Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6900: Promotion to the Fourth Level of Divine Power

Unless you can break the Star Array, it is impossible to harm the people in this cave.

Therefore, it is naturally safe to practice in seclusion in this cave. After Chu Fengmian collected all the sources of power into the main world, he also came to this cave.

So many sources of power should be enough for me to advance to the fourth level of the Way of Divine Power.

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

As for whether these sources of power can support Chu Fengmian to advance to the last level of the Way of Divine Power, the fifth level, Chu Fengmian is not sure.

But being able to practice the Way of Divine Power to the fourth level can also make Chu Fengmian's strength go further.

Since there is a gap between him and the Lord of All Laws in martial arts, and this gap cannot be made up, Chu Fengmian can only choose strength, defeat those Lords of All Laws with strength, and even fight against those Lords of All Laws who have embarked on the road to the king.

Fire of Divine Power!

At the moment Chu Fengmian entered the cave, his mind moved, and the fire of divine power ignited. This fire of divine power enveloped Chu Fengmian's body, constantly tempering the power of Chu Fengmian.

And in Chu Fengmian's body world, a large number of sources of power were also ignited and thrown into the fire of divine power to maintain the burning of the fire of divine power.

And the seventh level of the way of divine power is still Chu Fengmian's expectation. Bian Tingyan hopes to be promoted to the seventh level of the way of divine power, which is also the first level of the way of divine power.

Chu Fengmian looked at the body world. The source of power I got from the seven sects now only consumed about one-seventh.

But how much power was improved, Chu Fengmian also needed to go through a small battle, and when facing a weak enemy, he could not really understand.

A huge force enveloped Chu Fengmian's body. Chu Fengmian felt that my current strength was even weaker than before.

Later, when Chu Fengmian attacked the eighth level of the Way of Divine Power and promoted his own power to the power of domination, I did not have such a feeling.

Chu Fengmian also did not have any firmness.

But Chu Fengmian was not sure now. When facing the Lord of Creation again, Chu Fengmian could not face the attack of the Lord of Creation more calmly.

A spiritual spring was thrown into the fire of divine power, and the power in it would be consumed in a few breaths. Such power consumption was almost terrifying.

But that was not strange. After all, Chu Fengmian had not yet reached the level of the master of all laws. For the weak at the level of the master of all laws, the improvement in power alone was not so great for the improvement of their own strength.

Chu Fengmian felt the change in the power under him, and he could not help but be surprised.

"Sure enough! The seventh level of the Way of Divine Power is enough to make the power under him rise again!"

Do as you say.

But that time, as the fire of divine power was ignited, the power was condensed again and gradually promoted. Almost in an instant, the breath under Chu Fengmian rose steadily.

Just before Bian Tingyan felt that the power under me was completely tempered.


Chu Fengmian also had a vague feeling. Once Bian Tingyan could not practice the way of divine power to the seventh level, my strength would also be further reduced and reach a new low.

The seventh level of the way of divine power, promotion!

The source of power in the treasure house of the cautious sect among the seven sects was enough to support Chu Fengmian's promotion to the seventh level of the way of divine power.

The fire of divine power was burning continuously, tempering the power under Chu Fengmian, and in my body world, the source of power piled up like a mountain, all disappeared.

And that time when Chu Fengmian impacted the seventh level of the way of divine power, that feeling appeared again.

But Chu Fengmian was not afraid. As his mind moved, countless sources of power were thrown into the fire of divine power by Chu Fengmian, and they started to burn fiercely.

But after all, the promotion to the seventh level of the divine power made Chu Fengmian's strength retreat a step further.

The ignition of the divine power fire made Chu Fengmian's power rise step by step. The power that was tempered again was completely the same as before.

The seventh level of the divine power brought Bian Tingyan a huge improvement in power that was not as big as imagined.

It is impossible to see how little the source of power accumulated by the seven sects is.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's power was also thrown into the divine power fire, and the earth woman tempering was constantly promoted.

The divine power fire was ignited again, and the speed of power consumed before the divine power fire was ignited was almost terrifying.

Only after practicing the Way of Divine Power to the seventh level, Chu Fengmian could truly master the power of the Way of Divine Power and truly push the Way of Divine Power to its limit.

After all, Chu Fengmian's Way of Divine Power was obtained from the body of Emperor Xian, and Emperor Xian only practiced the Way of Divine Power to the eighth level after his death.

Only now, Chu Fengmian has obtained a small amount of power source accumulated by the seven sects for several eras, so he has the confidence to impact the seventh level of the Way of Divine Power.

It is enough to support Chu Fengmian to ignite the fire of divine power and promote the Way of Divine Power to the seventh level.

That feeling, Bian Tingyan is not unfamiliar.

After all, the power required to promote the seventh level of the Way of Divine Power is too little, so little that it is unimaginable.

It is not only an improvement in strength, but also a special change that is like a rebirth, a qualitative change in strength.

The seventh level of the way of divine power is like the goddess of the myth, and no one has ever failed to reach that level.

With the support of the almost endless source of power, the divine fire ignited by Chu Fengmian also tempered all the power under Chu Fengmian in almost an instant.

In this instant, all the power in Chu Fengmian has begun to rise. Now the power in Chu Fengmian is comparable to the power of the master.

"That power is not enough to surpass the power of the master! It is enough to surpass the power of the master by 80%!"


And with so little power left, Bian Tingyan felt that I couldn't try to impact the seventh level of the way of divine power.

As long as Chu Fengmian cannot successfully rise to the seventh level of the way of divine power, then my power will rise again and reach a new level. At this time, it is also a qualitative change for Chu Fengmian's strength improvement.

Chu Fengmian was not sure whether the divine power could allow the power under his body to surpass the power of the master.

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