Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 653 Counterattack

As a sword cultivator, the moment Chu Fengmian holds the spiritual sword, his temperament is his true temperament.

When the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword returned, the drastic changes in Chu Fengmian's aura were all seen by the disciples of the Gongyang Family.


The two old men from the Gongyang family can no longer sit still.

They also understood that this time they encountered a tough situation. They did not expect that Chu Fengmian's strength would be so strong.

Even Gongyang Fan was seriously injured.


The great elder, whose strength had reached the peak of the life and death realm, suddenly moved and appeared directly behind Chu Fengmian. He actually chose to attack Chu Fengmian in a sneak attack.

In his hand, he holds a long cyan sword, which is also a heaven-level spiritual weapon. It is the most precious treasure of the Gongyang family, the Changfeng Sword.

In an instant, the great elder suddenly slashed out with a sword. This sword was enough to divide nearly ten thousand blades, and it was already close to the point where a sword weighs ten thousand in the sword.

But the moment the blade was about to approach Chu Fengmian's body, a strange smile appeared on Chu Fengmian's lips.

Just behind him, countless rays of light suddenly appeared, turning into dragon scales. These ten thousand blades hit the dragon scales above, and they only created a few sparks, and did not even hurt Chu Feng. sleep itself.

"With this kind of strength, you can also come here for a sneak attack?"

Chu Fengmian glanced behind him, and his mind suddenly moved. Suddenly, the essence and blood of the ancient dragon gathered crazily, and in the air, it turned into a huge dragon's grasp.

It fell suddenly and hit the great elder's body heavily. Countless blood spat out from the great elder's mouth. His body was directly beaten to death by Chu Fengmian's grasp.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the Changfeng Knife, along with the essence and blood on the great elder's body, were all collected by Chu Fengmian.

With just one move, the great elders of the Gongyang family died in the hands of Chu Fengmian. The other Gongyang family disciples present were stunned at first, and then they seized this opportunity, using countless martial arts, He bombarded Chu Fengmian.


At this moment, a sword light suddenly penetrated the surrounding area. The sword light showed an icy blue color. It was Han Yueli who took action.

These disciples of the Gongyang family were ungrateful and revengeful, which made countless anger appear in her heart.

With the movement of her sword, the three disciples of the Gongyang family were killed directly, leaving only three cold ice sculptures.

"not good!"

Originally, Chu Fengmian was already an unparalleled villain, but he didn't expect that Han Yueli, who was standing next to Chu Fengmian, was not even inferior to Chu Fengmian.

Half of their disciples from the Gongyang family are now dead or injured.

Many of these Gongyang family disciples had no fighting spirit on their faces and wanted to escape.


However, the countless sword rays are much faster than the escape rays of these Gongyang Family disciples.

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and the power of the sword array was fully activated. Suddenly, he was surrounded by countless black spiritual swords.

These disciples of the Gongyang family have no way to escape.

This time, Chu Fengmian was truly murderous.

Chu Fengmian's character has always been one of repaying kindness and having clear grudges. What he despises the most is this kind of ungrateful villain.

These disciples of the Gongyang family were already sentenced to death in Chu Fengmian's heart. None of these people could even think of leaving alive.

The disciples present were all the elites of the Gongyang family. In order to participate in the martial arts competition, their blood essence happened to be the best material for the sword formation.

After sacrificing their essence and blood, Chu Fengmian's sword formation can be regarded as a true blood bathing attack.

These people must all die!


As Chu Fengmian shouted the word "kill", the sword array seemed to be aware of the anger in Chu Fengmian's heart.

He frantically beheaded countless disciples of the Gongyang family. Under the siege of countless black spiritual swords, the disciples of the Gongyang family were killed one by one.

"Damn it! You are not from Beimang College, you are a devil!"

Seeing countless disciples of the Gongyang family being killed, Gongyangcai roared angrily.

"Our Gongyang family will never let you go!"

"So much nonsense."

Chu Fengmian curled his lips, and with a thought, he directly activated the power of the sword formation to kill Gong Yangcai directly.

Such an ungrateful person has the nerve to call Chu Fengmian a devil.

As for revenge?

Most of the strong men of the Gongyang family have been killed by Chu Fengmian. If the Gongyang family still dares to trouble Chu Fengmian now, Chu Fengmian will not mind letting the Gongyang family disappear from the northern region.

"Master Chu, I am willing to surrender to you. Please spare my life. I am willing to be your slave and be loyal to you forever."

That Gongyang Li no longer looked like the villain he had been before. He was kneeling on the ground, trembling crazily, begging for mercy.

"Submit to me? You are not worthy!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Gongyang Li, then activated the sword formation to kill Gongyang Li directly.

A villain who repays kindness with hatred still wants to beg for mercy? This kind of person is not qualified to submit to Chu Fengmian.

"Ah! Ah!"

The screams continued one after another. In about a minute, the screams gradually disappeared.

All the disciples of the Gongyang Family present had been killed, and their essence and blood had been integrated into the sword formation by Chu Fengmian, causing the power of the sword formation to begin to awaken.

What a sword array needs most is killing, and now this blood energy is enough to stimulate the killing energy of the sword array.

This Changfeng Sword is a pretty good spiritual weapon.

Chu Fengmian was fiddling with the Changfeng Sword in his hand. Suddenly he waved his hand and the Changfeng Sword fell into the sword formation and was instantly shattered under Chu Fengmian's power.

It turned into a hundred thousand tiny fragments and merged into all the black spiritual swords.

Although each black spiritual sword only has a small fragment incorporated into it, after all, the fragments of the heaven-level spiritual weapon are just enough to transform them.

The current power of these black spiritual swords has reached the level of Xuan-level spiritual weapons. It is much more powerful than just now, but it still has not reached the upper limit.

As long as Chu Fengmian continues to integrate countless spiritual weapons into them, these black spiritual swords can be promoted to earth-level or even heaven-level spiritual weapons.

If you reach this point, you will be truly invincible.

One hundred thousand heaven-level spiritual swords were dispatched at the same time to form a sword array. This was such a terrifying power that no one could even imagine.

But this is only in Chu Fengmian's imagination.

To upgrade these black spiritual swords to the level of earth-level spiritual weapons, no one knows how many spiritual weapons are needed. As for the heaven-level, unless Chu Fengmian is willing to integrate the Ji Dao Immortal Armament into them, the chance is slim.

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