Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 640: Northern Territory Top 100 Ranking

After all, Chu Fengmian was still a warrior in the realm of divine power, while Sikong Hong was a figure who had already passed through the catastrophe of life and death. The difference in power between the two realms was close to ten times.

Some geniuses can indeed achieve the realm of divine power and kill people in the realm of life and death.

Chu Fengmian can do it, and so can Long Weiyang, who died in Chu Fengmian's hands, and Lu Hua, who was defeated by Chu Fengmian.

It's just that the life and death realm they can defeat is just some ordinary life and death realm warriors.

And Sikong Hong can be the same genius. When he is in the divine power realm, he is enough to defeat the high-level life and death realm.

Now that he has passed through the catastrophe of life and death, Sikong Hong's strength is even closer to the peak of the life and death realm.

Among Elder Bingli, Chu Fengmian's strength, although not bad, is indeed a bit lower than that of Sikong Hong.

At least until Chu Fengmian survives the catastrophe of life and death, he cannot be Sikong Hong's opponent.

Chu Fengmian said coldly, with great confidence in his words.

"Really? He's just at the second level of the life and death realm. If he dares to come, I'll tell him to get out! A genius on the Northern Territory's Top 100 List? Chu wants to see what this so-called genius is!"

"Where did this little guy come from to speak such arrogant words! He is so arrogant that a small seed disciple in the Beimang Holy Domain dares to speak such arrogant words and not take me, Sikong Hong, seriously?"

Suddenly, just as Chu Fengmian finished speaking, a deep voice fell from the sky.

This voice shouted, and there was a hint of murderous intent in it. This voice suddenly turned into a huge palm.

This huge palm appeared out of thin air, which was the condensation of the power of the voice. The moment it appeared, it bombarded Chu Fengmian.

It seemed that Chu Fengmian was being suppressed.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian felt tremendous pressure. The huge palm condensed by these words alone was almost enough to rival Long Weiyang's true strength.

Obviously, that was the person who made the move. His strength surpassed that of Long Weiyang, and he was the real genius in the Northern Territory.

However, Chu Fengmian said with an extremely calm expression. This figure had been hiding near the mountain peak. Chu Fengmian had known it for a long time. His words may not have been intended to anger this person.

"Sikong Hong? How dare you be so arrogant when you are only ranked in the middle of the Hundred Rankings? What about the Sikong family? The martial arts family, what does it mean in front of my Beimang Academy? You still want to come with my woman? Propose marriage?"

"You're still pretending to be a fool from here! Get out of here!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and suddenly a dragon's roar echoed from his mouth.

This dragon roar came out, and the terrifying dragon power contained in it suddenly shot up into the sky. The huge arm condensed was directly shattered, and all the power in it was dissolved.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also suddenly grabbed hold and grabbed it towards the sky.


Endless spiritual power was released from Chu Fengmian's palm. The space in the sky was directly condensed. Suddenly, a figure was grabbed directly from the sky by Chu Fengmian.

Situ Hong's body was directly pulled out by Chu Fengmian's claw, and fell onto the mountain peak.


Elder Bingli was shocked when he saw that Chu Fengmian saw through Sikong Hong's hiding place in the sky and grabbed him with one claw.

She clearly knew Sikong Hong's strength, the thirty-fifth-ranked genius on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue list, and it was a real spoiler to be placed in the Beimang Holy Territory.

Especially in Sikong Hong's current state, he has survived the catastrophe of life and death and his strength has skyrocketed.

Sikong Hong himself is a supreme genius. When he was in the divine power realm, he could kill high-level people in the life and death realm. Now that he has passed through the catastrophe of life and death, it is almost impossible for any divine power realm warrior to compete with him.

Now when Sikong Hong was fighting Chu Fengmian, he actually failed in one move, and even his body shape was directly caught by Chu Fengmian.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Elder Bingli would never believe this scene.

"Dragon martial arts? Boy, who are you?"

Sikong Hong was caught by Chu Fengmian, his face was slightly stiff, as if he didn't expect it.

"I am Han Yueli's husband. Since you dare to propose marriage to her, you are just asking for death. Get out now and I will spare your life!"

Chu Fengmian looked at Sikong Hong and said with twinkling eyes.

The murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised. Chu Fengmian would only give him this one chance for Sikong Hong. If he didn't leave now, he would be dead.

"Han Yueli's husband?"

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Sikong Hong's expression suddenly became much more ferocious.

"Who do I think you are? It turns out you are the loser. Han Yueli is not the loser you are. You can pay compensation."

"Han Yueli, haven't you always refused my proposal of marriage because of this loser? Today I will kill him in front of you to show you whether your loser husband is worthy of you!"

Sikong Hong's eyes were filled with killing intent in an instant, and he clearly had real killing intent.

With a movement of his palm, a spiritual sword suddenly fell into his hand, and the sharp sword intent suddenly burst out from Sikong Hong's body.

This sword intent was aimed directly at Chu Fengmian's heart, and it seemed that the sword was ready to stab Chu Fengmian directly at any time.

"Stop! This is Beimang Sanctuary, not a place for you to fight!"

At the critical moment, Elder Bingli suddenly spoke.

A surge of spiritual power suddenly emerged from her, and the power of the Life-Breaking Realm was fully activated.

With a movement of his fingertips, he clicked in front of Chu Fengmian and Sikong Hong, directly separating them.

This simple finger suppressed Sikong Hong's sword intent. This method was extremely powerful.

"In the realm of broken lives, Elder Bingli, you have indeed entered this step. Congratulations."

An old voice suddenly fell from the sky, and another figure suddenly appeared, this one with white hair.

It was obviously Jingsheng, the ancestor of the Sikong family. This Sikong Jingsheng was a gray-haired old man.

He looks old, but the aura on his body is extremely rich. He is probably a figure who has reached the pinnacle of life and death, but has not yet crossed the threshold of life and death.

Although Sikong Jingsheng looks old, given his level, as long as he goes one step further and steps onto the first stage of the life-death ladder, he will be able to transcend life and death, gain a large amount of lifespan at once, and directly rejuvenate his youth.

"It turns out that Brother Sikong came here in person."

Elder Bingli saw Sikong Jingsheng and said hello casually.

"We are guests from afar, please come in and have a cup of tea."

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