Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 105 Xuanhuang Dragon Vein Feng Shui Formation!


Led by Lord Moro, the seven powerful warriors hit the black and yellow barrier at the same time.

Suddenly, the true energy surged, roared and trembled, and ripples appeared on the Xuanhuang barrier.

However, the black and yellow barrier still blocked the seven powerful warriors from outside!

"What the hell is this?"

"Array? Hiss...that guy is an array master?"

"You really made a mistake! With such a powerful formation, it seems that boy is not an unknown person!"

Many Martial Lords were shocked and angry, staring at Zhao Xu.

At this moment, Zhao Xu stood next to Jun Ziling, his hands constantly forming seals, and a black and yellow aura spurted out from his hands, turning into ancient seals that were continuously shot in the void.

"This is the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein Feng Shui Formation, which can be regarded as a kind of formation! Fortunately, this underground palace is built on the dragon veins. I can trigger the power of the dragon veins in a short time! However, this Feng Shui Formation cannot last long. We still have to Find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!”

Zhao Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained to Jun Ziling.

"If the Seven Great Martial Lords are the same

If you attack at any time, how long can your Feng Shui formation last? Su Chen hasn't woken up yet, we must protect him and cannot interrupt him! "

Jun Ziling asked.

"If the Seven Martial Lords attack continuously, this Feng Shui Formation can last for up to an hour! After all, my cultivation is still weak now. If I break through the Martial Lords, they will never even think of breaking my Feng Shui Formation..."

Zhao Xu smiled bitterly.

"An hour? I hope Su Chen can wake up as soon as possible!"

There was a trace of worry in Jun Ziling's eyes, but then she became extremely determined.


Behind her, a dazzling blue ancient sword fell into her palm. Her whole body was full of fighting spirit, her aura was fierce, and she stared at Lord Moro and others in front of her.

If the formation is broken, then fight to the death!

"My lord, this confidante of yours is really devoted to you!"

Zhao Xu glanced at Su Chen and sighed in his heart.

Immediately, he also cheered up and continued to form seals to control the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein Feng Shui Formation to resist the attacks of the seven powerful Martial Masters!



Those powerful warriors burst out with powerful force and continuously attacked the Xuanhuang barrier.

Waves of terrifying power continued to explode on the Xuanhuang Barrier, making the Xuanhuang Barrier tremble violently and causing ripples.

In the underground palace, the true energy was everywhere, and there was a huge roar and earthquake, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling. The scene was very terrifying.

"Everyone, get out of the way! I'll break the formation!"

Venerable Moro spoke out.

The eyes of the six great Martial Lords showed confusion, but they still chose to stop.


An extremely terrifying aura swept over Lord Moro's body, as if it could shatter the void in all directions, sharp and powerful.

A black sword appeared in his hand, buzzing and trembling with cold evil energy.

"Shura Slash!"

Venerable Moro suddenly shouted loudly, evil aura surged in his eyes, and then the black sword turned into a blazing dazzling sword light, flying down towards the black and yellow barrier.

"He is...half-step Martial King?!"

Someone exclaimed.


The six great Martial Lords looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes.

Originally, they thought that Venerable Moro was only at the ninth level of Martial Lord. Although he was stronger than them, he was probably not as strong as they were. However, they never thought that Venerable Moro's true cultivation level had actually reached the level of a half-step Martial King.

Half-step Martial King is much more powerful than the ninth level Martial Lord.

Even if the six great Martial Lords join forces, they may not be able to match the Half-Step Martial King!

They didn't expect that Venerable Moro would still have a hand.

Unconsciously, there was a hint of fear in their eyes.


The terrifying sword light struck the Xuanhuang barrier, causing the Xuanhuang barrier to tremble violently, and endless Xuanhuang light exploded into pieces.

Only a crisp sound was heard, and a crack appeared on the black and yellow barrier, and even the black and yellow dragon became a little more illusory.

"No! He is actually a half-step Martial King? And he has cultivated earth-level martial arts. The power of this sword is comparable to that of a real Martial King. As a result, my Xuanhuang Dragon Vein Feng Shui Formation may not even be able to do it."

I can't hold on for even a quarter of an hour! "

Zhao Xu's face became extremely ugly.

He also did not expect that Venerable Moro would be so scheming and even hide his cultivation.

"Just hold on as long as you can! At worst, fight to the death!"

Jun Ziling said in a cold voice, her eyes still sharp, without the slightest hint of fear.

Moreover, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying sword intent condensing on her body, as if a mountain-like tsunami was about to erupt at any moment!

"If you want to break my Feng Shui Formation, even if you are a real King of Martial Arts, I will make you pay the price!"

Zhao Xu gritted his teeth and a black magic arrow appeared in his palm.

It was the magic arrow that pierced the center of Wu Sheng's brow.

"Master, I spent a lot of money to save you!"

Zhao Xu's eyes were full of pain.

He formed a seal with his hands, and the black and yellow energy surged, wrapping the magic arrow, and then quietly hid it, entering the black and yellow dragon vein Feng Shui formation.

He felt fierce in his heart, even if the Feng Shui formation was broken, he would still punish these bastards!

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