Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 111 Lin Ruowei’s request

When everyone heard that in the Heavenly Palace of Inheritance, strong men above the Martial King Realm were restricted from entering, and only warriors below the Martial King Realm could enter, they all showed expressions of great joy.

After all, Luo Xuan, Xi Jinglun and Lei Dong represent the three most powerful martial arts holy places in the Eastern Wasteland, and they are all powerful Martial Emperors with extremely terrifying strength.

If they enter the Heritage Heavenly Palace, the Martial Saint Heritage will have nothing to do with everyone.

But now, maybe they can also compete for the Martial Saint inheritance.

"I am Lei Dong, the elder of Jiuyang Shen Sect. You can enter the Heavenly Palace of Inheritance! If anyone can obtain the inheritance of the Martial Saint, or be blessed by chance, you can become a disciple of Jiuyang Shen Sect!"

Lei Dong stepped into the air, looked at the people below, and said lightly.


Everyone was shocked and suddenly became extremely excited.

That is the Jiuyang Divine Sect, one of the most powerful martial arts holy places in the Eastern Wasteland. Who doesn’t want to become a disciple of the martial arts holy land?

However, Donglin Territory is the most barren place among the thirty-six territories of Donghuang. In the past, it was possible to

There are only a few people who enter the holy land of martial arts.

Now, not only did they have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Palace of Inheritance, but they also had the opportunity to enter the Nine Suns Divine Sect and become a disciple of the Nine Suns Divine Sect, and everyone suddenly became excited.

"I, Luo Xuan, am an elder of the Tiandao Sect. Anyone who can obtain the inheritance of the Martial Saint or a powerful chance creation can join the Tiandao Sect!"

Luo Xuan also stood up and said slowly.

"I am an elder of the Wanbao Pavilion. Anyone who can obtain the inheritance of the Martial Saint or a powerful chance can enter the Wanbao Pavilion!"

Xi Jinglun said the same.

Seeing that the three powerful Martial Emperors had all made promises, everyone became more and more excited and excited. They were all gearing up and eager to enter the Heritage Heavenly Palace immediately.

"Jiang Yunhe, please pay your respects to Elder Lei!"

Jiang Yunhe's eyes flashed and he saluted Lei Dong.

"Jiang Yunhe? Are you the disciple accepted by Junior Brother Chixing? Yes, you have a solid foundation, strong spiritual power, and you are a master of alchemy. You are very good!"

"This is my grandson Lei Ming, who is also your senior brother! Please help him well. If you can help him obtain the Martial Saint inheritance, I will take you back to Jiuyang

Shenzong, grant you the position of true disciple! "

Lei Dong glanced at Jiang Yunhe, as if he thought of something, and smiled slightly.

"True disciple? Thank you Elder Lei! I will definitely assist Senior Brother Lei and help him obtain the Martial Saint inheritance!"

Jiang Yunhe trembled all over and suddenly became excited.

You know, Chixing thought he had good talent before and only accepted him as a registered disciple. Even if he could enter Jiuyang Divine Sect and become an inner disciple, it would be a big deal.

And now that Lei Dong actually promised to make him a true disciple, he was naturally extremely excited.

When the Ninth Prince saw this scene, there was a hint of hidden jealousy in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth, stood up and saluted Lei Dong and said: "Junior, the Ninth Prince of the Great Lin Dynasty, Yang Qi, pays homage to Elder Lei! I am also willing to help Senior Brother Lei!"

"The Ninth Prince of the Dalin Dynasty? Well, you are not bad. If Lei Ming can obtain the Martial Saint inheritance, I can grant you the position of inner disciple!"

Lei Dong's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly when he saw that the Ninth Prince Yang Qi also had the ninth level of martial arts cultivation, and the guards behind him were extremely extraordinary.

He nodded.

Naturally, he would not be arrogant enough to think that thunder could sweep away everything in the Heavenly Palace of Inheritance.

With the help of Jiang Yunhe and the Ninth Prince, the chance of winning the inheritance is much greater.

At the same time, Lin Ruowei was like a fairy, dressed in white and snowy, floating beside Su Chen.

"Su Chen, can I ask you a favor?"

Lin Ruowei's expression was complicated, but he still spoke.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Ruowei, then at Lin Qingqing next to Lin Ruowei, and suddenly understood, smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness, the eldest princess, do you want me to take Princess Qingqing into the Heritage Heavenly Palace?"


Lin Ruowei nodded slightly.

"This inheritance heavenly palace is left by the Yanlong Martial Saint, and Qingqing possesses the Yanlong Spirit Body and is a descendant of the Yanlong Martial Saint! If you take her into the inheritance heavenly palace, you will be more sure than others to obtain the Yanlong Martial Arts You can take away the inheritance of the saint, I only hope that you can make her fully awaken the flame dragon spirit body and gain the blessing of bloodline power!"

There was a hint of pleading in Lin Ruowei's voice.

"no problem!"

Su Chen smiled lightly, without the slightest hint of

Hesitantly, he agreed.

Lin Ruowei was the first woman to have physical contact with him in this life. Speaking of which, he owed Lin Ruowei some love and he should repay her.

Seeing Su Chen agreeing so simply, Lin Ruowei was a little surprised. She looked at Su Chen deeply and said, "Thank you very much, just think that I owe you a favor!"

"What's the matter with human feelings? You are my woman now, so the whole family doesn't have to be so divided!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"You bastard!"

Lin Ruowei blushed, then gave Su Chen a fierce look and turned to leave.

"Brother Su Chen, we are going to trouble you in the Heavenly Palace of Inheritance!"

Although Lin Qingqing didn't hear Su Chen and Lin Ruowei flirting, she also knew that Lin Ruowei had entrusted her to Su Chen and smiled sweetly at Su Chen.


At this moment, the inheritance heavenly palace in the void buzzed and trembled, the divine light slowly faded away, and a simple and mysterious heavenly palace covered with red clouds appeared in front of everyone.

"The Heavenly Palace of Inheritance is open, advance quickly!"

A bright light flashed in Lei Dong's eyes, and he shouted loudly.

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