Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 165 Lin Ruowei’s past!

The beautiful middle-aged woman's name is Yang Mei, and she is the ancestor of the Yang family in the imperial capital.

She looks like she is only in her thirties or forties, with a hot figure, charm and charm, but she is actually hundreds of years old.

Yang Mei originally thought that she would definitely die today, but she didn't expect that Su Chen would say such a sentence, which immediately surprised her.

"Of course I want to live. As long as you spare my life, I am willing to surrender to you!"

Yang Mei said quickly.

Although she has lived for hundreds of years, the longer she lives, the more afraid of death she becomes. Naturally, she is not willing to die like this.

"You are sensible! Give me a drop of your blood!"

Su Chen said calmly.

Although Yang Mei didn't know why, she still pricked her eyebrows honestly and gave a drop of blood from her eyebrows.


Su Chen pointed out in the air, and the drop of blood from his eyebrow buzzed and trembled in the void. Then Su Chen tapped his fingertips to form a simple and mysterious talisman.

Then, Su Chen patted it, and the talisman was imprinted into Yang Mei's eyebrows and integrated into her martial arts soul.

"This is a slave mark. I can control you with just one thought.

life and death! As long as you are honest and obedient, I will naturally not kill you! "

Su Chen said calmly.

The Slave God Seal is a secret method he practiced in his previous life. It can enslave and condense the martial arts soul, that is, warriors who have at least reached the Martial King realm.

Su Chen planted the Slave God Seal on Yang Mei, and naturally controlled her life and death.


There was a trace of bitterness on the corner of Yang Mei's mouth, and she nodded.

She could feel that her martial arts soul seemed to be shackled. As long as Su Chen had a thought, her martial arts soul would be completely destroyed.

"Next, there are two things you need to do!"

"First, you go collect the spirit stones from the four major families and give them all to me!"

"Second, the three of them are dead. With your cultivation, it should be no problem to integrate and suppress the power of the four major families, right? It won't be long before the news of the death of Emperor Lin and the old emperor will spread throughout the Donglin Territory , when the time comes, I need you to lead them to join the Great Li Kingdom, do you understand?"

Su Chen looked at Yang Mei and said calmly.

The reason why he spared Yang Mei's life was because he saw that Yang Mei was most afraid of death and the easiest to control.


Yangmei's cultivation at the sixth level of the Martial King Realm is enough to suppress everything. When the time comes, let her bring many powerful people from the imperial capital to the Dali Kingdom, and the Dali Kingdom will be able to annex the Dalin Dynasty as much as possible.


Yang Mei respectfully accepted the order.

She knew in her heart that the Great Lin Dynasty had really changed!

I believe that it won’t be long before the Dalin Dynasty will be annexed by the Dali Kingdom.

By then, the Dali Kingdom will probably become the Dali Dynasty!

"Go get ready!"

Su Chen waved his hand and let Yang Mei leave.

"Su Chen, thank you!"

Lin Ruowei's eyes showed a hint of gratitude and she said seriously.

She knew in her heart that Su Chen asked Yang Mei to integrate the power of the four major families, and it would be for her to join the Dali Kingdom.

Otherwise, there was no need for Su Chen to bother doing such a thing.

"Why are you being polite to me? Ruowei, if you hadn't protected me just now, I might have been killed by them! I told you, you are my woman!"

Su Chen smiled calmly, staring at Lin Ruowei with burning eyes, and his voice was very domineering.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who... who is yours?

woman! "

Lin Ruowei felt ashamed and angry, and glared at Su Chen fiercely.

But for some reason, a hint of sweetness emerged in her heart.

"Hahaha... Ruowei, if this is over, we can return to the capital of Dali! I am going to Tiandao Sect, do you want to come with me?"

Su Chen laughed, then held Lin Ruowei's little hand very dishonestly, looked at Lin Ruowei and said.

Lin Ruowei froze, her cheeks turned red, and she subconsciously wanted to break away, but she couldn't break free from Su Chen's hand.

"You are so thick-skinned!"

Lin Ruowei said helplessly.

However, she was not angry, but said to Su Chen: "When the matter in the Dali Kingdom is settled, I'm afraid I will return to Zhongzhou! I am not from Donghuang, but from Zhongzhou, so I can't I’m going to Tiandao Sect with you!”

Lin Ruowei glanced at Su Chen apologetically.

"Zhongzhou? Then why are you in this small Donglin territory?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

He knew in his heart that Lin Ruowei was from Zhongzhou just as he had guessed.

"It's a long story!"


Ruowei and Su Chen sat down on the top of the mountain, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in front of them and the sunset in the distance. The refreshing wind blowing in the mountains made people feel very comfortable and natural.

"I come from the Lin family in Zhongzhou. When I was very young, something happened to my family and I was sent here to take refuge. The royal family of the Dali Kingdom is a branch of my Lin family!

The old king, who is also my adoptive father, treats me as his own. He not only loves and protects me, but also teaches me how to practice so that I can have a very high status in Dali. His lifelong wish is to hope that Dali Can become more and more powerful, can be promoted to a dynasty..."

Lin Ruowei spoke slowly, and Su Chen listened quietly.

The reason why Lin Ruowei values ​​​​the Dali Kingdom so much is to repay the kindness of her adoptive father, so she stays in the Dali Kingdom and becomes the eldest princess of the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Dali Kingdom.

However, after Lin Ruowei broke through to the Martial King Realm, her Xuanyin Holy Body revived and faintly sensed her, and the Lin family in Zhongzhou might have discovered her aura.

She can no longer stay here.

Moreover, it’s time to go back and settle the grievances from back then!

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