Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6008: Lord of Blood Roar

"Too much trouble."

Chu Fengmian also shook his head when he saw this scene.

Although it is said that when the enemy comes, the general will stop the water.

But Chu Fengmian does not have time to waste here with the Lord of Black Sky.

Instead of waiting for these masters to take action here, it is better to take the initiative and completely solve the troubles of the Lord of Black Sky.

Chu Fengmian still has his own things to do, and it is impossible to stay in this Luming Territory for a long time.

How to solve it once and for all, that is, in a battle, to solve all the masters who covet the inheritance of the Black Ancestor, so as to shock others.

Chu Fengmian moved his body and flew out of the palace and came to the sky above Lucheng.

"Who is it?"

"This is? A master?"

This is not because many warriors know that whether it is the master of Zhenzhou or the warriors of Zhenzhou, they all possess that kind of extremely terrifying power.

It's as if Chu Fengmian is talking to the air.

The last moment, Chu Fengmian stretched out his hand in a hurry.

"Lord of Blood Ming?"

But I didn't expect that Chu Fengmian would actually take action.

In the explosion of that huge power.


A Lord of the Daytime is already difficult to deal with.

Chu Fengmian's voice fell.

"Brother Chu?"

Among the warriors who joined Zhenzhou, many of them are capable of both law and heaven. Many of them are wanted by the four small families and seven sects. In order to protect themselves, they chose to join Zhenzhou.

This is not the power of demons.

Seeing that scene.

At the same time, among the seven masters of the Hundred Laws, no one saw the white robe under Chu Fengmian, and their faces changed slightly.

Almost everyone knew it.

But it is one of the most formidable forces in the Eternal Continent.

"Are you going to take the initiative to come out, or do you invite them to come out?"

The first one to appear was a middle-aged woman who looked over seventy years old.

Thinking of that possibility, the faces of the seven masters of the Hundred Laws changed immediately.

"Zhenzhou Lord?"

My hidden figure was forced out by Chu Fengmian, and my face looked grim. I looked at Chu Fengmian with a serious look.

"And the appearance of this person, could it be?"

When they saw the young woman, many people present exclaimed.

"She actually came out from the Lu family. Could it be the ancestor of the Lu family? But the ancestor of the Lu family has long since fallen."

The Lord of the Day also looked at Chu Fengmian without any doubt.

"Is it the helper of the Lord of the Black Sky?"

Now there is one less Zhenzhou Lord to intervene.

The name of the Lord of the Bloody Roar.

"Come out."

That familiar and talkable aura of power.

"Then let me solve the diplomatic problem for you."

The seven Lords of the Hundred Laws all looked at Chu Fengmian with bated breath. We can also say that Chu Fengmian cannot see through our hiding.

At the moment Chu Fengmian appeared, the four Hundred Laws Lords all felt a strong threat. The Chu Fengmian in front of them was more dangerous than the Lord of Black Sky.

The reason was me, not because the young woman was too old.

He suddenly grabbed behind him.

Even the other eight Hundred Laws Lords looked at the young woman.

After all, everyone knew that the real pinnacle of the Eternal Continent was the four small families and the seven sects.

A bit of icy heat flashed in Chu Fengmian's eyes.

Then I looked back.

In the Eternal Continent.

The more the four Hundred Laws Lords looked at Chu Fengmian, the more they felt a sense of safety from under Chu Fengmian.

"What a strange breath, but this person is so strong."

Zhen Zhou.

The power of the attack was much weaker than that of the Lord of the Day just now.

The demonic power is the nemesis of human warriors. Even for weak masters, it is not a small threat.

Under the Eternal Continent, only the Zhenzhou Master would wear that kind of white robe.

But Zhenzhou, although the most formidable force in the Eternal Continent, is the force that many masters of the Eternal Continent are most willing to provoke.

The first to show up was an old man in green.


That also led to the impression that the warriors of Zhenzhou were obedient and crazy.


Yu Pengzhi's current spiritual consciousness is not close to the master of all laws. Even the master of Bai An, who is good at hiding his breath and figure, can hide from Chu Fengmian's eyes.

"It's actually the Lord of Zhenzhou? A Lord of Zhenzhou, and the strength and aura are probably weaker than the level of the Seven Saints of Zhenzhou. The Lord of Baitian has just entered the realm of the Lord, how could he not have such a weak helper?"

It seems that Chu Fengmian's intention is to wait until the Lord of Wuba and the Lord of Mingluo show up before preparing to take action.

That kind of white robe reminds us of a terrible organization.

"Who is this person?"

As for the eight small forces in Baishi, although they can be regarded as a challenger, they should be slightly inferior to those two parties in terms of strength.

Not to mention the seven Lords of Hundred Laws behind them.

Many martial artists have heard the legend of the Lord of Blood Roar, because the Lord of Blood Roar is the most dazzling genius in that era.

This is not Zhenzhou.

The seven Lords of Hundred Laws behind them are more willing to provoke a Lord of Zhenzhou.

Chu Fengmian looked at the Lord of Baitian and spoke calmly.

After all, we are the Lords of Hundred Laws, and our control over power is far better than those of the Lords of Ten Laws, so we cannot hide our bodies in the gaps of space.

Although the seven Lords of Hundred Laws all hid their bodies, our means of hiding our bodies could not hide from Chu Fengmian's spiritual consciousness.

In the heart of Lord Xu Shao of Eternal Little Land, Zhenzhou's power is still slightly inferior to that of the four small families and seven sects.

The eyes of the four Lords of Hundred Laws also fell on Chu Fengmian in an instant.

Very slowly, there were two figures, and two middle-aged women were also caught by Chu Fengmian from the gaps of space.

Seeing Chu Fengmian suddenly appear, many people looked over and looked at Chu Fengmian in front of them.

"Lord of Blood Ming, the first martial arts genius of that era in Eternal Little Land, did you expect that even I would come?"

There was no reaction under the sky.

Chu Fengmian glanced at it and spoke fiercely.

On the other side

So compared to the four small families, the rulers of the seven sects.

But behind Chu Fengmian's power, there is still a way to hide.

I saw that the laws of the surrounding heaven and earth were all grasped in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, and the surrounding heaven and earth changed, and the violent power swept the surrounding heaven and earth.

The faces of the seven rulers of the hundred laws were twitching.

These seven rulers of the hundred laws only felt that the laws of the surrounding heaven and earth had not been distorted by Chu Fengmian's power, so we couldn't hide anymore.

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