use to the real big shots. How can they be fought over?"

I heard someone shout out the new price again, and there were a few noises coming from below.

"Oh? Four hundred thousand spirit stones."

Chu Fengmian was slightly surprised and reported a new number.

"Five million spiritual stones!"

Before Chu Fengmian finished speaking, another price was quoted from the box No. 10 next to him.

This Jianmu branch is usually worth one hundred thousand spirit stones, which is already the limit. Unexpectedly, it was actually robbed by witnesses for such a sky-high price of five hundred thousand.

"Who is this person in box No. 10? Are you also coming to compete with me for these tree branches?"

Chu Fengmian frowned.

According to Chu Fengmian's estimation, if he shouted out a price of 200,000 for this Jianmu branch, no one would be able to compete with him.

But now this number is rising steadily. Although Chu Fengmian doesn't care about this wealth, it still makes Chu Fengmian frown.

"The number 10 box should belong to the Diyuan Pavilion, but the voice is not from the Diyuan Pavilion. It should be an outsider."

Elder Li stood aside and spoke slowly.

"To be able to get a box in Diyuan Pavilion, the person among them must have a good background."

"What should I do? See, this person seems to be determined to win the tree branch?"

Bai Xuan also whispered from the side.

Although he knew that Chu Fengmian had gained great wealth in the palace of Emperor Yan Gulong.

But spending so much wealth just for a jianmu branch, some people don’t know.

"It doesn't matter, I want to see who dares to compete with me!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

His wealth is almost endless, but he wants to see who dares to compete with him for the tree branches.

"Six hundred thousand spirit stones!"

From Chu Fengmian's mouth, another sky-high price was shouted out.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's spiritual consciousness suddenly shuttled out. The restrictions in the box could not stop Chu Fengmian's spiritual consciousness at all.

He suddenly sneaked into box No. 10.

In Box No. 10, there were many young warriors, not very old. One of the most powerful ones was sitting on a high throne.

Countless warriors around him, like stars holding the moon, surrounded him, flattering him.

These warriors are all uniformly dressed in golden clothes, among which the two characters "Huanggu" are extremely conspicuous.

Chu Fengmian recognized it at a glance.

The people in box No. 10 were actually a group of disciples of the Huanggu Sect.

Now that they heard Chu Fengmian's bidding, the eyes of the Huanggu Sect disciples showed a bit of anger.

"Senior Brother Gu, this person really doesn't know how to live or die. He dares to fight with you. Do you want us to find out who he is? Teach him a lesson. Anyone who dares to oppose our Huanggu Sect will only die!"

Y, a disciple of the Ancient Ancient Sect, said harshly.

When he spoke, his mouth was full of murderous intent, as if he was from a high place and controlled the life and death of everyone.

In his heart, the lives of ordinary warriors are inferior to ants and can be crushed to death at will.

These disciples of the Ancient Ancient Sect are all extremely arrogant, especially the Ancient Ancient Sect, which is one of the seven major sects and comes from the most prosperous Central Region.

In this remote Northern Territory, these Huanggu Sect disciples looked down upon the Northern Territory disciples, and naturally they would not take them seriously.

"After all, this is the largest auction in the Void Sea. The Tongten Pavilion behind it is quite powerful, so it's better not to take the initiative to conflict."

Another disciple of the Huanggu Sect slowly opened his mouth and said.

"Hmph, it's just a remote place like the Northern Territory. I don't believe they dare to provoke us, the Ancient Sect! Senior Brother Gu, do you want me to take action and teach that kid a lesson? Destroy his cultivation and let others know that he dares to follow us. The end of the ancient competition."

The disciple of the Ancient Ancient Sect who just spoke said disdainfully.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Sitting on the throne, the ancient senior brother said coldly.

His words contained such supreme majesty that the voices of quarrels below suddenly disappeared.

"This is the Northern Territory. It's better not to cause trouble rashly. It's just a fight for wealth. I don't believe that a boy from the Northern Territory can compete with me in the ancient forest!"

Gu Lin said coldly.

"Seven hundred thousand spirit stones!"

"Eight hundred thousand spirit stones!"

The moment Gu Lin opened his mouth, Chu Fengmian's voice came out without hesitation, showing Chu Fengmian's determination to win.

"Damn it!"

Hearing this price, Gu Lin's face showed a bit of anger.

Chu Fengmian, who was competing with him, sounded extremely relaxed. He did not reveal a price, but he was extremely relaxed.

Although Gu Lin had a lot of wealth, he was furious at spending such a high price for a Jianmu branch.

"Senior Brother Gu, although these tree branches are precious, they are nothing in our Central Territory. When we return to the Central Territory, we can buy them with some tricks. You don't have to compete with these natives in the Northern Territory here."

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect beside Gu Lin said flatteringly.

"Humph, what do you know? Jianmu branches are nothing, but these Jianmu branches are different."

Gu Lin said coldly.

"Among these six ancient D mansions, the one we entered was the D mansion of the ancient powerful Lingmu Lord! This Lingmu Immortal was once born from a branch in Jianmu."

"Lingmu Lord's D Mansion has not yet been fully opened, especially the biggest treasure, Lingmu Lord's inheritance, has not yet been obtained."

"There must be something missing in this. This Jianmu branch was found in Lingmu Lord D's house. It is most likely related to Lingmu Lord's inheritance. If I get Lingmu Lord's inheritance, I will find it in the Huanggu Sect. , I will become a nearly invincible figure, I must get this Jianmu branch!"

"One million spirit stones!"

Gu Lin spoke again and directly revealed a sky-high price.

One million spiritual stones, no one would have imagined that the first treasure at the auction, a tree branch, would fetch such a high price.

"The inheritance of Lord Lingmu? I have also heard of Lord Lingmu. He was a powerful figure in ancient times. He was born from building wood and was half demon and half immortal."

When Chu Fengmian heard Gu Lin's discussion, he was slightly surprised. Among the six ancient D mansions, there was actually Lingmu Lord's D mansion.

Moreover, this Jianmu branch has a great relationship with the inheritance of Lord Lingmu.

"Although Lingmu Lord is not as good as invincible figures like Yan Gulong Emperor, he is still a powerful figure in the Nine Realms. If anyone can get his inheritance, it will be an extremely huge benefit."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

The people of the Huanggu Sect wanted to compete with Chu Fengmian in the past, but now they had to fight hard.

"One and a half million spirit stones!"

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