Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 686 The eve of the finals

The claws of the war dragon sweep across the world.

This spear was shattered instantly.

But when the spear shattered, there was no surprise on the Poison-Hand Demon Lord's face, but a sneer on his face.

"You dare to resist my poisonous magic skills, you are really tired of living!"

The Poison Hand Demon Lord shouted coldly.

"Just keep your dragon claw today! Corrosion!"

The spear shattered, but the spiritual power melted and turned into pools of poison, eroding directly towards Chu Fengmian's claws of the fighting dragon.

This poison made even the surrounding space corrode and sizzled, all sticking to Chu Fengmian's dragon claws.

Chu Fengmian suddenly felt that the claws of the fighting dragon were being corroded by the poison.

He knew that this was the Poison Hand Demon Lord's most powerful method. His poison, this poison, was enough to corrode everything, even heaven-level spiritual weapons.

"This is the Poison Hand Demon Technique! The Poison Hand Demon Lord's strongest method!"

"Once the Poison Hand Demon Lord comes out, it is almost impossible to resist, and you can only retreat. If you are even slightly contaminated, it will be a huge disaster."

"This Chu Fengmian is really stupid. He actually plans to resist with his body. This is terrible."

"The hidden strong man should take action, otherwise he really wants Chu Fengmian to die in the hands of this poisonous devil?"

"It doesn't matter if Chu Fengmian dies. If there is one less genius in the Northern Territory, we will have more opportunities to rise!"

There are various warriors with different thoughts. Some of them have some grudges against Chu Fengmian, and they all hope that the Poison Hand Demon Lord will take action and kill Chu Fengmian directly.

The claws of the war dragon hissed under the poisonous corrosion.

"The poisonous hand magic skill? It's nothing special. It's just a heretic. It's not even considered an advanced skill in the Nine Demons City. You still want to deal with me? It's ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly.

As soon as he moved his right hand, countless spiritual powers condensed into scales on the claws of the war dragon.

Each of the scales is like one of the formation eyes, forming a huge formation, pushing the power of the ancient dragon king's body to the extreme.

Suddenly, the poison corroded the claws of the war dragon, but it was unable to corrode it at all. Instead, it made the claws of the war dragon shine even brighter.

Although this poison is powerful, it is impossible to corrode the claws of the fighting dragon.

Chu Fengmian condensed the ancient dragon king's body, and experienced the tempering of his body by divine objects such as Tianjing. His body was extremely tough.

The highly corrosive poison not only failed to corrode Chu Fengmian's claws of the fighting dragon, but was like a kind of exercise, making the claws of the fighting dragon stronger.


Chu Fengmian shouted coldly and waved the dragon's claw again.

The poison on it was dropped all of a sudden, and everyone looked at it and saw that the claws of the war dragon were actually unscathed.

Even this poison has no effect on Chu Fengmian's Dragon War Claws.

"The poisonous hand magic skill is nothing more than that."

Chu Fengmian said eight words calmly.

This Poisonous Hand Demon Lord is a talented and powerful person who has been famous in the Northern Territory for a long time. This kind of strength is indeed disappointing.

"If you only have this little strength, then all the disciples of your Demon Sect will die here today!"

Although Chu Fengmian's voice was dull, countless people could hear the seriousness in it.

When Chu Fengmian spoke, he always meant what he said. He said he would kill Zang Tian, ​​and he would kill Zang Tian regardless of any threats.

Kill all the Demon Sect disciples present.

Although this sentence is arrogant.

But when Chu Fengmian said it, no one would question it.

"What an arrogant junior, with poisonous hands and magic skills, but that's all? I only used 10% of my power. I originally wanted to give you a chance. Since you rushed here to die on your own, then I will help you!"

The Poison Hand Demon King was furious when he heard Chu Fengmian's words.

Being ridiculed by a junior.

His expression was already extremely angry. Behind him, countless purple poisonous miasmas appeared one after another, surrounding the Poison Hand Demon Lord.

It made him look like a poisonous man.

His poisonous hands began to swell, and the color in them began to change from green to a darker color.

Once this poison is released, the warriors present will be affected, and will be seriously injured even if they are not dead.

"Poison Hand Demon Lord, please stop!"

Just when the Poison-Handed Demon Lord was about to take action, an ancient voice suddenly sounded.

This ancient voice fell from the sky, but it was an old antique that had been hidden all this time.

The owner of this voice was hidden in the void, but from this voice, Chu Fengmian could hear a scent that transcended life and death. It was obvious that he was an old antique who had stepped onto the stage of life and death and was in the state of breaking his life.

"No fighting is allowed in King Wu's city. Please settle the grudges between the two of you outside."

The voice spoke calmly, but the meaning behind the words was also extremely majestic.

The owner of this ancient voice is also a big shot in the Northern Territory, and he is like an antique.

Hearing this voice, even the unruly Poison Hand Demon Lord could only nod his head and withdraw his spiritual power.

No matter how powerful the Poison Hand Demon King is, he still can't compete with the powerful ones in the real life-breaking realm.

"Chu Fengmian, in King Wu City, I will spare your life this time, but I can only let you live a few more days. Unless you stay in King Wu City for the rest of your life, otherwise, as long as you dare to leave the city, I will kill you! "

The Poison Hand Demon Lord looked at Chu Fengmian, shouted angrily, and moved back to the stands.

"Kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Chu Fengmian was still undaunted and spoke coldly. In response, he also calmed down his spiritual power.

King Wu City is not a place for a life and death battle. Countless powerful people are paying attention, and Chu Fengmian does not dare to really use all his strength.

The strength of this Poison Hand Demon Lord was indeed the strongest one Chu Fengmian had ever seen in the life-shattering realm.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, it is impossible to defeat a strong man in the Life-Breaking Realm.

But this is not necessarily the case for the Poison-Hand Demon Lord. As long as Chu Fengmian uses the Human Emperor Jar, he may not be able to kill the Poison-Hand Demon Lord.

However, in King Wu City, the Human Emperor Jar must not be exposed. The power of the Jidao Immortal Soldiers is too special, and it is impossible to hide it.

Chu Fengmian could not use it until he at least left King Wu City.

This brief encounter was just an interlude.

Almost at the moment when Chu Fengmian and the Poison Hand Demon Lord fought, the winner was decided again on the arena.

Ye Tianjun defeated his opponent without any surprise and advanced to the finals.

The next game is the final of this martial arts competition, and the real number one of the young generation in the Northern Territory will be determined here.

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