Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 722 Gongsun Dao

This dark cloud seemed to envelop everything around it and everyone present.

Angry roars sounded in the dark clouds, and suddenly countless blood rains appeared on it, and fell one after another on it.

Every drop of blood rain fell, almost turning into a demon god covered in blood.

All demons are coming.

The surrounding area is simply rendered into a kind of demonic realm.

"This is Senior Brother Gongsun's secret technique. He never used it in the Central Region Martial Arts Competition. If he really uses this secret technique, Senior Brother Gongsun may not lose to Tianjian Sect's Jian Jianghe."

A disciple of Gu Yue Canyon couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Gongsun Dao taking action.

"This kid has really angered Senior Brother Gongsun this time. He will definitely die without a burial place!"

"A boy from the Northern Territory actually has such strength in such a wild land. This person has definitely had a lot of adventures. We can't get this Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, but other things about this boy We can share one or two of the adventures.”

The two Guyue Canyon disciples were discussing how to divide Chu Fengmian's adventure. It seemed that Chu Fengmian had become a dead person in their eyes.

Chu Fengmian, who was standing there, looked at the sky where countless blood rains turned into blood demon gods and fell. Chu Fengmian's expression was extremely calm.

Chu Fengmian has encountered more than one innate divine body in this life. This violent blood body is just the last of countless innate divine bodies.

Even Ye Tianjun, who had a chaotic divine body that ranked among the top ten among countless innate divine bodies, now died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

This violent blood body, this Gongsun Dao, what do they mean?

"Sword out!"

Chu Fengmian called out softly, and all of the one hundred thousand spiritual swords and the Black Mysterious Sword Formation came out of his empty ring.

Only countless sword lights were seen flying in the sky. This Blood Demon God had just condensed and wanted to deal with Chu Fengmian with all his teeth and claws.

But under the light of countless swords, they were directly strangled, and the blood demon gods were all chopped into pieces like chickens and dogs.

After all the blood demons were strangled, the Black Mysterious Sword Formation and a hundred thousand spiritual swords merged into one, turning into a monstrous sword light that soared into the sky.

These dark clouds were completely shattered.

As soon as the Black Mysterious Sword Formation came out, Gongsun Dao's trump card was no longer even a match for Chu Fengmian.

The other two Gu Yue Canyon disciples were even more surprised now and dared not speak.

Gongsun Dao can be said to be the real number one among the young disciples in Guyue Canyon. Even if you look at the Nine Realms, he is the pinnacle figure.

But now, when fighting against Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian could not gain any advantage at all. Chu Fengmian's strength was far beyond their imagination.


Chu Fengmian looked at Gongsun Dao as if he were looking at this dead man. As soon as his mind moved, a burst of spiritual power suddenly moved into the Black Mysterious Sword Formation.

These one hundred thousand spiritual swords were attacking and killing Gongsun Dao at the same time.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's right hand had also fallen. Under his palm wind, the two Ancient Moon Canyon disciples were directly turned into a ball of blood mist. In Chu Fengmian's hand, there was almost no suspense. Killed by bombardment.

The empty rings on these two people, all the adventures, essence and blood on them were all taken away by Chu Fengmian.

"The Wrath of the Blood Demon!"

Seeing the two Gu Yue Canyon disciples die in the hands of Chu Fengmian, Gongsun Dao's expression was completely angered, and the blood on his body became more intense.

His whole body was filled with a wave of demonic intent, as if he had transformed into a huge demon god. In anger, he faced Chu Fengmian and took action without hesitation.

These two palms were like two huge bloody handprints. They were shot directly from the sky and pressed down, trying to shock Chu Fengmian to death.

"You want to deal with me with your little magic skills? Fighting dragon body! Fighting dragon dances in the sky!"

Chu Fengmian stood in the air with his hands behind his back, facing two huge bloody hands pressing towards him. From behind him, countless dragon powers condensed, and then wrapped Chu Fengmian's body, and suddenly turned into a The huge ancient war dragon danced in the air.

When these two bloody hands touched the body of the war dragon, at a distance of about three feet, a very special magic circle was condensed, and it suddenly became powerful. These two bloody hands were just like that. It was directly blasted to pieces.

Now Chu Fengmian's strength is simply tyrannical to the extreme, crushing everything. Even if he doesn't use swordsmanship, his Nine Domain Swordsmanship has become one with Chu Fengmian's body.

Chu Fengmian's every move contained the extremely mysterious power of the Nine Domains Swordsmanship.

Then Chu Fengmian's body moved again, and a huge dragon claw descended from the sky and struck directly at Gongsun Dao.

With one claw, the sky was shaking. The power of one claw shaking the sky was nothing more than that.

Gongsun Dao, all looked horrified in front of this attack. Chu Fengmian's power was like a real ancient war dragon, with the power to sweep everything.

"Senior Brother Gongsun, we are here to help you!"

The remaining two disciples of Gu Yue Canyon no longer care about dealing with those supreme sword energies, and have escaped from them one after another to help Gongsun Dao.

Countless spiritual powers held up a huge umbrella beside Gongsun Dao. This umbrella was a very high-quality spiritual weapon, which directly connected Gongsun Dao and the other two ancient people. The Yue Canyon disciples were all enveloped in it.

"Crush any spiritual weapon to me!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and the five fingers on his War Dragon Claw turned into sharp swords, and the Nine Domain Swordsmanship was directly blessed on it.

Now, all of a sudden, it turned into five sharp sword energies and killed them at the same time.


This big umbrella was knocked away directly when it encountered the impact of the five sword energies. Among them, Gongsun Dao and the two Gu Yue Canyon disciples were still frantically condensing spiritual power to stabilize the umbrella.

But before they could relax, several cracks suddenly appeared on the big umbrella.


In full view of them, the big umbrella shattered and turned into a pile of fragments. The three of them were all blown away, and their faces were extremely pale.

"You all die!"

Chu Fengmian moved and rushed over. With a grab of his big hand, all three of them were caught in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand.

I couldn't stand the update during this period, and Shao Yu had nothing to do. The tip of my right index finger was swollen, and I basically couldn't type. I could only type little by little with my middle finger instead of my index finger. It was really slow. Sometimes I can't finish a chapter in two or three hours.

Not to mention typing, eating is actually quite awkward these days. It hurts no matter how hard I touch it. There is nothing I can do about it.

In fact, I don’t want to explain anything. After all, the slow update is definitely my fault. But I thought the finger would be better in a few days, but now it is getting more and more swollen. I plan to go to the hospital in the next few days.

Updating can only be a best effort.

This book will definitely be finished. Don’t worry about this. I have been writing the book Nine Realms for half a year. Although there are indeed a lot of things going on recently, don’t worry, I will definitely update it if I can.

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