Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 149 Ruowei, are you concerned about me?

"Su Chen, it's me!"

The man behind him seemed to sense Su Chen's murderous intention and quickly sent a message.

"Lin Ruowei?"

Su Chen was slightly startled. After hearing the voice transmission, he instantly recognized it. It was the eldest princess Lin Ruowei.

Why is Lin Ruowei here?

Su Chen turned around, and there appeared behind him a handsome young man with a folding fan. He was dressed in white and looked quite dashing.

However, whether it is voice, appearance or breath, they are completely different from Lin Ruowei.

"What a wonderful disguise!"

Su Chen was a little surprised.

Although the young man in white in front of him was different from Lin Ruowei, he recognized Lin Ruowei instantly.

Under his delusion-breaking eyes, all disguises are invisible.

"Su Chen, you are actually in the Imperial Capital of Lin? It's not a good place to stay for a long time. Come with me!"

Lin Ruowei looked at Su Chen with some surprise, then looked around cautiously, and pulled Su Chen toward a street in the distance.

Huibin building.

The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's restaurant and inn is located on the Central Street of the Imperial Capital, next to the heavily guarded Imperial City, which shows the wealth of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Ruowei took Su Chen into the Huibin Building.

In a separate courtyard.

"Su Chen, why are you in the Imperial Capital of Dalin? This place has been heavily guarded recently, and people from the Kingdom of Dalin are being hunted. You are extremely dangerous here!"

Lin Ruowei asked worriedly.

"I'm here to kill Emperor Lin!"

As soon as Su Chen opened his mouth, Lin Ruowei was shocked.


Lin Ruowei looked at Su Chen. If she hadn't known Su Chen very well, she would have almost thought that Su Chen had lost his mind and gone crazy.

Kill Linhuang?

Just because Su Chen is a martial arts sect...

Hey, Su Chen actually broke through to the Martial Master Realm?

"By the way, why are you here?"

Su Chen didn't seem to see Lin Ruowei's shock, but asked curiously.

The last time he saw Lin Ruowei was in the secret realm of Wolong Mountain. Lin Ruowei and Yuan Haoran blocked the three kings of Jiuyang Divine Sect for him.

"Before, in the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, Yuan Haoran and I stopped the three great Martial Kings. Just when we were about to kill those three people, something unexpected happened..."

Lin Ruowei suppressed her curiosity and explained what happened next.

The three great martial kings of Jiuyang Divine Sect are like some kind of dead warriors. They are brave and not afraid of death.

Before his death, he actually burned his physical body and soul, exuding a torrential demonic energy from his body, and burst out a secret technique that hurt the soul.

In order to save Lin Ruowei, Yuan Haoran's soul was severely damaged.

Fortunately, Fairy Luo Xuan arrived in time and took out the Tiandao Sect's healing elixir, saving Yuan Haoran's life.

However, Fairy Luo Xuan suspected that Jiuyang Divine Sect was related to foreign evil spirits, and went after Emperor Lei Dongwu. Before leaving, she told Lin Ruowei that Emperor Da Lin had the aura of foreign evil spirits, so Lin Ruowei quietly sneaked into the capital of Da Lin Emperor to investigate. Discover the secrets of Emperor Lin.

Therefore, Lin Ruowei appeared here.

"Did Master Luo Xuan also notice that something was wrong with Linhuang? It seems that it was Master Feng Wen who told her!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

"Su Chen, although I don't know what kind of fortune you have, your cultivation level has increased dramatically, and you have broken through to the martial arts realm! But Linhuang is the emperor of martial arts, and his strength is unfathomable. It is far beyond what you can deal with. You must not fudge!"

Lin Ruowei said seriously.

When she saw Su Chen again, she was quite shocked and emotional.

When I first met Su Chen in the Guyue Mountains, Su Chen was just a Dantian Qihai

A young martial artist in the physical realm who is broken and unable to practice.

But in just a few months, she discovered that Su Chen had broken through to the realm of Martial Lord.

What a shocking cultivation speed is this?

"Ruowei, are you caring about me?"

Su Chen said with a half-smile.

Lin Ruowei can be said to be the first woman in his life.

Even though there were many misunderstandings between the two of them because the Paradise Boy was causing trouble, Su Chen now regarded Lin Ruowei as his woman now that they had a physical relationship.

"What...are you talking nonsense!"

Lin Ruowei's face turned red. Facing Su Chen's burning gaze, she couldn't help but give Su Chen a fierce look.

"Don't worry. The reason why I said I came to kill Linhuang is because I have my own plan! In fact, Linhuang does have a problem. He is probably an extraterrestrial evil spirit..."

Su Chen smiled lightly, and then told what happened after he left the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, and also talked about his and Yan Zheng's plan.

Although it was only a brief account, Lin Ruowei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Destroyed Fengyu Tower?

Kill two half-step Martial Kings in a row?

Killed Zhenbei King Yang Sha?

her beautiful eyes

She looked at Su Chen deeply, as if she was getting to know Su Chen all over again. She never thought that Su Chen was more powerful and dazzling than she imagined.

Yang Sha, the king of Zhenbei, was the number one general in the Dalin Dynasty. He commanded an army of millions, and his strength was extremely terrifying. He even had the Mountain and River Ghost King Yan Zheng as his military advisor.

Even if Lin Ruowei broke through to the King of Martial Realm, she was not sure that she could defeat Yang Sha, but she didn't expect that Yang Sha would die in Su Chen's hands?

Only then did she realize that Su Chen had grown to such an extent that he could walk side by side with her.


What am I thinking?

Lin Ruowei's face turned red and she didn't dare to look directly into Su Chen's eyes.

"Su Chen, you want to kill Linhuang, maybe I can help you!"

Lin Ruowei suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart and spoke seriously to Su Chen.

Naturally, she also knew what the extraterrestrial demons represented.

If Linhuang is really an extraterrestrial evil spirit, then the entire Donglin Territory will probably turn into Shura Hell, and the Kingdom of Dali will naturally bear the brunt.

She couldn't even imagine such a miserable situation.

Linhuang must die!

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