Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 745: Hidden Strong Man

Chu Fengmian felt the power of the Black Mysterious Sword Formation and took another step forward, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In this Black Mysterious Sword Formation, every spiritual sword is one of the formation eyes.

The stronger the formation eyes are, the more powerful the sword formation will be.

It is best for a hundred thousand spirit swords to have weapon spirits. Once activated, they will also contain the power of a hundred thousand monster beasts.

However, it is extremely difficult to gather 100,000 weapon spirits.

"Let's go!"

Chu Fengmian moved his body and walked towards the depths of the valley again. Now, Chu Fengmian had already passed through most of the valley.

Vaguely, Chu Fengmian even felt that he was about to leave the valley.

But when Chu Fengmian was halfway there, he noticed a problem, that is, there seemed to be no other warriors behind him.

Vaguely, all the warriors seemed to have deviated from different routes.

Although everyone was walking towards the depths of the valley, they were all taking different routes.

Not only this valley, but also this space is extremely strange. I don’t know why it has changed like this.

Although there is only one valley in this valley, it contains different spaces. Chu Fengmian is currently in one of these spaces.

Maybe everyone encounters it differently.

Chu Fengmian continued to walk forward while observing his surroundings.

Just now, where Chu Fengmian killed the tiger, a door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man slowly walked out. When he saw the tiger's body, his face became furious.

"Who? Who dares to kill me, Hu'er!"

The middle-aged man yelled angrily.

"I will cut you into pieces!"


Suddenly, the middle-aged man's spiritual power burst out, and a water mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

What was reflected in it was Chu Fengmian's figure.


I saw the middle-aged man's fingertips, and directly blasted a burst of spiritual power towards Chu Fengmian.

On the other side, Chu Fengmian also felt danger in an instant.

A burst of spiritual power suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the top of his head.

"What? Are there other people in this valley? Does this tiger still have an owner?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes showed a bit of fear, and all his spiritual power burst out. The Black Mysterious Sword Formation appeared above his head, followed by a burst of spiritual power, and they started to fight directly.

The Black Mysterious Sword Formation fought for a while with a burst of spiritual power, but the spiritual power was exhausted and retreated directly.

After all, this spiritual power came from the sky. Although it was fierce, it was not powerful. However, Chu Fengmian was extremely shocked.

Because he felt that the person who suddenly took action was definitely not from Guixu Tianzhong.

This person can strike through the air in the valley, and his strength is probably much stronger than Sword Cangqiong, Little Demon Lord, and others.

Among this generation of warriors who entered Guixu Heaven, Chu Fengmian had never heard of the existence of such a person.

"It seems that there are indeed secrets in this valley. Not only are there monsters, but now even warriors have appeared."

Chu Fengmian was shocked, but quickly calmed down.

Although the person who took action was extremely powerful, he could not kill Chu Fengmian. At least, he did not pose much of a threat to Chu Fengmian.

What Chu Fengmian was worried about was that since there was a warrior in this valley, would there be a second one? The third?

At least the strength of these people is much stronger than the warriors who entered Guixutian this time.

It is a great threat to Chu Fengmian.

"Break it for me!"

When Chu Fengmian thought of this, he made a decisive decision and suddenly slashed his sword into the air.

I saw that the tunnel in the air was directly smashed into pieces, and then Chu Fengmian moved his feet and left directly.


The middle-aged man seemed a little surprised when his attack failed.

"Among the warriors who have entered Guixu Heaven this time, there is still such a person. But he dares to kill me, Hu'er. If I see him, I will definitely kill him!"

The middle-aged man muttered silently, picked up the tiger's body, and walked directly into the door again. The door to this space gradually closed.

"In Guixu Tianzhong, there are indeed other warriors. It seems that not all the warriors in the past who have not left Guixu Tian have died in it. There should be some people who have survived from it. Come down."

Chu Fengmian felt relieved when the middle-aged man gave up.

After all, he was in the light and the enemy was in the dark. Chu Fengmian was still very unfamiliar with the valley.

It would be detrimental to Chu Fengmian to fight rashly at this time, but Chu Fengmian had probably already guessed the identity of the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is most likely the warrior who entered the Guixu Heaven in the previous class, or even earlier.

Every time Guixu Tian opens, less than 30% of the warriors can leave.

As for the 70% of them, according to legend, they all died in Guixu Tianzhong. After all, Guixu Tianzhong was full of dangers.

It is not impossible to fall into it.

However, there are also many geniuses who did not come out after entering Guixu Heaven. The possibility of these people dying unexpectedly is very low.

Therefore, there are also rumors that they stayed in Guixu Heaven to practice.

After all, in terms of resources, there is no place in the entire Nine Realms that can compare with Guixu Tian. Although it is dangerous, Guixu Tian is the best place for cultivation.

It is very likely that some warriors stayed in Guixu Tianzhong and practiced there.

This middle-aged man might be one of them, but we don't know how long he stayed in Guixu Tianzhong.

"These are the real threats."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

These people cultivated in Guixu Heaven and obtained countless treasures. The strength of each of them must be extremely astonishing.

Just like this middle-aged man, his realm is still at the peak of life and death, and he has not stepped onto the steps of life and death.

But his strength is much stronger than Jian Cangqiong and others.

If Chu Fengmian were to return to the Nine Realms and conquer the realm of life and death, Chu Fengmian would not have the confidence to win.

Since there is such a middle-aged man, it is very likely that there are more hidden in Guixu Tian.

Each of these people are extremely dangerous.

Even under such circumstances, will there be a person in Guixu Tian who transcends life and death?

Chu Fengmian is not afraid of warriors at the peak of the life and death realm, but those who truly transcend life and death and step onto the steps of life and death.

Even if Chu Fengmian is a warrior at the first level, the Life-Breaking Realm, if he wants to fight against him now, he may not be able to win. Whether he can even escape intact is still unknown.

This is what scares Chu Fengmian the most.

"It seems that there must be something hidden in this valley, Yunyu Tiangong? It doesn't seem that simple."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

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