Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 759 The Death of the Little Demon Lord

Chu Fengmian was so arrogantly pursuing the Little Demon Lord. Naturally, the strong men around these mountains could not know that someone was now taking action to rescue the Little Demon Lord.

This spiritual power pressed on Chu Fengmian's body, and its strength was simply beyond Chu Fengmian's imagination.

The strong man who took action was much more powerful than the Soul-locking Demon Lord, the Cathay Demon Lord and others, and his spiritual power was so strong that it was bottomless.

Especially this person, who is also at the peak of the life and death realm, has not yet transcended life and death and reached the life-shattering realm.

But the level of spiritual power in this body is probably no worse than that of a warrior in the true life-breaking realm.

Chu Fengmian was a little surprised. He did not expect that there would be such a terrifying person in the Heavenly Feather God Realm.

But today, no matter who comes, he will definitely kill the little devil. If he doesn't kill the little devil, he will be in trouble after all.

"Sword power!"

Chu Fengmian's sword intent suddenly burst out. This sword intent was as sharp as light, cutting off all the suppressing spiritual energy on his body, causing Chu Fengmian to break away from the suppression, and the sword light shot towards the little demon lord again. .

"Oh? It's enough to resolve my oppression. When did Tianyu God Realm have such a number one person, and he was actually a sword cultivator? Yes, in Tianyu God Realm, another sword cultivator finally came."

This mysterious voice sounded again.

"Since you want to kill the little demon lord, let me compete with you in swordsmanship!"

Suddenly, all the spiritual power that was oppressing Chu Fengmian's body disappeared, and was replaced by a sword intent that enveloped Chu Fengmian's body.

The moment this sword intent was sharp and shrouded in the sword, the murderous intent in it was displayed unabashedly.

A stream of sword intent turned into a sword, intending to kill Chu Fengmian directly.

Especially the sword intent was transmitted from a distant place. Chu Fengmian felt that the person who made the move was not nearby.

Just using his strength to save the little demon lord was enough to achieve this kind of sword intent, which really surprised Chu Fengmian.

"In the Tianyu Divine Realm, the only warriors who truly possess such strength are Jian Zuhuang of the Tianjian Sect, Lu War God of the Holy King Sect, and Huang Shengjun of the Huanggu Sect. Neither Lu War God nor Huang Shenjun can have such sword intent. You The Jianzuhuang?”

The moment he felt the sword intent, Chu Fengmian suddenly understood the identity of the person who made the move.

In the Tianyu Divine Realm, the only one who can do all this is Jian Zuhuang, the super genius of the Tianjian Sect.

Jian Zuhuang snorted coldly and said.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to actually know me. Looking at your strength, all of us Tianjian Sect disciples should have died in your hands."

Chu Fengmian replied lightly.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

"Yes, you are bound to die today. No, I won't kill you if you chase the little demon lord, but you must kneel down and abolish your cultivation to avoid death."

Jian Zuhuang said coldly, his tone was like a supreme judgment, as if he was going to pronounce Chu Fengmian's fate.

"Yes, so what if I killed you? Everyone from the seven major sects deserves to die. Now if you come to stop me again, you must die too!"

Chu Fengmian spoke categorically, with murderous intent in his tone.

So what about Jian Zuhuang?

People from the seven major sects will all die, even the most talented ones will be killed by Chu Fengmian.

"All the people from the seven major sects deserve to die? Okay! That's crazy!"

Jian Zuhuang snorted coldly. His words seemed like compliments, but every word in them contained the supreme sword intention.

The sword intent that enveloped Chu Fengmian suddenly increased countless times at this moment.

And this murderous intention is even more terrifying and contains more murderous intent.

Chu Fengmian's words aroused the anger in Jian Zuhuang's heart and made him murderous.

"You want to kill me just with your sword power. Should I say that you are arrogant or stupid?"

Chu Fengmian faced the sword intent that shrouded him with a bit of disdain on his lips.

In the art of swordsmanship, there were very few people who could defeat him, let alone those who simply wanted to crush Chu Fengmian to death with their sword power.

Even if the sect leader of Tianjian Sect comes here, this may not be possible.

"Sword Intent is Infinite!"

Chu Fengmian shouted softly, and the sword intent on his body suddenly appeared. The sword intent on his body climbed crazily and suddenly shot up into the sky.

It was like a sleeping beast that suddenly woke up at this moment and wanted to tear apart the provocative ants in front of it.

"Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian's sword edge shot straight into the sky, and the sword intent that enveloped him was instantly broken.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's sword light also struck towards the little demon lord.

The little demon lord's body was immediately penetrated by the sword light, and his body was shattered into pieces.

Right in front of Jian Zuhuang, Chu Fengmian killed the little demon lord.


A loud roar suddenly erupted from the sky.

Jian Zuhuang was completely irritated and furious. His anger could no longer be suppressed.

"No one has ever dared to kill someone in front of me! Boy, I will cut you into pieces! I will completely destroy you! Let you bear all the pain in the world!"

"I will let you know that your swordsmanship is nothing but vulnerable to me!"

In the air, countless sword intentions suddenly condensed and gradually transformed into a man in white.

This man in white has a face like a sword and sharp eyes. His whole person seems to be the incarnation of a sword.

This is the state that can only be achieved by practicing swordsmanship to an extremely high level. Man and sword become one, man is the sword, and the sword is the man.


The moment the man in white gathered together, he suddenly slashed over with a sword.

The moment the sword was struck, the world around him seemed to have turned into a sword. The endless sword intent shrouded it, oppressing Chu Fengmian's body and making it extremely difficult for Chu Fengmian to move.

Chu Fengmian was trapped in the world of swords and seemed unable to compete with the man in white. Faced with the attack of this sword, he could not dodge even if he wanted to.

"If you want to kill me, let your true body come forward. You are just an incarnation of a ray of sword intent, but you dare to act arrogantly in front of me? I will kill your incarnation and make you lose a ray of sword intent!"

Chu Fengmian's body trembled, and there seemed to be countless sword lights around him, suddenly shining, shattering the entire world of swords around him.


At the same time, Chu Fengmian's body moved, and the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of his body, and a sword light struck him suddenly.

The two sword lights collided, and the sword light of Jian Zuhuang was cut off directly. At the same time, this sword energy was directed towards the incarnation of Jian Zuhuang.

Chu Fengmian sneered.

"This ray of incarnation has also condensed a lot of your sword intent. Killing him will also damage your strength!"

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