Seven days.

Seven days had passed since Chu Fengmian entered the Hall of All Saints.

During these seven days, Chu Fengmian continued to refine his nine-domain swordsmanship. Most of the time was spent on comprehending the swordsmanship recorded in the ancient swordsmanship books.

The framework of the Nine Domains Swordsmanship has now been condensed and completed by Chu Fengmian. As long as Chu Fengmian sees more swordsmanship and integrates them all, it will be enough to make the Nine Domains Swordsmanship improve again.

This nine-domain swordsmanship was created by Chu Fengmian. As Chu Fengmian's strength increases, it will become more powerful.

In the future, it is possible that it will even surpass any swordsmanship in the history of the Nine Realms.

Although Chu Fengmian's power has not changed at his level, he has now mastered the nine-domain swordsmanship, which has transformed his sword spirit.

Chu Fengmian now is probably much more powerful than he was before he entered the Hall of All Saints.

The temperament of his body has undergone great changes, turning into an aura of dignity.

Now Chu Fengmian's strength, he himself didn't know which step he had reached, but facing the Supreme Elder, Chu Fengmian's idea before was that he could only escape unscathed.

But now, Chu Fengmian was thinking that when facing the Supreme Elder, Chu Fengmian might not be incapable of fighting.

The increased strength of this sword intention is not just as simple as gaining power. As Chu Fengmian's strength becomes stronger and stronger, his sword intention will also become more and more powerful.

It can be said that the benefits of this are far more than what is seen in front of you.

Now, when Chu Fengmian encounters someone like the Immortal Demon Lord, he can kill them with just a wave of his hand.

The Immortal Demon Lord is also a powerful giant, but now he can only be regarded as an ant in front of Chu Fengmian.

Even though Chu Fengmian's strength is not as good as those old antiques who have transcended the limits of the life and death realm and stepped onto the ladder of life and death, it has still surpassed the ordinary realm of life and death.

"This kind of strength, even if I don't rush through the catastrophe of life and death, is enough to gain a foothold in Beimang Holy Domain. At least if Ye Tianjun wants to deal with me, I am enough to fight him!"

Chu Fengmian's eyes showed a bit of murderous intent. Sooner or later, Ye Tianjun would trample him under his feet.


Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the surrounding space was changing, gradually returning to its former appearance.

Chu Fengmian also returned to the Church of All Saints from this strange space. His figure moved and he strode away directly.


Just when Chu Fengmian left the strange space and returned to the Hall of All Saints, a jade talisman suddenly flashed in his empty ring, and he got a message from it.

"Bai Xuan was taken away?"

Chu Fengmian's face instantly darkened. This news was what Bai Xuan told him, saying that he was captured and taken away by several seed disciples.

If you want to save Bai Xuan, you must let Chu Fengmian go to the stage of life and death.

This platform of life and death is where the seed disciples in the Beimang Holy Domain settle their grievances. On the platform of life and death, life and death are up to you. Even if you kill the opponent, the academy will not pursue them.

These people captured Bai Xuan in order to force Chu Fengmian to go to the stage of life and death.

"court death!"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were cold, and the anger in his body was really coming out.

Chu Fengmian would not pay attention to anyone who wanted to deal with him. When soldiers came to cover up the water and earth, Chu Fengmian would just kill each one.

But to actually capture Bai Xuan and threaten him was a violation of Chu Fengmian's rules.

These people really didn't know how to live or die, and they dared to threaten Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian hated threats from others the most in his life.

"Very good, I want to see who is looking for death!"


Chu Fengmian's figure suddenly moved and turned into a ray of light, rushing past the holy halls.

"Escape so quickly!"

"Who is it? How could he escape so quickly!"

Some of the disciples in the All Saints Hall couldn't see Chu Fengmian's figure clearly for a while when they saw Chu Fengmian's escaping light, and they all exclaimed.

Some people who did not know whether to live or die and tried to stop Chu Fengmian were knocked out and vomited blood.

This escaping light directly left the All Saints' Hall and flew towards the Life and Death Platform in the Beimang Sanctuary.

On the stage of life and death.

Now there are seven or eight people standing. These seven or eight people are all seed disciples of Beimang Academy.

One of the women standing nearby, with numerous restrictions placed on her body and directly suppressed, was Bai Xuan.

And the leader of this group of people was a handsome man. Every move of this man had an extremely noble aura.

Beside him, streams of spiritual power were condensed into dragon scales like Chu Fengmian's.

"Senior Brother Long Weiyang, do you think Chu Fengmian will come?"

A seed disciple said to the man in the lead.

"Although we have captured Bai Xuan, not everyone dares to set foot in a place like the Terrace of Life and Death. He must know the danger. Has he escaped after not coming for so long?"

Another seed disciple also spoke.

"This kid Chu Fengmian is a newcomer after all. If he doesn't come, what will we do?"

"Not coming?"

The man at the head, Long Weiyang, sneered repeatedly.

"With this kid's character, he will definitely come. If he doesn't come, it won't be in vain for me to deal with him."

"Senior Brother Long Weiyang, this boy is already half dead. He offended Lord Ye Tianjun of the Holy Party. Even the younger brother of Lu Hua of the Royal Party was injured by this boy. If we don't take action, Lord Ye Tian, Lu Hua will not let him go, why should we do it? "

A seed disciple asked a little strangely.

"We, the Dragon Party, don't need to be involved."

"Hmph, what this kid used was obviously dragon martial arts. He had a dragon adventure, and even I had never seen the martial arts he used!"

Long Weiyang's eyes showed a bit of greed.

"As long as I can obtain this martial skill, I can defeat Ye Tianjun and Lu Hua, and become the number one person in the Beimang Sanctuary. In time, our Dragon Party will also become the largest force in the Beimang Sanctuary! "

"Look, this kid Chu Fengmian is here, I will definitely kill him and get all his adventures!"

"Really? Kill Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu is here now, let's see how you can kill me!"

An extremely cold voice suddenly sounded, and a ray of light quickly fell onto the stage of life and death.

This figure was none other than Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian's expression was indifferent.

Although his voice was cold, the killing intent contained in it was undisguised, making people shudder when hearing it.

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